a friend and I was talking about ... Hitler...and what an evil man he was..
but came up with a question..
Edit.. I know this is impossible.. But it is my "what if".. Please use imagination... Just my parameters
If I was able to take over the USA.. by some dumb luck..
and used the military power of the USA to take over the world..
Hitler style...kill any one that stood up to me... NO mercy!!
during this time.. i used fear and force and power to get my way..
same as the Nazi... but not racist .. against everyone!
10 yrs of World War.. I won... and own every damn thing!
Now that I am the KING of all..
NO borders...
NO over spending on spies and military and border disputes.
NO more mobs and gangs and organized crime
NO more hunger
everyone has a home .. cars... job... health... travel... safe
Higher education for all...
Peace on earth..
saved the planet from Pollution.
I have too much money .. so i direct major $$ to major research to cure ... to create new tech... explore the universe...
10 yrs...of really bad war.. killings... ruthless..
then UTOPIA... everyone is happy...
still had private enterprise... and people still owned their own stuff.. land, business...wealth if they choose to work for it.
does the ends.. justify the means???
will history show me as a monster (Hitler) or a Savior?
but came up with a question..
Edit.. I know this is impossible.. But it is my "what if".. Please use imagination... Just my parameters
If I was able to take over the USA.. by some dumb luck..
and used the military power of the USA to take over the world..
Hitler style...kill any one that stood up to me... NO mercy!!
during this time.. i used fear and force and power to get my way..
same as the Nazi... but not racist .. against everyone!
10 yrs of World War.. I won... and own every damn thing!
Now that I am the KING of all..
NO borders...
NO over spending on spies and military and border disputes.
NO more mobs and gangs and organized crime
NO more hunger
everyone has a home .. cars... job... health... travel... safe
Higher education for all...
Peace on earth..
saved the planet from Pollution.
I have too much money .. so i direct major $$ to major research to cure ... to create new tech... explore the universe...
10 yrs...of really bad war.. killings... ruthless..
then UTOPIA... everyone is happy...
still had private enterprise... and people still owned their own stuff.. land, business...wealth if they choose to work for it.
does the ends.. justify the means???
will history show me as a monster (Hitler) or a Savior?