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would you hate or respect me .. if I became the KING of the world?

how will you see me?

  • Monster? a Hitler.. must be killed!

    Votes: 5 83.3%
  • Savior? hero to mankind... saved the planet

    Votes: 1 16.7%

  • Total voters


Extreme Android User
a friend and I was talking about ... Hitler...and what an evil man he was..
but came up with a question..

Edit.. I know this is impossible.. But it is my "what if".. Please use imagination... Just my parameters

If I was able to take over the USA.. by some dumb luck..
and used the military power of the USA to take over the world..
Hitler style...kill any one that stood up to me... NO mercy!!
during this time.. i used fear and force and power to get my way..
same as the Nazi... but not racist .. against everyone!
10 yrs of World War.. I won... and own every damn thing!

Now that I am the KING of all..
NO borders...
NO over spending on spies and military and border disputes.
NO more mobs and gangs and organized crime
NO more hunger
everyone has a home .. cars... job... health... travel... safe
Higher education for all...
Peace on earth..
saved the planet from Pollution.
I have too much money .. so i direct major $$ to major research to cure ... to create new tech... explore the universe...

10 yrs...of really bad war.. killings... ruthless..
then UTOPIA... everyone is happy...
still had private enterprise... and people still owned their own stuff.. land, business...wealth if they choose to work for it.

does the ends.. justify the means???
will history show me as a monster (Hitler) or a Savior?
a friend and I was talking about ... Hitler...and what an evil man he was..
but came up with a question..

If I was able to take over the USA.. by some dumb luck..
and used the military power of the USA to take over the world..
Hitler style...kill any one that stood up to me... NO mercy!!
during this time.. i used fear and force and power to get my way..
same as the Nazi... but not racist .. against everyone!
10 yrs of World War.. I won... and own every damn thing!

Now that I am the KING of all..
NO borders...
NO over spending on spies and military and border disputes.
NO more mobs and gangs and organized crime
NO more hunger
everyone has a home .. cars... job... health... travel... safe
Higher education for all...
Peace on earth..
I have too much money .. so i direct major $$ to major research to cure ... to create new tech... explore the universe...

10 yrs...of really bad war.. killings... ruthless..
then UTOPIA... everyone is happy...

does the ends.. justify the means???
will history show me as a monster (Hitler) or a Savior?

You would make a piss poor ruler of the earth. Rest assured an assassination would be in your future. I would rethink your career path because your plans would never work, sorry. Not a chance you will lead us, so I am not worried.
You would make a piss poor ruler of the earth. Rest assured and assassination would be in your future. I would rethink your career path because your plans would never work, sorry. Not a chance you will lead us, so I am not worried.

so i guess... i would have to behead you first! :p
That sounds like madara uchiha,Light Yagami or tobi (anime reference) .
You are enforcing your version of justice .which may not be universal.

If you live long enough to write your own history,you will be an advocate of peace.if you die before that,you will be a crazy fanatic.

Either way I can't respect you neither I can hate you.
I wouldn't care till I live .
One thing is when your a tyrant like hitler and so on. Last thing you would worry about is doing anything good for your people. You are only concerned about power and what you can get for your self.

Another its one thing to have the US military and another to have them do your bidding. Many people conquered by aother dictator, government or whatever you call it. Will have a hard time believing you did it for their better good. So I doubt you would have the full military might. Then how would you control the country and the other lands you conquered and keep the logistics going of food, textiles, and so on.

You can't use a tyrants tactics and expect the people of the world to embrace you as Jesus Christ.
No worship as you put your pants on the same way I do. Unless you are totally uncivilized, you need to use the john, eat and sleep as we all do.

As for respect, you would have to earn it, and from the first part of your statement, it doesn't look that way.
I would gladly join up, become second in command, act like I worship you, and then eventually behead you.

I'll distract him so you can sneak up on him. Shhhhhhh, do not tell King OP or he will hide in the bathroom.
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You can't please everyone. The only way to achieve the kind of Utopia you discuss is if all life has become extinct. And as Mr Bob has pointed out someone would eventually assassinate you. Kill your children and leave your family's rotting corpse on display only to be replaced by the person who eventually kills the person and their family that killed you. So no you wouldn't get respect. It has to be earned not feared into. But be comforted in knowing that you will not need to anticipate death for long as it will always be around the corner
I'll distract him so you can sneak up on him. Shhhhhhh, do not tell King OP or he will hide in the bathroom.

I understand it could never happen.

But taking my post at face value.. In an alternative universe.....

Would the ends.. Justify the means??
No as mankind isn't one to willingly live under oppression. No matter how you sugarcoat it. You will never keep control. Plus people would want your power so who do you trust?
Given your situation States that everyone is happy in the utopia I suppose I would have to respect you since I'm part of everyone. Now would I be part of the resistant prior to your rise more than likely but I'm guessing you've either squashed all opposition or are pumping drugs in the air to keep everyone subdued
I understand it could never happen.

But taking my post at face value.. In an alternative universe.....

Would the ends.. Justify the means??

No. Americans will never go for it. We would need to elect you and we would not do that. We cannot do that because the world would also need to fall in line. Tyrants are often defeated.

There would be crime, do not kid yourself. And chances are, you would side with one mob or another. Not to do so means your death. No borders means your defeat because no country would support their elimination.

So no, you would fail.
The ends wouldn't justify the means because the ends are not achievable - absolute power corrupts absolutely. You wouldn't finish once hitting your goal. Once drunk on power, you'd continue until usurped.

And imagining the alternate universe rebuttal to that, the premise contains its own fatal flaw leading to the inescapable corruption: the utopia you describe is a material paradise, and all paradise is predicated on happiness.

The surviving relatives of your victims would not be happy, they would be malcontent and rebellious. They would need eradication. The only survivors accepting your utopia would be dead inside, showing no negative emotions for fear of your sword, and no positive emotions because their humanity would be dead.

There would be no happiness and therefore no paradise, only material, mechanical perfection for a numb herd.

Is that utopia?
Dan I think you need to rethink the proposal of how you get to power. Generally anytime you compare yourself to Hitler the result isn't going to be good ;)
even if you say you are the good Hitler or space Hitler...
Say if you had rose to power in a peaceful way then decided to rule the world in a psudo-communist fashon as you have described keeping everyone happy would there be rebellion? Also would we (your subjects) hate/fear/respect you then?

Also the part that we must follow within the parameters set by you we would have no choice but to abide and be happy. You are taking individual free will out of the subject by defining we are happy in an utopia and not giving us the ability to choose dissent.

As current like Early said the outcome isn't possible with the scenario set up by you. Chaos does not breed order :D
The problem with all utopian plans is that they all seem to come down to giving the masses bread and circuses.

If you want to know what happens to a mass populace with full bellies from free bread and a daily circus, look at ancient Rome.

How you get to the point of free bread and circuses isn't going to matter because regardless of how you got there, you are validating the entitlement for free bread and circuses - simplifying, utopia validates entitlement.

Utopia always assumes that people will respond well to entitlement - when in our history, entitlement has only led to stupidity, cruelty and violent conflict, so far as I know.
Your biggest worry would be that you'd be perceived as an infidel by various extremist factions of some religions. They'd likely feel bound to destroying you along with your regime.

But if you gain power by wiping all religions on Earth completely out, I'm with you.

To have you Utopia the masses would need to be mindless thrones with no wants or desire. As long as people has free will. They will always want more than what they have.

If all of man could get along then we would have one nation and no war.
Well said Frisco. I don't have much to add, other than look at any moment in recorded history. There was/is always a war going on in the name of faith.
All I want is my bills paid, a clean house, a lovely woman I can train, a happy dog, a phone that works, one new client per month, good teeth, all of my hair, average health for my age and a few bottles of a rather nice single malt in the pantry.

When my needs are addressed, and the excess is saved, Bob is happy.

Today, my world almost ended. I was fixing to perform a complete backup and my laptop would not turn on. I discovered it was not plugged in, Whew!
Mass Utopia will only be accessed through the free distrobution of Opium. Keeping everyone so stoned they would't care if you set them on fire.

While I am a devout Christian who has a relationship with my Lord and Savior I do have to agree with the banning of all religions. When ever you have a desire to fight someone to the death over a set of "rituals and rules" then there are circuits in your brain that are not functioning properly. I believe in God and will be more than happy to talk to one about God, however it is not my place to kill you because you choose to believe in something else.

Dan people will only respect you when you do good for them and even then its iffy. People are finiky and what please us today has no affect on us tomorrow. We change faster than the wind direction.
Ahhh, the Man Who Would Be King...


Once we see you killed your way to the top, we would be more skeptical of you from then on!
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