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Help XOOM announced: 4g "upgradable". How?

Don S

Android Enthusiast
Oct 30, 2009
Bayville, NJ USA
I posted this in the other section (Moto tablets), but this seems more specific to this device, so this is a repost:

So Motorola announced this awesome looking tablet at CES just a bit ago it seems. From the press release:

"Motorola XOOM gives Verizon Wireless customers a new type of mobile computing experience on a stylishly thin device that is 4G LTE upgradeable... The Motorola XOOM device will launch as a 3G/Wi-Fi-enabled device in Q1 2011 with an upgrade to 4G LTE in Q2. Starting in Q2 2011 the Motorola XOOM will be a 4G LTE/Wi-Fi- enabled device."

Is the 4G radio already built in, and a SOFTWARE upgrade will be forthcoming to allow the unit to function properly on LTE? If so, great. They can't mean an actual hardware radio upgrade would come I assume, correct?
I read that 4g would initially be via an external modem, probably like a USB dongle. Then in Q2 2011 the device will start shipping with a 4G chipset.

I doubt this is what they mean though. USB 4G dongles are available now, and that would not really line up with their quote that the XOOM would be 3g first "with an upgrade to 4G LTE in Q2". I would think either some H/W install of a 4G radio or SIM card, or some software upgrade (hoping for the latter) ..
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That sounds like a misinterpretation to me.

It'll be fitting the LTE sim and possibly a firmware flash. They won't be 'swapping out' any actual hardware.

Interesting. If this is the case though, it would seem that they could include the SIM with the original shipment if that's all it is. I guess everything is just not quite ready yet. Oh well, not too big a deal I suppose overall. The tablet looks like it will be sweet still.
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Sounds like a VZW store wont be able to do it. This quote is from droid-life who is AT ces

droid-life said:
I also received additional details on the 3G/4G XOOM situation. We know that the Q1 version of the XOOM will launch as a 3G device and can be upgraded to 4G. In order to upgrade though, users will have to send in their device to Moto and they will install new hardware to bring it up to speed. Seems like a huge task, but he assured me that they
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Sounds like a VZW store wont be able to do it. This quote is from droid-life who is AT ces
Several sites are reporting that they were told a VZW store (w/ service center) will be able to do it. It would make no sense for people to send these to Moto, and I'm certain Moto doesn't want to deal with that either.

Guess we'll see. I'm just happy it's not some stupid dongle, modem, or anything external.
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Several sites are reporting that they were told a VZW store (w/ service center) will be able to do it. It would make no sense for people to send these to Moto, and I'm certain Moto doesn't want to deal with that either.

Guess we'll see. I'm just happy it's not some stupid dongle, modem, or anything external.

yeah i'm really hoping it wont have to go to moto cause that would be a huge pain. and Im REALLY glad to hear it wont have to be anything external!
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I can confirm that the update will be handled "in store". I spoke directly with the product manager for the Xoom (incidently, he was also PM for the Droid (1).) He did mention that while details on the swap are still being ironed out, you may be without your tablet for a day or 2 (while VZW does the swap). I may have all of this on video (but I'm not sure and it is 3:21 in the morning in Vegas ATM). I'll update with a link if I do have him talking about the upgrade.
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Meh. I hope it is a sim thing. I'd really hate to have some Verizon employee tearing down my tablet to swap something out. I don't really like anyone taking apart my electronics except for me.

i would rather wait than have it torn apart i think also.
Personally, I don't think it makes a difference. If Verizon screws up your Xoom, it's on them to replace it for no charge.

It also sounds like the hardware is specifically being designed to be upgraded, so the process shouldn't be terribly difficult for an in-store tech. They have also made it sound like the upgraded 3G version will not differ from the one with LTE pre-installed.
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