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Root xtrROM 5.0 beta available now!

I just had the same problem. I was using FroShedYo and just flashed xtrRom. I was able to connect to the internet via WiFi, but 3G and phone service were not connected somehow. It was almost like my phone lost the ability to make "calls."

I freaked out and used back up to flash back the FroShedYo... But I really liked how fast xtrRom was. Any thoughts on how to fix this??
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I just had the same problem. I was using FroShedYo and just flashed xtrRom. I was able to connect to the internet via WiFi, but 3G and phone service were not connected somehow. It was almost like my phone lost the ability to make "calls."

I freaked out and used back up to flash back the FroShedYo... But I really liked how fast xtrRom was. Any thoughts on how to fix this??

When I put this rom on my wifes phone the same thing happened. After you log in to your pone and do the setup, power the phone off and back on. It worked on her phone, it may work on yours.
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So taking on the suggestions of restarting the phone, I've installed xtrRom again and restarted the phone. It worked!

However, Now I'm facing numerous Froyo to Eclair problems.
I used Titanium backup to back everything up from FroShedYo, including the settings, phone history record, SMS, contact info and etc. Once xtrRom was loaded, I performed the restore without all the 2.2 system files.

Strangely, all of my contacts lost their profile pictures. When I tried to manually add the pictures, the Photo application installed on xtr didn't work.

Also, when I press Send button to show the dial pad, the history won't load and the phone freezes. Seconds later, it restarts itself.

I loved the speed that xtrRom had, but it has problems as far as it goes. I just used the nand restore to come back to FroShedYo. Perhaps going back from Froyo to Eclair has compatibility problems?
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Generally, you should not use Titanium to restore any system files between Froyo and Eclair, and probably between vanilla android frameworks and proprietary HTC frameworks in xtrROM.

If you want call history and SMS messages brought over, use Call Log Backup & Restore and SMS Backup & Restore. Google will sync contacts just fine without having to restore them from Titanium, as well as Calendar items.
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Same thing has happened to me, not sure if it was this ROM or not, but yeah I didn't have any cell service, restarted the phone and all was good. Definitely give that a shot.

I tried to reload the rom twice, and rebook the phone several times. I couldn't get any connection to even have the phone log me into Google to set the phone up. I've only used one rom before trying this one- and it is from developer, xtrROM 4.6 I believe...so I don't know what the deal is.
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Generally, you should not use Titanium to restore any system files between Froyo and Eclair, and probably between vanilla android frameworks and proprietary HTC frameworks in xtrROM.

If you want call history and SMS messages brought over, use Call Log Backup & Restore and SMS Backup & Restore. Google will sync contacts just fine without having to restore them from Titanium, as well as Calendar items.

So I dedicated a few hours to get xtrRom working. (Froyo -> Eclair) And it was an epic FAILURE!!!! Arggg I got so angry by the end of the night.

First, I backed up in two ways. Titanium backup to make sure everything is securely backed. Second used SMS Backup and Restore and Call Logs backup and restore to save my messages and call history. I also cleared out my Gmail account to only include the numbers that mattered in System Contacts so Gmail syncs them first.

Second, before I wiped, I made a nand backup so I can revert back to FroShedYo in case things go wrong.

Third, epic wipe. Flashed xtrRom 5.0, and reboot. Voila, it worked. The phone signal came back on, 3G signal worked, Wifi worked. Perfect.

Fourth, I used Titanium backup Pro to restore my applications. I specifically went through the batch list to make sure none of the Cyanogenmod settings were being copied, neither the contacts nor the any sorts of history records that the phone previously had. I only restored the ones I've downloaded through the market.

Fifth, I tried to send texts and check emails. Everything worked. UNTIL THIS TIME.

The problem came along when I started to work on the key elements of restoration: SMS and Call Logs. I used SMS Backup and Restore and Call Logs Backup and Restore to restore the history back again. (This was tricky. First, it wouldn't recognize any of the backup files I've created. I eventually found out that the directory the program was reading is different from how Eclair reads. The correct pathway is sdcard/SMSsomethignsomething, not sdcard/sd/SMSsomethingsomething)

I restored everything back and was partially satisfied with what I've had. First, SMS Backup and Restore does not restore MMS (picture, video). Second, all the call logs that are restored are just displayed as phone numbers, not the actual contact pages! Also, it took a while for my Photo browser to display the files in SD card correctly. At first, it would just say no pictures or videos found. But eventually it somehow worked and I was happy with the speed of pictures loading. It was so much better than the stock 2.2 3D gallery. The biggest problem was this. WHENEVER THERE IS A NOTIFICATION, IT FROZE MY PHONE. Whenever I get a text and notification pops out, the phone freezes. Whenever I get an email, the phone freezes.

There was absolutely no way I was going back to xtrRom with this type of problems. It's just too much of hassle. Only thing I really like about xtrRom is speed and smoothness. Otherwise everything else is just a lackluster.
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Just loaded xtrROM 5.0 on my decommissioned Eris.

Love this ROM!!! Fast, smooth, stable... it has all the best of HTC's stuff, without the garbage! It's turned my old, clunky, lagged out Eris into a Pocket Rocket!! :)

xtrROM 5.0 + LP = a little bit of heaven. If I had this combo before I upgraded to the Fascinate, I could have held off just a bit. SENSEable was the best ROM around when I was rockin' the lil ole Eris. Many strides since then!!!

It's so smooth, I'm thinking about getting a larger SD card and using my Eris as an MP3/Video/Pandora accessory. Basically an Android iPod Touch.

It's also my primary backup in case I temporarily need to brick or mod the snot out of my SF.

Kudos to the devs for keeping the Eris viable long after it has been EOL'd!!
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I want to go from this to CyanogenMOD 7.0.0 RC0 Gingerbread NIGHTLY for the Droid Eris. My question is: will this mean I have to wipe everything off of my phone? If so is there a way to maintain my contacts and misc other things after the memory and dalvik wipe?

Yes, you do have to wipe data and Dalvik.

Google contacts, calendar items and gmail are synced to Google, and will re-populate when you log in for the first time with the new ROM. If any of your contacts are phone contacts rather than Google contacts, you would need to manually backup and restore these with the new ROM (though I would recommend restoring them as Google contacts, for what should be obvious reasons.) There is an app called UiA Backup Contacts which can do this for you. https://market.android.com/details?id=no.uia.android.backupcontacts

SMS messages and call logs - my favorite method is to use an app called SMS Backup+, if you have a gmail account. This app will back up your SMS and MMS messages to a label in your gmail account, and call logs (you have to enable this) to a different label in gmail. You can then restore these in separate operations when you install it in the new ROM (though it won't restore MMS messages, they will remain in your gmail account for review if you need them.) https://market.android.com/details?id=com.zegoggles.smssync

If this is too much trouble, there are two apps in the market called SMS Backup & Restore and Call Logs Backup & Restore (from the same developer) which will backup to your SD card and restore from there as well. This one is good, but I find that SMS Backup+ is better at detecting duplicates if you switch between ROMs often. https://market.android.com/details?id=com.riteshsahu.SMSBackupRestore https://market.android.com/details?id=com.riteshsahu.CallLogBackupRestore

For regular apps, there are two solutions for root users, and I recommend that you buy one of the pro versions if you are going to use them - MyBackup Pro (which actually says that it does SMS messages and call logs, too, though I've never actually tried that with this app) and Titanium Backup Pro. MyBackup Pro is probably easier to use. https://market.android.com/details?id=com.rerware.android.MyBackupPro https://market.android.com/details?id=com.keramidas.TitaniumBackupPro

However, that said, when you first log in with one of the Gingerbread ROMs (GSB or Tazz) it should reinstall all of your apps from the market, though without your data. So you'd use Titanium or MyBackup Pro to restore your data for those apps for which you need to restore data.

I hope this helps.
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Were you able to resolve this one issues by copying the folder? This was the main reason I reverted back to my previous ROM.

"The problem came along when I started to work on the key elements of restoration: SMS and Call Logs. I used SMS Backup and Restore and Call Logs Backup and Restore to restore the history back again. (This was tricky. First, it wouldn't recognize any of the backup files I've created. I eventually found out that the directory the program was reading is different from how Eclair reads. The correct pathway is sdcard/SMSsomethignsomething, not sdcard/sd/SMSsomethingsomething) "
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Yep I did that. Must be the problem. Well this will be a fun fix for sure... Thanks for the help

It's not terribly hard.

First, copy all of your files from your SD card back to your computer, since the next step will wipe the data.

Then, use similar steps that you did before. Go into Recovery, go to the (I think) partition menu, then choose partition SD card, then set the size of both the ext2 partition and the swap partition to 0 bytes. This will wipe and format the card. You can then either restart the phone and copy your SD card files back, or, from the main menu of recovery, choose the USB-MS option to mount the SD card to your computer. When you are done copying, you can unmount the card from the computer, press the trackball, and then you should be all set to restart the phone.
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It's not terribly hard.

First, copy all of your files from your SD card back to your computer, since the next step will wipe the data.

Then, use similar steps that you did before. Go into Recovery, go to the (I think) partition menu, then choose partition SD card, then set the size of both the ext2 partition and the swap partition to 0 bytes. This will wipe and format the card. You can then either restart the phone and copy your SD card files back, or, from the main menu of recovery, choose the USB-MS option to mount the SD card to your computer. When you are done copying, you can unmount the card from the computer, press the trackball, and then you should be all set to restart the phone.

I got it all set now. Thanks. Another question... I can't use the internet at all. I get a network error. Do I need to flash something else or what would be a good solution to this?

Nevermind it started working randomly
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I had to use MyBackupPro because I installed leak 1 two days before root was achieved. I don't recommend it.

FWIW, MyBackup Pro is far more capable when you are rooted. Like Titanium Backup, it can backup and restore the apk+data, and restore market links, etc. When you are not rooted it's not quite so capable - but, of course, Titanium is root-only.
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How does GSB 1.5 perform compared to xtrRom? I've tried GSB 1.3, and when I copied over all the previous cyanogen mod settings, it was pretty slow.

I moved from xtrROM 5 back to GSB 1.4 (now at 1.5). It feels just as fast to me. 1.2 had some things that felt slow - pop-up dialogs/menus seemed to draw slowly - but that no longer seems the case.

I'd enable JIT in the CyanogenMOd ROM settings, though.
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I moved from xtrROM 5 back to GSB 1.4 (now at 1.5). It feels just as fast to me. 1.2 had some things that felt slow - pop-up dialogs/menus seemed to draw slowly - but that no longer seems the case.

I'd enable JIT in the CyanogenMOd ROM settings, though.

I remember when all the Froyo ROMs came out there was the debate on whether or not turning on JIT did anything other than make certain things unstable, or at most create a placebo effect. I thought I'd read somewhere about our Eris' hardware not being able to benefit from the JIT compiler or something along those lines. Was that not the case or has it changed in Gingerbread?
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