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Root xtrSENSE

on the wakeup blink,i have just discovered that if you wake the phone up on a screen that DOESNT have the weather widget, no blinky. :) for whatever thats worth ;)

Cool I'll make a mental note of that.:) Also I see fancy widgets refrenced many times in many different threads and forums so I guess it's time to check it out.:)
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is there a setting to automatically refresh? i dont use fancy widgets with sense roms(i kinda feel like whats the point of using a sense rom if im not gonna use the sense launcher and widget :p )

on the wakeup blink,i have just discovered that if you wake the phone up on a screen that DOESNT have the weather widget, no blinky. :) for whatever thats worth ;)

Like I said before, if you add the Sense clock widget back and turn off the animations the screen will not flash.
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My old calendar notification bug came back last night. I may go back to CELB or GSB if this keeps up. It was that, and the constant browser force close whenever I opened a link from another app (say, gmail or twitter), that pushed me to root my phone in the first place last year.


Last night I get a notification at midnight for something that should have fired at 9 pm - and, because this is Sense, the stupid thing goes off every 5 minutes until you dismiss it, so that means I get up after sleeping for an hour - and tonight there is no notification of an appointment that should have gone off at 6:15.

I so much want to like Sense, but apparently it just doesn't like me.

I've decided to go back to CELB. I just have to flash EU1's undead call patch and that, I believe, is where I will stay.
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I so much want to like Sense, but apparently it just doesn't like me..

i feel you there. i try sense roms on my eris and on my dinc,and i like them for a day or so,but the only thing i really like about the sense UI is the weather widget :eek: and the icons are kinda neat lookin. but i hate the keyboard,and the interface takes getting used to... i always end up back on something else.
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just curious... why celb over GSB? i thot it was working well for you.

I'm sort of at a point where I just want to settle and use my phone as a phone rather than as a ROM flashing device. Also, I really do prefer the look of stock Android on Froyo and Eclair rather than the dark status bar of GB. And the icons and text in the GB status bar seem fuzzy to me. GSB is great so far, but it doesn't seem any better than CELB - it's basically the same.

CELB does absolutely everything that I need my phone to do, with the minor exception of programming the phone (to set the slot cycle, etc.)
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thats understandable. i just flash things on my eris,its hard to say what id settle on if i still used it daily as a phone. ;) prolly GSB or tasty bread. i prefer the dark backgrounds and love the cm option to set the message background to black(got used to black background on an old lg voyager).
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i have tried it both ways after reading some claims that it slows their phone down,and some claims that it makes heir phone snappier. i personally dont notice a difference either way. it doesnt seem to do anything for me that i can percieve... so in the thots that its better i usually leave it checked,unless the rom developer has made it the default for it to not be.

try enabling it and run it for a day and see if you notice any difference one way or the other. i think if anything we have learned that some phones may like it better than others ;)
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i have tried it both ways after reading some claims that it slows their phone down,and some claims that it makes heir phone snappier. i personally dont notice a difference either way. it doesnt seem to do anything for me that i can percieve... so in the thots that its better i usually leave it checked,unless the rom developer has made it the default for it to not be.

try enabling it and run it for a day and see if you notice any difference one way or the other. i think if anything we have learned that some phones may like it better than others ;)

Understood. The xtr Roms have it available but disabled. From what I hav read it has the chancE to make some apps unstable. And like you said, some people claim it speeds their phone up. Others the opposite.

I enabled it last night and honestly my phone feels a good bit faster. Mainly in openIng apps. That is much quicker.
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I've just flashed my Droid Eris with xtrSense 5.0.1 and have noticed that the charging light never goes to green. The charging indicator will show 100% and even an hour later, it won't switch to green. This is a new to me (used) phone and didn't verify it as working before the root so I'm not certain the issue. Any suggestions? It is an aftermarket charger so that is very possibly the issue but I wanted to see if anyone else had or has heard of this issue.

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I've just flashed my Droid Eris with xtrSense 5.0.1 and have noticed that the charging light never goes to green. The charging indicator will show 100% and even an hour later, it won't switch to green. This is a new to me (used) phone and didn't verify it as working before the root so I'm not certain the issue. Any suggestions? It is an aftermarket charger so that is very possibly the issue but I wanted to see if anyone else had or has heard of this issue.

It could be that the battery stats are invalid. Here is what I would do:

Restart in Recovery.
Go to the "wipe" menu
Wipe battery stats
Restart the phone.

See if that makes things better.
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HELP!? Haha, wow am I stuck. I flashed XTR5.1 out of GSB 2.1. I also flashed a Gapps package. However, I can not get into Market. I have the market icon, but it force closes. Won't let me in. Won't let me set up my email either. I have no file manager, no Rom Manager, can't get to my back-ups that were on Rom manager, and there is no Nandroid back-up for me to fall back on. When I do get my trackball to work in RA, again, nothing in there anymore although I had left my old Nonsensikal in there as a Nan back-up. Any suggestions how to work my way out of this? LOL, the good news is I can at least make and receive calls, but that's pretty much it right now. It almost looks like I lost my root, but SU is still there so.....
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well,you prolly goofed it up by flashing a gapps package. xtrsense has all that built in,no need to flash it seperately. the best thing for you to do at this point is to attempt to get scary aliens tracball optional recovery working so you can boot into Amon_RA and and either reflash xtrsense without the gapps,or restore your backup.

and you get it working,i once again strongly recomend that you dont use rom manager(eek:) or clockwork:)eek::eek:) to make backups and flash roms.

if there are other options to get out of your predicament,im not sure what they are... maybe doogald,eu1,or scary have some other ideas :thinking:
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