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Help you know that tab in the battery compartment that says "PULL"?


Well I pulled that and the whole plastic sheet off when I got my phone because... that's what I thought I was supposed to do. Now that my phone is unable to turn off for some reason and freezing up, I tried to remove the battery, only to realize that I was not supposed to pull that thing off, it was there to remove the battery. Now I guess I can never remove the battery? Or am I wrong?
this sucks.
Ok, yea the space is very small, this is gonna be tough. I hope I don't break something.

Am I an idiot for pulling something that says PULL? haha. To me it just didn't look like that sheet was supposed to be on there.
I thought the same thing when I first took off the back cover...but I looked at it closely first and then saw what it was really for :p
I probably would have thought the same thing, but I watched a video review on YouTube which told explicitly what it did.

I guess I lucked out, lol :D
I luckily watched an unboxing or two so I know what to expect when my X comes. Just use a thin nail file or something to pop it out maybe?
lol when I first saw that and started pulling... I was afraid to pull too hard. It took me a while but I eventually understood what it was for, hehe.
I almost did the same exact thing. I tugged for a second and it seemed difficult so, thankfully, I stopped :)
I almost did the exact same thing - I thought they wanted me to pull that off and then insert the battery. I wasn't coming off easy so I got curious and ended up getting lucky.
Well, I suppose after all these years, there is a truism to this: RTFM!

Don't worry, you can still get it out with a butter knife :)
Well, I suppose after all these years, there is a truism to this: RTFM!

Don't worry, you can still get it out with a butter knife :)

Hah! I was actually reading the little "getting started" guide or whatever came with the phone but just assumed they left that part out, so i yanked it... i yanked the uh, the thang (sorry, couldn't resist the quote). I was able to pry the battery out with a staple remover on the end of a mini stapler. That tape idea sounds good, thanks.
alright!!!! i'm not the only idiot around... god i felt so stupid.... i only went a quarter of the way down though, then i decided to hit youtube
I almost did the same thing, the do not cut was the only thing that stopped me. I figured if I wasn't supposed to cut it, then maybe it was there for a reason. Then I thought, lets see if It works with the battery in it first. LOL OH that is what that is for, thank goodness I didnt hank...LOL

and who ever reads a M, WTF are they good for these days :)
Hah! I was actually reading the little "getting started" guide or whatever came with the phone but just assumed they left that part out, so i yanked it... i yanked the uh, the thang (sorry, couldn't resist the quote). I was able to pry the battery out with a staple remover on the end of a mini stapler. That tape idea sounds good, thanks.

I was worried that I'd break the tab also, so I did a very basic "droid x remove battery" search and found this, which helped significantly: DROID X - Can't remove battery
I did the same thing...luckily I hadn't thrown anything away so I put them both back in (mine and my husband's X) after reading on here a response from one of my previous posts! Thank you for your help by the way! Felt like an idiot but the whole "pull do not cut" warning did not help my idiotic brain!:p

Oh, and my husband calls his Droid- slabadroid (because of the size obviously)...which is being replaced. His is doing all kinds of goofy things and I REALLY wanted him to have a good experience as it is his first smart phone...he's a little technically challenged...knows everything inside out about sound systems, cars and medical stuff but the phone? Nada...a big zero.
I thought I was supposed to pull it out as well. I ended up pulling a little out and then stopped, went on google and typed in "tab on Droid X battery" and came to a thread(I think on this forum) of people saying that you're supposed to keep it in and that it's used to pull the battery out, hah!

Bad labeling on behalf of Motorola.
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