@hroark - STILL having trouble with CWM unless using the .bat file via Win7. Was able to "push" CWM to my VS920 via ADB but recovery area is different in the Radiant. Would the same commands work if the differences were adjusted for the ZTE? If so, can you confirm the recovery address? My info says it's mmcblk0p16.
What I used (successfully) for the VS920 (LG Spectrum 4G) was:
adb push cwm_touch.img /sdcard/cwm_touch.img
adb shell
mount -orw,remount /dev/block/system /system
rm /system/etc/install-recovery.sh
dd if=/sdcard/cwm_touch.img of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p13
adb reboot recovery
Thanks in advance.
change the dd line to this
dd if=/sdcard/cwm_touch.img of=/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/recovery