• After 15+ years, we've made a big change: Android Forums is now Early Bird Club. Learn more here.

The Galaxy S25 Pre-Release Thread

Okay, I'll start one...

With roughly three months to go before release of Samsung's Next Big Thing, many of us are looking for information about the upcoming S25 series.

Here's some information to get started:

From the leaks and rumors I've seen, this seems to be an incremental upgrade over the S24: slightly better cameras, slightly better processor, and slightly slimmer bezels for a slightly bigger screen in a slightly smaller frame.

If that's the case, I'm not interested in paying significant money for slightly better.

At this point, there's only ONE feature I want badly enough to part with my cash: satellite messaging. If we can use satellite connectivity to get emergency help whenever we are, I'll buy two for the Darling Bride and me. Never again do I want her to be in a collision, in a place with no cell coverage.

What about you? Are you excited for the S25 series?

EBC Homepage Progress (Slowly But Surely)

I've been spending a lot of time revamping the EBC homepage/website, trying to make adjustments and improvements that can jive with a new path forward.

The main header navigation items are now:
  • Products
  • Launches
  • Forum
And on the homepage you'll see two important widgets:
  • Just Launched (most recent Products)
  • Coming Soon (upcoming Launches)
AF was built on the excitement of new technologies and the communities and friendships that were built exploring them. This new format attempts to organize content by that driving factor of curiosity in up and coming technology.

In the perfect world, the "Launches" page will act as a Tech Release Date Calendar of sorts, allowing people to follow along to the biggest up and coming releases. Each of the products on this list will have a button for a dedicated forum/link front and center, hopefully fueling people to participate and grow communities around specific products. We'll also have a "Get Early Access" or "Get Notified" button that I hope to connect with a semi-automated email newsletter so that we can keep people up to date with new product developments, bringing them back into the community.

As products launch and become available for sale, they'll "graduate" to the Products list, giving people a place to quickly find newly released tech products. Again, we'll have buttons to join the discussion and check the price or buy the product for new releases.

There is a TON of work to still be done. It's going to take a lot of ongoing updates and maintenance. And to be successful, I think it'll take a lot of new, unique, original, and compelling content to attract people back to the site and into the community.

The most basic starting point is to craft and maintain our list of upcoming products and I'd love to have some help for anyone that wants to participate! I'm also happy to hear any feedback, both positive and negative. There will likely be differences of opinion and that's fine- if I don't respond or make changes directly addressing criticism, it doesn't mean I'm not taking your feedback to heart. I am.

It's been a long time!

Hi there, AF buddies. (Give me time...I'll get used to its new name eventually.) I've been thinking about AF a lot lately, and how much I loved it because of its members, so I thought I'd pop in and say hi. I hope you're all doing well and life's been treating you nicely. I don't know who's still here, but I want any old-timers reading this to know how much you meant to me, especially at some very tough times. Some of you really felt like actual, real life friends, and I've missed you. :D

  • Question Question
Roku nonstarter

I am trying to set up this Roku device. I got it set up physically but ran into a problem with authentication or whatever it's called. I tried to get them to send it by email. That didn't work and I switched to qr code. Oddly enough that worked by the same email address but the screen, which was supposed to have updated, didn't. When I try to leave the qr screen, it says that if I do that it will start over, which I don't want. Who can help?

Adaptive Brightness? why does it not learn?

OK, so I just picked up a new Motorola Moto g Play (2024). It upgraded itself to Android 14.

I'm new to this adaptive brightness thing, and seems like a good idea to help with battery life, so I thought I'd use it.

However, it is supposed to "learn" your preferences, and I don't want the display to EVER go to 0%. If I'm in a totally dark room, and I pull out my phone, I would like the brightness to be at about 20% (lowest possible setting), but every time I manually increase the brightness to about 20%, it eventually will find it's way back to 0% (or 4% or something too low for my liking).

I do not have Extra Dim setting on (located in Accessibility setting)

I've tried resetting adaptive brightness back to factory setting (which for the life of me I can't find again.........it is NOT located at Apps > show system apps > Device Health Services). I've tried clearing user data and cash from Device Health Services.

Not a huge deal, just unnecessarily frustrating to have to repeatedly adjust the brightness when I'm in a dark-ish room in front of computer. I'm guessing I will have to shut off the feature, because every time I go grab my phone now, I have to adjust brightness.

Need a good text app

I am drowning in political texts. I've blocked numbers and used "stop" to unsubscribe. I've deleted. There are always more messages - and it's getting worse. Is there a good texting app that will block numbers not in my address book? I read about one putting them all in a separate folder. I could breeze through those and then delete all at once, perhaps. I'm willing to hear about any other suggestions. I'd hate to have to change my phone number, but I'm about ready to. Thanks for your help.

  • Question Question
Android(?) May Have Hurt My Phone

I woke up this AM to find the attached screen.
I don't think I did anything to cause this.
However, yesterday I got some message about new Android features.
I looked at the message and it was about some AI stuff. Four items in all.
I have no interest in any of them.

Is that what caused this problem?
If so, how do I remove them.
I have my phone (Sony Xperia C....2018 model) set to not automatically update.


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Help Pixel 7 not blocking SPAM calls anymore

I don't know if I posted in the right forum.

I have a Pixel 7 running Android 14 and I am suddenly getting a TON of Spam phone calls that are distracting me a lot. I have "See caller and SPAM ID" as turned on and I have Call Screen as Maximum Protection.

All of these calls are the same area code as my phone, which is about 1000 miles away from me. While call screening is catching them, it's also causing my phone to vibrate for each missed call, none of which I care about. I am reporting each one as Junk to Google, but it requires me to put some explanatory message in each time. I'm getting so many, it's too hard.

I have had this phone 2 years and only started to have this problem in the last week. What changed? Any help would be appreciated on making sure these SPAM calls, all from the same area code of my own phone (to which I don't usually receive calls), don't notify me. I'd also like to turn dow my call screening from maximum to medium, as I just almost missed a very important call, but I answered it since it looked like a local area code and I'm glad I did.

Tesla Cybercab Disclaimer

Did anyone else catch the big "Disclaimer" that flashed on the screen when the Tesla Cybercab event kicked off?

Summary and Purpose of Disclaimer:​

This disclaimer is aimed at informing investors, stakeholders, and potential buyers about the risks associated with the forward-looking statements made during the product announcement. These statements include expectations regarding Tesla's product development, manufacturing, ramping up production, pricing, market growth, and overall business strategy. The purpose is to clarify that the company’s projections are based on assumptions, which may not necessarily come true, and to protect Tesla from liability if actual outcomes differ from their forecasts.

Key Points:​

  • Forward-Looking Statements: The disclaimer highlights that many of the claims in the presentation, including timelines, production capacities, demand growth, and profitability, are based on management’s assumptions about the future.
  • Risks and Uncertainties: Tesla acknowledges that these projections involve uncertainties and risks, including factors such as:
    • Delays in manufacturing or launching products
    • Supply chain challenges, including the delivery of parts and battery components
    • Technological risks tied to electric vehicles, automation, and artificial intelligence
    • Government incentives and economic factors, especially those impacting electric vehicle markets
    • Product recalls or liability issues, if products don’t perform as expected
    • Competition and market pressures in the automotive, transportation, and energy sectors
  • Tesla’s Obligations: The company is not required to update these forward-looking statements if circumstances change or if new information emerges.

Concerns for Interested Buyers:​

  1. Product Delays: The disclaimer points to the potential for delays in launching or ramping up manufacturing of Tesla products. Customers should be cautious about relying on Tesla's announced timelines.
  2. Supply Chain Risks: There are risks associated with delivering essential components (e.g., battery cells) on time, which could impact production and availability.
  3. Performance and Recalls: The possibility of product recalls or underperformance is raised, indicating potential concerns for those expecting flawless technology from Tesla.
  4. International and Regulatory Risks: As Tesla expands internationally, changes in government incentives or compliance requirements could affect pricing, availability, or Tesla's ability to deliver products globally.
  5. Economic Conditions: Broader economic factors or currency fluctuations could influence Tesla’s costs or financial performance, possibly impacting pricing or availability of future products.


While Tesla’s vision is ambitious and forward-looking, this disclaimer serves as a reminder that numerous risks could impact the company's ability to deliver on its promises, particularly with new or upcoming products. Customers and investors should approach these announcements with caution, understanding that timelines and performance expectations are not guaranteed.

Cybercab Disclaimer (Full Text):​

Certain statements in this presentation, including, but not limited to, statements relating to the development, strategy, ramp, production and capacity, demand and market growth, cost, pricing and profitability, investment, deliveries, deployment, availability and other features and improvements and timing of existing and future Tesla products and services; statements regarding operating margin, operating profits, spending and liquidity; and statements regarding expansion, improvements and/or ramp and related timing at our factories are “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform of 1995. Forward-looking statements are based on assumptions with respect to the future, are based on management’s current expectations, involve certain risks and uncertainties, and are not guarantees. Future results may differ materially from those expressed in any forward-looking statement. The following important factors, without limitation, could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements: the risk of delays in launching and/or manufacturing our products, services, and features cost-effectively; our ability to build and/or grow our products and services, sales, delivery, installation, servicing and charging capabilities and effectively manage this growth; consumers’ demand for products and services based on artificial intelligence, robotics and automation, electric vehicles, and ride-hailing services generally and our vehicles and services specifically, as well as our ability to successfully and timely develop, introduce, and scale such products and services; the ability of suppliers to deliver components according to schedules, prices, quality and volumes acceptable to us, and our ability to manage such components effectively; any issues with lithium-ion cells or other components manufactured at our factories; our ability to ramp our factories in accordance with our plans; our ability to procure supply of battery cells, including through our own manufacturing; risks relating to international expansion; any failures by Tesla products to perform as expected or if product recalls occur; the risk of product liability claims; competition in the automotive, transportation, and energy product and services markets; our ability to maintain public credibility and confidence in our long-term business prospects; our ability to manage risks relating to our various product financing programs; the status of government and economic incentives for electric vehicles and energy products; our ability to attract, hire and retain key employees and qualified personnel; our ability to maintain the security of our information and production and product systems; our compliance with various regulations and laws applicable to our operations and products, which may evolve from time to time; risks relating to our indebtedness and financing strategies; and adverse foreign exchange movements. More information on potential factors that could affect our financial results is included from time to time in our Securities and Exchange Commission filings and reports, including the risks identified under the section captioned “Risk Factors” in our annual report on Form 10-K filed with the SEC on January 26, 2024 and subsequent quarterly reports on Form 10-Q. Tesla disclaims any obligation to update information contained in these forward-looking statements whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

You can see the Disclaimer at 52:45 in the live announcement video:

  • Poll Poll
Tesla Cybercab or Robotaxi (what's the name)?

What will Tesla officially name the vehicle?

  • Cybercab

  • Robotaxi

  • Other

Results are only viewable after voting.

Elon Musk introduced the new vehicle as the "Cybercab" on stage, but the website specifically dubs them Robotaxi and Robobus. So what will they be officially named when they launch?

I'm thinking that trademarking the vehicle as "Robotaxi" and "Robobus" will be more difficult due to it being more of a generic product category, so he's likely to launch them as Cybercab and Cyberbus to fall in line with the Cybertruck naming convention. That being said, the jury is still out on the Cybertruck, so maybe the ambiguity is intentional so that Elon can walk back the name if it would seem to have a negative connotation.

Tesla Cybercab will cost less than $30,000

Elon Musk just officially announced the Tesla Cybercab, claiming that it will launch before 2027, cost less than $30k, and allow owners to make money by offering their service to the public.

But will it really cost $30k? Doubtful: the presentation started with a disclaimer that statements made are future predictions and may be inaccurate.

This is the EXACT bait and switch that Elon used for the Cybertruck. Offer an outrageously compelling product for an unbelievable price, driving pre-orders that are used to fund development. As confirmed by Reuters, the Cybertruck price was a whopping 50% higher at launch than promised in the announcement.

Don't be surprised when that $30k promise jumps to $45k+

Best Window AC Unit with Heat Pump?

I had an overhead Mini-Split AC unit in a long and narrow section of my house that crapped out. The HVAC company quoted me $3k to replace it, which seems reasonable, but I'm not convinced I even need the mini-split. They installed a window unit for now, which seems to be working fine, and they agreed that buying a window unit that does AC & Heat would probably be the cheaper and easier solution.

So I started hunting Amazon for options and found this:

The room is narrow and only 300/400 square feet. There's a deep window that's perfectly positioned for a window unit to blow through the room. I think I only need a unit with about 8,000 BTU, but a limited number of units have heating capabilities.

Then I read the reviews: "Cannot be used as a primary heating unit. Will not work if outside temperature gets below 41 degrees."

That's a deal breaker! I lucked out finding it buried in the reviews. Is that typical of window AC units? Anyone have experience with these that can recommend a specific product?

I also worry that my electric bill will increase drastically and in hindsight wish I would have replaced the minisplit.

Hmm... what to do?

Removing / consolidating copies of contacts

I presently have a Moto e6 phone. While trying to backup my contacts onto my desktop computer, I mistakenly downloaded a set of my contacts back into my phone and now I have two versions of all my contacts on my phone. :(

Is there a way to easily remove the copies so that I only have one version of each contact? (other than going through all the contacts manually and deleting them)

Thanks for any help you can give me.

messenger plus...!

I struggled with it for countless years, and only use it as a cloud type back up so I can delete it, and hate the modifications, a big thank you for the text I just got, it will be discontinued soon, I believe Nov. Seventh! It saids to download the google messenger..
I am not a savor for messages at all! I find them real annoying.

Serious Power Help Needed: Does Bluetooth or WiFi Internet use more battery power?

Hi all,

I'm unable to charge my phone, which really sucks!!! However, I have bought 3 batteries for my phone so that I'm able to turn it on. 😢😢😢😢😢

Since I only have access to a small amount of power, what's the fastest way to get my photos etc off the phone?

This is my phone here: Huawei Ascend G510 - Full phone specifications

Should I use bluetooth or WiFi?

Thanks for any help!!!

Is there any way to get rid of this Whatsapp notification?

As per title. Whatsapp has recently started popping up this notification - at least every day and sometimes several times a day - that says it can't complete a backup. I don't want it to do any backups and when I "Tap for more info" as far as I can see backups are turned off - see attached screenshots.

So can anyone suggest a way I can get rid of this irritating notification? All ideas will be very welcome.


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