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Sony Playstation 1 (PSX) on Android working and coming soon!

Lol. This is funny. If you've never used a playstation emulator before, I would just get a refund.

The games are typically disc images ripped from actual playstation CD-ROMS. You can rip them yourself if you have the CDs and the software to do it. Otherwise you need to acquire them... some other way that I won't mention here.

You'll also need a BIOS file, just like all playstation emulators. I also probably shouldn't talk about where to get such files here.
Look man I've got snes and genisoid for my nexus and I can download and play roms flawlessly, I'm not ******ed, but I have not even found a rom that actually works, and I'm tired of jumping through all these freaking good just to download a gd game. I don't want to skene half my night trying to find a rom that actually works then download it them come to find that the file does not work, I'm just asking for done help hee people,i just spent 6 bucks on this thing and it is bringing me nothing but anger.
Look man I've got snes and genisoid for my nexus and I can download and play roms flawlessly, I'm not ******ed, but I have not even found a rom that actually works, and I'm tired of jumping through all these freaking good just to download a gd game. I don't want to skene half my night trying to find a rom that actually works then download it them come to find that the file does not work, I'm just asking for done help hee people,i just spent 6 bucks on this thing and it is bringing me nothing but anger.

Unfortunately due to the TOS we cant talk about where to get these roms. I feel your frustration tho. What exactly is going on when you try to load the rom? What format is the rom in?
Look man I've got snes and genisoid for my nexus and I can download and play roms flawlessly, I'm not ******ed, but I have not even found a rom that actually works, and I'm tired of jumping through all these freaking good just to download a gd game. I don't want to skene half my night trying to find a rom that actually works then download it them come to find that the file does not work, I'm just asking for done help hee people,i just spent 6 bucks on this thing and it is bringing me nothing but anger.

Do you own a Playstation 1?
If so, get some of your old games and follow this guide.
It wont use your data, obviously, and it takes around 10 minutes to rip.
HowTo: Make a PSX iso from a PSX cd - iPod touch, iPhone, and iPad forum - Multi-Touch Fans
Around 400-600mb
Per disc. FF7 (2 CDs) is about 1.3 GB. Chrono Cross (2 CDs) is 1.4 GB. Metal Gear Solid (2 CDs) 1.3 GB. Soul Reaver (1 CD) 600 MB. Castlevania SotN (1 CD) 600 MB. That should give you a good idea.

FF7 runs okay now. Every other game I've tried is still really slow. I expected Castlevania to run faster than FF7. It's freaking 2D for christ's sake... but I can't get it playable on my EVO.
alright cool, thank goodness the phone came with 16gb sd card. just found my copy of nfs high stakes for ps1 too, wooohoo
For all you EVOers out there I just installed and played FF VII, all you have to do to get this thing working is set the screen refresh rate to 30 and this emulator flies, it even runs better than snesoid! I am going to try out a couple more games here soon.
I'm running this on my mytouch slide 3g , runs ok. The sound doesn't quite match with games, I'm playing command and conquer gdi disk , pretty cool tho. Final fantasy tactics is running pretty good on it.
Does the rom need to be in .bin or .iso? I see some people suggesting it has to be in .img. Can someone give me a quick rundown? I got the bios.

I tried getting NFL BLITZ 2000 to work, but it gets to the start screen then closes :(
Controls are great (using the game gripper at least ^^)

Since the FF7 multidisc eboot failed to load, I'm now xferring over my backup isos. Although I'm curious how this emulator handles save files and switching disks.

edit1: Watching the opening FMV... epic!

edit2: screenshots!

I can't believe we can actually have a game like final fantasy on a phone!
Can this emulator open .cue files or does it have to be .iso? Reason I ask is alcohol 52% will only make it an iso image if there's no CD audio, and the majority of ps1 games have CD audio!

Never mind, just found out that if I make a .cue image, it also makes a .bin and the emulator can read that.:D
Right, on my desire it works, just a bit sluggish on 3d games like gran turismo 2, more the sound than anything. I half expect this to be because my internal memory only has about 10mb left though, since if it was a cpu issue then the game would run faster with sound emulation disabled...

Also, if I make a .bin image, I don't get any cd audio. Any suggestions on how to keep cd audio? Is it the image format that's the problem, or the emulator just not playing it?

On the plus side it seems some RPG's will run at full speed. Chrono Cross was a bit sluggish with choppy sound, but Alundra was 100% as good as on the playstation! Alundra's all 2d though of course. Not tried the FF games yet as I've already played them all to death over the years on the proper console and then again emulated on pc and AGAIN on ps3, but I'll give them another go at some point, need a bigger memory card first, only have room for one image at a time now...:rolleyes:

Is anyone else just getting a black screen once they've selected the BIOS? I've tried various scph1001's, plus 70004, 10000, 39001, 5000, and 5502. I have to use a task killer to stop the process before trying again. I'm on a stock HTC Desire.

i know psx has tons of good stuff. but maybe we can share what are games that are well suited to touchscreens and virtual keypads.

the app allows for tilt control, has anyone tried using this for racing games? does it work well?
Hi,Guys I have a problem with this..I can't find psx4droid on Android Market,I'm from Croatia and I'm using HTC Tattoo?What's the problem?

PS-Do you need android firmwire 2.xx for this or 1.6 should also work?

I've rebooted and reinstalled, but still nothing. Sometimes when I select the BIOS it takes me back to the menu, sometimes to a black screen, but never prompts me to load a game :(
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