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Sony Playstation 1 (PSX) on Android working and coming soon!

I've rebooted and reinstalled, but still nothing. Sometimes when I select the BIOS it takes me back to the menu, sometimes to a black screen, but never prompts me to load a game :(

same here. i was holding on to my nexus for this buts its helped me decideto now get rid it.
This app is actually working great for a phone emulator... I'm running it with good speeds on my evo and hang in there guys but people have 2.2 roms working with wiimotes right now for the evo so this will become even more useful! I thought the bios were easy to find and the games well like any emulator some work some don't! But it is a well put together app and lets keep in mind it's the first build! give zod some credit, this is a major step forward for android and it's only uphill from here! great app!
I've rebooted and reinstalled, but still nothing. Sometimes when I select the BIOS it takes me back to the menu, sometimes to a black screen, but never prompts me to load a game :(

It's not the BIOS, just a bad rom, and not the emulator at fault. Try downloading some different images, or make your own with alcohol52% if you have any old ps1 games lying about.
I can confirm Final Fantasy Tactics works on my Evo. Minor slow down here and there but nothing that hampers the overall experience. Can't test any other games as I don't own hard copies (only the PSN version). Gonna hit a gamestore and look for FFVII and MGS .

Seems like setting the refresh rate to 30fps solves the stuttering audio. Thanks for the heads up Naz927
Can anyone help me with something... I have got this emulator working OK, tried Resident Evil first - works great...

But other games (eg. Tekken 3) have files in there separate to the .BIN file called .APE files - I understand these are sound files, but if I try and load the game without these (just the BIN file) it doesn't load. I tried putting them in the same directory on the phone as the BIN file and still does not load. Is there any way round this? Seems a lot of the games have these APE files in?

Appreciate any help, this emu is a dream come true for me :D
Phone is Galaxy S if that makes any difference....
I can confrim Brave Fencer Musashi, FFVII, and FFVIII, work flawlessly on the Incredible. Anybody get MGS or Thousand Arms working?.... mine has gamebreaking glitches
damn it, im such a noob to this. I ran SNESoid really easy but this one is making me want to pull my hair. I'm pretty much just in need of some roms. I never really had a PS1 but I like many of their games so I cant rip them to my computer. anyone willing to share? lol
Castlevania SOTN plays just a bit slow, but is playable. The music is a bit choppy.

Crash bandicoot is choppy.. not sure if I'd really call it playable.

Pacman played fairly well, but the classic game is hard to control well with the screen buttons.

Forgot to mention this is on a DroidX.
I can't get any game to work!
I've followed all guides from XDA and similar walktroughts. ECM procedure included.

It simply don't reacts.

Im not new on PSX emulation, and the games that im trying do work on other emus. All are in *.bin format.

Anyone in a similar situation?

This is so frustrating...
can confirm..

crash bandicoot - working.
resident evil - working

we should make a list of games that work perfect and with sme flaws and name the ones that dont..

would help users out alot!
has anyone tried to use rom buddy ? does it have a selection of psx roms? im looking for star ocean 2. haven't been able to find a rom of it and my disc 2 is split in half so i cant even play it on my real ps1 right now.
if someone can find this rom and test it for me i would buy the emulator.
Can't get it to work on my stock (unrooted) HTC Desire. Just get a black screen whenever I try and load a game. Tried using both a PAL bios (7502) and an NTSC BIOS (1001) with PAL and NTSC games respectively (FF8 for PAL and Harvest Moon for NTSC). Tested the isos (or in HM's case a bin/cue) and BIOS using ePSXe on the PC with no problems.

So working ROMS, working BIOS but the emulator isn't liking it.

Also tried: Disabling sound, turning off GPS, rebooting, lowering screen refresh.
mine loaded straight away tbh.. followed the guide posted and converted the crash bandicoot bin file... but used a straight resi evil iso file... both work poifect
That happened to me too at first. Give it some time, the first time I tried to load a ROM it took a little while to load.

How long is "some time" though, is it 30-60 seconds "some time" or 5 minutes+ "some time". Because I've left it trying for a while with no success.

EDIT: I can't see anything about this anywhere but I want to make sure I haven't missed it. Does your phone need to be rooted for this to work? I figured I'd ask anyway.

Double edit: Got my eboot of FF7 to work (PAL) and the ISO of FF7. So I guess I manged to just pick some incompatible games. Oh well hope it gets better with updates.
arg, for some reason i can't download the app, im finish paying and all but its stuck on authorizing download..
sucks. i wanna test it now ;)
EDIT: seems there is a lot of people who has this problem right now
hickup on the android market ?
psx4droid (PSX Emulator) - Android app on AppBrain

I'm also having the same problem. Ive had this happen with other apps too and don't know why. It usually happens with apps that are posted in foreign currency for me, this is the first time it happened with regular US dollars.

But I was lucky to find it on Google and now that I have it I am also having another issue similar to what some posters above had. I select the Rom I want to play and it goes black for a few seconds and then it sends me back to the Rom select screen. 2 of the Roms I have on my phone work on my iphone 2g, so I know they at least work but for some reason they won't load. Is it a compatibility issue? They are .bin and .img btw.

Would someone who has had success or at least knows what Roms work with this app PM me and let me know where I can find them?? Thanks in advance
Has anyone tried Gran Turismo 1 or 2 yet?

All these types of files work apparently

Supports BIN, ISO, IMG, PBP, ZNX
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