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Lets us peek at your Screens!

Love the look of that setup could you please tell me how you did this. New to Android by the way. Thanks

launcherpro with custom icons i found and deviantart.com (notification bar hidden through launcherpro option)
switchpro for the wifi and other toggles
moxier world for the weather, date, and time
jorte for the calendar
divi clock for military time.
launcherpro with custom icons i found and deviantart.com (notification bar hidden through launcherpro option)
switchpro for the wifi and other toggles
moxier world for the weather, date, and time
jorte for the calendar
divi clock for military time.

you have like three different places that tells you the date and two different places right next to each other that tell you both the time and the date lol.
Speaking of this notification thing in LP, did anyone else have problems with it? I disabled it because sometimes it would show that I still had something new even after I had say, checked it in Handcent. So I'd have to go in twice sometimes to get the indicator to clear. It seemed redundant anyway because I already got notifications in the task bar.

I have never been able to get the notifications through LP. well they worked with the stock icons, but once I changed them they no longer show up. I figured I have the upper notification bar as well.
I have never been able to get the notifications through LP. well they worked with the stock icons, but once I changed them they no longer show up. I figured I have the upper notification bar as well.

i think when lp made that option, they intended it to be used if you have the notification bar hide like i do. i have not had any problems with notifications. i am using handcent and gmail. i have turned off notifications with the stock messaging app and only let handcent controll notifications.
Is there an app like Home Switcher that works with 2.2?

And is there an app like SwitchPro (with a 4G toggle) that's free?

1. cleardefaulthome...haven't tried it yet

2. not that I have found...switchpro really is the best

Also...free alternative to better cut for those wanting to make custom icons and shortcuts: Folder organizer lite. tricky to use but so far has the most customizable options out of any of the "icon" type apps
Wow, this is pretty dang cool. Nice Batman theme all around. Are you using lock bot pro for the lock screen, or did you make it yourself? Same for the utility belt, did you make it as well?

The lock screen is done with lockbot pro. The belt on the lock screen thats used as the slide unlock and the the dockbar on the home screens i cut and made in picsay from a picture i found of a toy one. The dock itself is just a yellow line and the buckle and pouches are icons that shift left or right. Cropping and editing all the peices was easy stuff. Lineing everything up to where it looked right took hours. Lol
The lock screen is done with lockbot pro. The belt on the lock screen thats used as the slide unlock and the the dockbar on the home screens i cut and made in picsay from a picture i found of a toy one. The dock itself is just a yellow line and the buckle and pouches are icons that shift left or right. Cropping and editing all the peices was easy stuff. Lineing everything up to where it looked right took hours. Lol

nice work. i know this took some work, very very nice work.
how do you get rid of bar at the top? what is that sophisticated batter people are using that says how much is left and if its charging? also, what is the clock that says "seven minutes till eight"

damn, some of these are amazing. i guessi just need to take my time with it all haha.
how do you get rid of bar at the top? what is that sophisticated batter people are using that says how much is left and if its charging? also, what is the clock that says "seven minutes till eight"

damn, some of these are amazing. i guessi just need to take my time with it all haha.

To get rid of the notification bar using LauncherPro go to menu > settings > appearance > hide notification bar. The battery widget is called battstatt (two t's at the end) and the clock is called tajm. Both are free in the market.
Where did you get that clock.
Question for everyone, when customizing the screens is there any performance loss? Responsiveness when clicking on something

The clock is available as one of the skins when you purchase Beautiful Widgets from the market. Ive customized my screens quite a bit and the only time ive ever experienced slow down is when i made some of my widgets (pure messenger and android agenda) scrollable. No idea why it happened and when i turned it off the phone went back to normal.
awesome thanks! also, how do you manually switch to LP (and make default) (bc homeswitcher isn't working with 2.2)

menu\settings\applications\manage applications\
CHOOSE your current default launcher.
SELECT clear defaults
Now when you press home key, you will be given a choice of the home to use, and a checkbox to choose your default, if you decide to have one
Since catching the customization bug, I now have a bunch of icon packs littered amongst my other apps.

Does anyone have a suggestion for organizing all these icon packs?
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