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***Official HTC Incredible Thread***

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I ordered this one: Newegg.com - Transcend 8GB Micro SDHC Flash Card Model TS8GUSDHC6 a few days ago. It has great reviews and is a good brand name. The A-data has bad reviews, plus I think 16 (8+8 internal) is enough for me.

EDIT: It was only $17.99 when I bought it a few days ago. Now it is $21.99.

I also ordered this card. $21.99 free shipping and no mass tax. The incredible will be my first smart phone so I also think this will be enough storage for me also.:)
any word on accessories like the extended battery? I hope its available on launch day at verizon or BB.

With my stupid storm 1 I have to go to VZW to get my contacts switched over. Storm's cant upload contacts to vzw, I guess I could download them to my computer in a file format the D.I. would recongize. But, I am lazy lol. Hoping that when I go to VZW they will have the extended battery

So, any news on batteries and release time frame?
any word on accessories like the extended battery? I hope its available on launch day at verizon or BB.

With my stupid storm 1 I have to go to VZW to get my contacts switched over. Storm's cant upload contacts to vzw, I guess I could download them to my computer in a file format the D.I. would recongize. But, I am lazy lol.

So, any news on batteries and release time frame?

Pretty sure the contacts stored under your GMAIL account automatically load onto the phone when you set it up. Maybe I'm wrong?
The Verizon Video says "You'll have access to thousands of android apps and games and exclusive HTC Widgets...."

My question is, where do we access the HTC widgets?
Since I have no experience with Android, I have to ask. Does this allow for a good amount of apps?

Yes, some of the 8gb flash was allocated as app space. That is why only 6.6gb show available on the internal flash (should be about 7.5gb available).

This also explains (perhaps) why apps can not see the 6.6gb- "they" think it is also framework app storage and not "external" space. The bad thing is about half of the 512mb rom should also be free. If they could map that together with the 748mb flash allocation, there would be almost 1gb of app storage. The OS probably takes up at least half of the 512 rom.

Still, over three times what the Droid has and four times the Nexus is not too shabby :)
OT - Engadget has a massive leak from Dell!!

So far 4 phones (1 WM7 and 3 Android) and a 7" Android tablet called the Looking Glass with a Tegra 2 processor. This is the tablet I've been waiting for!!! When the Looking Glass goes on sale in November, I will get one and also purchase PDANet for Android.

The Looking Glass is the perfect size for me, with the best OS and processor.
question for anybody who has received the incredible - did you also purchase one of the clear plastic cases (clear, red or purple ones) from the vzw site? I am curious if it is thick enough to make the phone flush with a flat surface so that the camera does not stick out.

thanks in advance!
I have not been able to keep up with all of the posts here lately, but thought I would throw this out. I'm in Chicago on business and decided to stop by the Verizon store on State Street to see if they had a demo Incredible. The lady in the store told me they had one, but someone took it home the previous night and forgot it. She told me if I stopped back tomorrow I could play with it. If you live in Chicago you may want to check it out. Or keep stopping by your local store. They have to get the phones sometime soon.
i'd really like a nice matte black rubber like case for this thing. don't need something glossy or something plastic.

somebody asked how you access the HTC widgets... i believe you hold your finger down on the screen and options come up for you to access them.
They're not dots. Why is everyone obsessing about these dots. :confused: No one was referring to the screen. They were talking about the two sensors next to the verizon logo. You're not even going to notice them, so everyone calm down about the dots. :rolleyes:
Same here - ordered mine around 11:00 PM EDT on Sunday the 18th and I got (and still get) the same message... :(

Me too, I wonder how many of us got in Sunday night? Based on some of the posts today, I think there is a good chance that we could see ours as early as Tuesday :)
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