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It's been windy the past two days. I'm sure glad I'm riding an e-bike. Speaking of e-bike, I spot more of them all the time. I'm loving it! I've seen a lady, I'm guessing in her early thirties, a number of times now. She is riding more than pedaling. Whatever... I'm glad she's out enjoying the day. I saw a young guy in his late teens by my guess absolutely ripping down the street on a small e-bike. I hope he remains safe. I also heard from my buddy that I sold my original bike to today. He is loving the bike. He's been pretty religious about riding a 15 mile loop daily. He said he sees quite a few e-bikes on his trail. His breathing has vastly improved since he started riding and he is pushing himself to go a little faster as the days go by. He is enjoying the slight leg burn he's getting. He's hooked :)

Riding the e-bike is addictive. I can't enjoy my day unless I've logged some miles. I'm averaging 35 miles a day since my one year anniversary. I won't average that daily across the winter but I'm out to beat the 15 mile per day first year effort.

I mentioned that my rear brake was squealing. I contacted Juiced by leaving a message. I received two responses from them. The first was a we received your query and will get back with you. The second was how would you rate your support from Juiced. So far... zero brake info.... bummer. The good news is it quit making a noise. I use a dry lube in an aerosol to maintain my chain's health. My brake may have got a bit of overspray. The brake is ready to be replaced but it's not shot. I'll figure something out if I don't hear from Juiced.
That's an interesting option. They list some very low assist motors. I'm certain they have a niche or they wouldn't have survived for 13 years. If the motor options were more powerful, I would want to upgrade the brakes. Upgraded brakes and the conversion kit would likely be as much or more than a comparable e-bike. It's still interesting. I have a early nineties model carbon bike. Being so light weight, a little motor might make a pretty good ride.

My uncle, ten years my senior, put a gas powered motor on his bike. It had a lever that cammed over and ran on the outside of his back tire. I was just a little guy when he was taking me for rides. I felt like I was flying and we owned his end of town. :) It's a fun memory that your article brought back from the forgotten past. Thanks for sharing.
It rained just a bit early this morning that brought some stiff winds with it. I rode my 21 mile loop after mowing and decided to finish riding after dinner. I had hopes that the wind would subside but it intensified. I rode my 21 mile loop and then rode around in town until it started to get dark. At least the houses and trees helped block some of the wind.
I had an interesting conversation with the owner of my original bike. He is now shopping for an e-trike for his wife. There are a number of different designs that all ride different. It sounds like they are a bit tricky to get onto riding them. They turn so differently than a bicycle and a rider wants to lean into a turn which is all wrong. I know his wife would enjoy riding and being outside if she can get over the learning curve. I found a yt of a guy with five different trikes and two old ladies. It's pretty interesting. I'll post the link if you are bored. It's a lot longer vid than I want to watch but zipping forward a few times will give you the general idea about the difficulties of an old lady riding a e-trike.
If you watch any of that video you will be left amazed that the guy turned them lose in a parking lot with parked cars and some light traffic. He either had a lot of nerve, had no clue it was going to be that hard for them to ride, or hates old ladies. :)

It was as windy or windier today. It was also very hot and humid. (102°) So today I not only didn't see any other riders, I didn't see anybody out. It was me and only me and I admit it wasn't much fun. I rode 45 miles and put the bike up.

I have yet to hear from Juiced about my brakes. I was far more important to them five years ago or so it seems. I'm fairly convinced the brakes are Star Union and a special brake made for Juiced. There is no name on the brakes but they are so much like the Star Union brakes. Mine have a port to add fluid and to bleed the brakes off. Their normal brake lacks a special port and instead has a removable cover and gasket. The two brakes look identical otherwise.
If you watch any of that video you will be left amazed that the guy turned them lose in a parking lot with parked cars and some light traffic. He either had a lot of nerve, had no clue it was going to be that hard for them to ride, or hates old ladies. :)

It was as windy or windier today. It was also very hot and humid. (102°) So today I not only didn't see any other riders, I didn't see anybody out. It was me and only me and I admit it wasn't much fun. I rode 45 miles and put the bike up.

I have yet to hear from Juiced about my brakes. I was far more important to them five years ago or so it seems. I'm fairly convinced the brakes are Star Union and a special brake made for Juiced. There is no name on the brakes but they are so much like the Star Union brakes. Mine have a port to add fluid and to bleed the brakes off. Their normal brake lacks a special port and instead has a removable cover and gasket. The two brakes look identical otherwise.
You can always give them a call ?
I rode Saturday but missed riding today. The last day that I didn't get to ride was July 6th and 2,870 miles ago. :) It rained last night and all day today. Never heavy rain but was a constant light rain that was nearly an inch and a half worth. I hope to ride tomorrow but the weather is supposed to be the same as today.
It's been cooler the last two days. I'm going to be in serious trouble riding this winter. They have my blood so thin that I'm cold riding when the temperature is in the sixties. A real bummer!! It has been nice riding weather though cool. The winds have been out of the North at single digit. I logged 98 miles for the last two days. The cooler weather has brought out additional riders. It's great to see them.
I rode 53 miles today. There was near zero wind this afternoon. I went riding after I finished mowing and then went riding after dinner. It was perfect riding weather and I only came home when I was out of battery.
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