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  1. D

    Can't get something downloaded? read this

    In an attempt to answer questions about connections and files and downloads... I am posting these tips: Unless you are on WiFi, you may get throttled for over use of your data. If you modify certain files on your handset (newbie just rooted?), you can disrupt download ability. If your app...
  2. D

    Root Customising my N7

    Hello ya'll! Dead Dude here to tell you what I've been up to since getting my Nexus 7 2013. I chose this device with the intention of it replacing my laptop completely. Bought a ChromeCast before I bought this. Read about AllCast, too. USB OTG... and all that jazz. I waited for two whole...
  3. D

    Root [WIP][ROM]Stockish ROM

    After 2 months of guinea pig testing, I am making this 'stockish' ROM available. This is the closest to a stock image I could acquire, all people involved had already tweaked a LOT, thus it was difficult to get to this point. This ROM is primarily contributed by user RONE3. This ROM has no...
  4. D

    Unofficial Battery Thread

    There's been some questions about battery life and usage. This is the place to discuss. :) I have previously mentioned I can get 2-3 days per charge with stock battery. If this sounds impossible to you, read on. My settings: Screen Brightness - Auto (unless I need the screen on all the time...
  5. D

    Help Can someone send me their clean build.prop?

    I've noticed I can't toggle wifi calling... saw the 'stock rom' here has ril issues related to it being in a different partition... Long story short, I see I can set my build.prop to look at a specific location for it. Methinks my pointer is set incorrectly, or I need a good copy. If anyone...
  6. D

    Root Customized ROM...?'s

    So I've gotten a LOT of bloat out of my current stock ROM... And I've started gathering original Huawei system apks... (updated Notepad, Huawei Cloud working, Huawei Music -not bad, etc) And I've started moving some apks into system programs... Want to move terminal to /system/ And gathering...
  7. D

    Root Anyone tried Xposed?

    Noob here. Does Xposed install safely? I want to use a module to control DPI on a per app basis... Anyone got any experience?
  8. D

    Root WIP Safe to disable bloat

    Here's my attempt at a list of safe to disable applications on the Huawei Valiant. _-=*Your mileage may vary.*=-_ Before I continue, let's make sure we all understand the steps. 1. Open Settings- Manage Apps 2. Click on application. 3. Click Remove Updates 4. Uncheck Notifications 5. Clear...
  9. D

    Root I want to make archives

    I am noob. I see others asking for files here. I was thinking of using Dropbox to host zip files as backups for us. Is this acceptable? What files do you need archived? Yes, I know we should all make our own. But shit happens. To begin, I was going to archive the apps folder with all the...
  10. D

    Root How to make and use HWT files (Huawei Themes)

    Terms & Abbreviations Used Hwt - HuaWeiTheme. A zip file with all theming elements. The zip extension is changed to hwt EUI - EmotionUI; application for PC included in Hi-Suite. Allows reading themes from phone, packaging themes from folder with description.xml. Does NOT support our phone...
  11. D

    Root Is your Valiant unlock code the same as his?

    I can't get dc to find my phone to pull the code. I read elsewhere to email Huawei for it. So that made me wonder... the topic.
  12. D

    Root Storage Questions

    The first thing I did when I got this was buy a micro SD and change a system setting enabling it as default. Since then, I've wondered if the built in storage is still usable? I can browse it and it is empty. I tried to install a game one day with 8 gig free on my SD and the install failed...
  13. D

    Basic generic questions for n00bs

    Forgive me if I am stepping on toes, am unknowingly reposting, posting to the wrong forum, etc. I'm a n00b to android terminology and best practices. As such, I've become friends with the search command. Problem is, most answers I find are for specific phones. I'm hoping this thread will...
  14. D

    Root What can be modded and tweaked?

    Just as the title says. No Clockwork Mod yet. No twrp Got root. Got titanium backup. What can be stripped out bloat-wise? This is my first android. Ever. Slightly OT: is a titanium backup > or < than a "nandroid" backup? Appreciate any and all input!
  15. D

    DeadDude here...

    My nick is DeadDude and I've built a reputation around destroying tech and then making it work again. Started on handhelds back in the day on Palms. Moved onto Windows Mobile (ugh), then eventually Apples... Happy happy with Android now. I play with Linux, Windows, and Mac. Got the experience...