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  1. Shadea

    Retro Games - Sega, Nes, PS1 and others

    I suggest that we discuss here retro games from our childhood. Are there many people here who had the legendary Sega, Nes, Snes, PS1 and many others. I had Sega Genesis and PlayStation 1 as well as Nes when I was a kid. Who had what consoles as a kid? My favorite games on these wonderful...
  2. P

    Video File types and sizes

    Any file over about 300 MB just generates a blank screen. What is the maximum video file size that the 3DO will play?
  3. U

    Help JetVD -no contact with YouTube?

    Hi. I can't open YouTube videos with the JetVD-app ...starting this morning... It worked flawless yesterday. The app opens up, I paste the adress (or add searchword) but nothing happens except for JetVD showing the search symbol. It search for a minute and then give up with a message: "There is...
  4. Soul Trace

    Working Android 4.4.2 custom ROMs (CyanogenMod 11 and OmniROM) for NEO3DO

    Hello. Here is compatibility ZIP for Christian Troy's Android 4.4.2 KitKat custom ROMs (Omni-Rom and CyanogenMod 11). All basic tablet functions (including 3D features) are working. Known issues: Cameras don't take photos. Video recording works fine. Display is rotated upside-down in...
  5. N

    Cyber Link - Power Director v12

    A Neo3Do owner and Stereographer had an issue exporting mp4 from his Power Director version 12 by Cyberlink. Has anyone else had any experience with colorful banding along the bottom of the tablet due to codec?
  6. U

    Neo3do cwm

    :)Neo3do cwm-Unzip into the root of an external card, turn off the Planche and enter in stock rekaveri. To return to the native-delete, or rename the file.
  7. N

    Rooting your NEO3DO

    A customer and Neo3Do user sent an email in saying he had success rooting his device (which is not recommended) using Kingo Android Root Has anyone else tried this or another way to root the tablet?
  8. S

    Help SBS video wrong way round

    Hi, Does anyone know if the BI3D Player can be forced to swop the left and right images? Most of the content I have is half-SBS but the player won't display it correctly. It's sort of "reverse 3D". The original stereoscopic MP4s can be viewed as 3d if using the parallel focus technique but...
  9. B

    Jellybean upgrade.

    As you should be aware there is a firmware upgrade available from here:- Glasses-Free 3D Android Tablet | Indiegogo . I have downloaded it and installed it with some success. However what I have found is that all the apps I had downloaded have been erased. Probably should have known that would...
  10. 3

    Root Generic root method, do any exist

    I have an android tablet running 4.1.1 its the NEO3DO. Im looking to root but as there is vitually no information on this tablet regarding rooting etc. Is there a root method that isnt device specific, and would it have to be android version specific method? any info would be appreciated.
  11. Z

    GoPro 3D HERO -> NEO3DO script

    Hi all, I've been spending ages on trying to convert the separate L and R videos of a GoPro 3D HERO to a file format that the NEO3DO would understand, without using CineForm or GoPro Studio (I'm using linux). Finally I've found some example somewhere on the web using ffmpeg (or avconv) that...
  12. B

    Help Neo3do Firmware update problems !

    Help please . I tried to apply the fimware update that was released 2 weeks ago . I received a dropbox link from David B . Unrared it /unzipped the folder inside and copied all files ( install etc ) to external sd card . Reboot into recoverymode ( power/volume up ) it starts to update , but...
  13. B

    Software upgrade needed.

    I've had my hands on the neo3do for just over a week now and first impressions are good but could be better. I also own a fujifilm V3 viewer for use with my W3 3d camera and it allows you to zoom into the 3d images which brings a whole new dimension to the viewing experience. Also I have found...
  14. A

    Help neo3do on ics with dirty kernel.screen shut down

    The tablet turns the screen off within 1 second. I am using wake app to use the screen. Got any ideas to fix it?? Thx
  15. V

    Looking for AVI to MPEG4 conversion for 3d

    My Fuji 3D camera takes short 3D video stored as sbs avi. I can edit and convert on my current software and export to MPEG4 which plays back on the 3DMovie player, but the software needs a full windows environment. I found several candidates for conversion software which should work on the...
  16. C

    preferred movie format?

    hi. so i'm wanting to get a bit of a library together for when my NEO3DO arrives looking at 3d movies available, I find that there are several formats anaglyph (not what we want) dual stream (also picking not what we want) side by side half side by side over under this is all new to me...
  17. M

    Hardware/Software Questions

    Recently discovered and looking forward to getting my hands on a Neo3DO tablet! However, I missed the Indiegogo campaign unfortunately and apparently will have to wait a bit later than original backers. I have a few questions regarding software availability and hardware of the device: - Will...
  18. C

    1st user post - is "glasses free" the right description?

    Hi guys. Hey, just wondering is "glasses free" the right description? It sounds like you still need the glasses, but they're included in the cost. Is there a better description? sans glasses? natural 3d?
  19. argedion

    Root Neo3Do All Things Root Guide

    *** Important Note *** Since this is a new root guide for your all-things-root sub-forum, we need your help to populate it and keep it organized with the best and most relevant information. Please contact (by PM) your favorite Guide, or drop us a note in the private chat section if you...
  20. argedion

    Neo3Do FAQ's

    This is a work in progress and, as such, if you feel that there is anything that needs adding, please PM a guide or start a thread in Private Chat With Staff with your suggestions. 1. Forum related questions. 2. Where is the Play Store app? 3. How can I improve the...