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nexus 6

  1. Frank Grimes

    Help Errors sending SMS?

    When I originally got the phone, it was rooted and on 5.0.1 and I was getting an error sending an SMS. A message would flash on the bottom of the screen saying something about a Card Error and something else and -1. I'd open the Messenger app and it would say under the text I just sent Not sent...
  2. N

    Help Crashes in high accuracy mode

    My N6 crashes frequently when I use high accuracy location services (eg GPS, cell and wifi). Opening maps results in a crash, also searching for wifi networks. I'm running 5.1.1 on the UK O2 network. Does anyone out there have any suggestions?
  3. S

    Root 5.1.1 factory image (verizon)

    Hello, Unlocked, rooted, stock verizon. Has anyone been able to find the verizon 5.1.1 factory image? Google has LMY47Z listed for sprint and usc only. That appears to be the same as the verizon one but I can't seem to find any info on it. Has anyone flashed LMY47Z from googles website to...
  4. Frank Grimes

    Root Need help with a new to me Nexus 6 that is rooted

    Just purchased a rooted Nexus 6 that has a stock 5.1 ROM installed. Comes with Super SU installed as well. I'm getting the notification that won't go away for the 5.1.1 update. Was told it had the latest update before purchasing. What I'd like to know is what is the best way to get that...
  5. 3

    Help N6 sim card issues

    Phone is 5 days old and the battery went dead. Plugged it in charged a hour and turned it back on and got this a message sim has locked power cycle device. Pic attached. Any ideas? Its on sprint and they cant seem to figure out why is says that. Also tried google support and again never heard of...
  6. bfldworker

    Root Inherited Nexus 6

    Got a question. I inherited a Nexus 6 from a cousin who passed away. Only thing wrong with it is cracked digitizer. I did not get account information being the death was from a MVA. I did a factory reset thinking all would be good. Now it's asking for a 4 digit pin. What is going on her and is...
  7. mystik1

    Root Updating

    I have already flashed 5.1.1, but I am pretty sure I flashed a version for a different carrier (network type). LTE works properly, but sometimes I get no signal, when I think it should be using 3G. Can I flash the correct version's radio file only, or do I need to start all over again?
  8. B

    Help Sync to Exchange calendar suddenly stopped working

    I have two accounts set up: my Google account and my corporate Exchange account. Both have synchronized flawlessly since I got the phone, until yesterday, when the Exchange calendar suddenly stopped syncing. I've deleted and recreated the account on the phone, set sync off and on, etc. Anyone...
  9. Danielson2047

    Root Verizon Nexus 6 Images

    Finally back in the Nexus game! When google pushes the images, can i just download and flash, or am i going to have to wait for Verizons "input" before google will post them. From what I've read all the Nexus 6's are the same software wise. Not a huge deal as i don't plan on being stock all that...
  10. R

    Root Verizon n6

    I have one on the way. Is the Verizon n6 unlockable and rootable. I heard it was. But was wondering if anyone new for sure.
  11. skrause5

    Root Changing customs roms

    So I like to flash a lot of different ROMs because I get bored of them quickly but every time I flash a new ROM I keep losing all my data like deleting all my messages. Is there's anyway I can save my messages when I decide to flash new ROMs.
  12. skrause5

    Root What the best custom ROM

    I have a nexus 6 and I was wondering what is the best custom ROM you have come across so far? I am looking for a good balance of speed and battery life.
  13. skrause5

    Root I need help!!

    So I have the Franco kernal and I want to flash the elemental x kernal do I have to wipe my whole phone or just wipe cache?
  14. steve

    How To Install Android M on Nexus 6

    Android M Developer Preview on Nexus 6 Prerequisites Common understanding and experience using tools that are provided with the Android SDK such as Fastboot and ADB. Fastboot and ADB installed on your system and PATH variables updated accordingly. Understand that this will wipe all of your...
  15. R

    Root Nexus 6 Ringtone Folder Disappearing

    I have a Nexus 6 & in the last few days, my ringtone folder just disappears. It only seems to happen when I get a call from a ringtone that I had added to a particular contact, from what I can tell (as opposed to the standard ringtone for everyone). But it's not only 1 specific contact. Yet when...
  16. D

    Nexus 6 not loading user account icon

    hello my new nexus 6 is not loading my google+ icon. It worked fine on the Nexus 5 I just upgraded from. When i go to chrome from a laptop my icon is still there but on the Nexus 6 I only get a default teal circle with a D (for Dan). any suggestions?
  17. TheAmazingDave

    T-Mobile WiFi Calling

    Hells yes! Sideloaded the OTA last night, super stoked to finally have this! (Since it was a major reason I bought it...) Anyone else on the update yet? The links are all in a neat post on XDA. I figured they'd make it there first so I was watching like a hawk all weekend. It was posted up...
  18. V

    Root Bliss pop not working on my Nexus 6

    So I've rooted and been trying to find a good ROM to stay with and so far after lots of trial and error I have settled on dirty unicorn. Its a really nice ROM to play with. Wish it was a little more stable. I want to try bliss pop for my nexus 6 but everytime I flash it gets stuck in a boot...
  19. O

    How's the video's sound in loud (like gig loud) environment ?

    My last few phones have all been poor in this department, sound getting very saturated, unusable. How does the nexus 6 perform in these kind of conditions ?
  20. steveu694

    Help Sometimes I don't get texts.

    As the title states. At first, I thought it was just an apple thing. I had a couple friends with iphones sending me texts and I never got them. Then my other friend with an HTC sent me a text I never got and so did my dad who owns a flip phone. I'd say I miss 1 in 5 texts from only some people...
  21. skrause5

    Root I keep losing root access when I install the custom rom

    So I have a nexus 6 and I am using nexus 6 root toolkit and I do everything they tell me to do but when I install the custom ROM I lose root access I have redone it like 3 times but does the same thing. Am I doing something wrong?
  22. Rxpert83

    Root Lets talk factory reset protection (5.1)

    So with android 5.1, google implemented factory reset protection. Essentially, this is to prevent theft, as AFTER the device boots up following a FDR it will require the login credentials of the last google account in order to continue setup. This is likely going to cause initial problems for...
  23. Robert7107

    How to remove notification bar from lock acreen

    I downloaded a battery percentage app and I like it but the white notification bar in the middle of my lock screen is annoying anyway to remove it?
  24. J

    Root Can't sleep with this on my phone, please help

    Day 46, I was loving my Nexus 6 with cyanogen mod 12 and then it happened. I saw it. I made the biggest mistake of my life. I looked up at the status bar and was disgusted. After looking in the eyes of the behemoth itself I knew I've created a monster. http://i.imgur.com/T92hahF.png...
  25. J

    Root [Rooted] TetheringProblems

    I just rooted my Nexus 6 on the Sprint Network set everything up and now my WiFI hotpot will turn on and successfully creates a network. The issue I am having is that there is not internet access when the network is created. I've tried connecting to the network with my Nexus 9, my laptop running...