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nexus 6

  1. ajdroidx

    Root To decrypt or not to decrypt

    I figure while I am waiting for my N6 we could have a chat about encryption vs decrypting. Now, I already plan on root and unlocking my bootloader so thats a moot point right there. The encryption issue? Well I am on the fence about that. I suspect roms (I don't think I will be playing much with...
  2. jordan_isk00l

    Help [Resolved] Accidentally set radio to USA band on Nexus 6

    Hiya, I really messed up. I wasn't getting a 4G signal, and someone reccomended I go into a menu that you can access through the phone by dialing *#*#4646#*#*. I did that, and I accidentally set my radio band to USA band. I can't change it back and I can't get a signal. I need to change it...
  3. Z

    Help Is my mic defective?

    I'm on my second Nexus 6. The first one I had arrived damaged so I returned it for the one I currently have. So far its great, though I'm not sure if there's a problem with my microphone. If I attempt to record something in a third party sound recording app, Google Keep, or I record something...
  4. JAy3001

    Help [Answered] SMS problems on EE in the UK

    I've noticed that I cannot send SMS messages to multiple recipients. Sits there sending and then fails with no error, just a retry option. Anyone else had this issue? I'm on EE here in the UK.
  5. Rxpert83

    Root Franco Kernel Discussion Thread [R32 6.0 M]

    Franco released his r1 kernel for the nexus 6 last night. This is a favorite kernel for many of the longtime nexus users, and people new to nexus will likely like it as well. I flashed it last night and everything is working just fine. Its feature packed, with more likely to come as further...
  6. wysts43

    Root Help Please! Re Lock Nexus 6

    I haven't posted here in a LONG TIME, but I figured my friends at Phandroid could help. I need to send my Nexus 6 back to Motorola due to a camera issue. I have scoured the internet for a way that will work for me to re-lock my device, but i am striking out (I have been able to un-root...
  7. JAy3001

    Root Rooting question

    I love my phones to be rooted as I like firewalls running. I never use roms, just root. So how easy is it to do with a nexus device? And will it effect the OTA updates? On my last phone the root process was a bit painful and horrid to unroot. Plus for some reason the devs removed the default...
  8. JAy3001

    Help restore SMS

    So how do you restore your Txt messages? This did not happen doing the nfc transfer or account sync. So I went back into my Txt on my hox and backed them up and sent them to myself, but the n6 has no restore option that I could find. Any clues?
  9. L

    Help Bluetooth Connection Issues/Discussion

    Does anyone else have Bluetooth auto-connect issues? I paired my N6 with my car, my laptop, and a speaker without any problems, but it won't auto-connect to any paired devices. This is mainly a problem when I get in my car, although it also renders trusted devices pretty pointless. Trying to...
  10. Hunter5

    Root TWRP Doesn't Install

    Got my N6 yesterday, rooted right after getting the 5.0.1 update and phone is running perfect however after downloading TWRP Manager and trying to install recovery all I get is "TWRP has crashed" on the bottom on the screen and the phone goes back to the home screen. Uninstalled and...
  11. A

    Root Quick Root Question

    Currently have a T-Mobile Nexus 6 with a verizon sim in it. I have seen a few apps that I want to take advantage of which require root such as notification light, tap to wake and Wifi tethering. If I root this, will it continue to receive the OTA updates?
  12. J

    Root best custom roms n6

    Getting a n6 soon what custom ROM should install
  13. S

    Help Static/crackling/speaker distortion

    There is frequently a burst of static fairly frequently when the sound effect plays after saying "Ok Google" or pressing the voice search button with my new Nexus 6 (stock, still on 5.0, haven't gotten upgrade to 5.0.1 yet). Sounds like a "pop". None of my other devices currently have this...
  14. Biaviian

    Root What ROM(s) are you rocking?

    It is still early but more and more alphas and betas are popping up so I am wondering what people are trying. I have only tried SlimRom and it runs very well. I only run it for the ability to force the volume buttons to always control the media volume.
  15. M

    Help [Official] 5.0.1 Update Discussion - Support

    its here ladies and germs. Discus. :)
  16. jj14x

    Root 5.0.1 factory images available

    LRX22C - https://developers.google.com/android/nexus/images OTA should be incoming soon. Flashaholics can of course flash away (as I did) :)
  17. shalemail

    Root Question - Motorola vs. Nexus

    So I have been pondering, I wanted my Nexus 6 because I wanted the specifications. Specifically 3GB RAM, Snapdragon 805, 3220 mAh battery, wireless charging and of course made by Motorola. I was not so interested in the "open nature" of the platform, hence my being ok with buying a locked down...
  18. jkc120

    Help Nexus 6 Auto brightness

    So I got my RMA device for the rattling/clicky vibration motor in my 1st N6, and the good news is the new one is much, much better. No rattle, but a high pitched subtle "click" every so often. I can live with that. But what I noticed is that the new device's brightness is a little lower at the...
  19. H

    Help Nexus 6 Tethering

    Hi, does anyone know if tethering (using SVTP or FoxFi) works on Nexus 6? I've read some article saying tethering is restricted unless approved by carrier on Nexus 6; is that true? I am currently a pretty big user of SVTP and was hoping to carry that on with Nexus 6 when it comes out for...
  20. Droid Ninja

    Help AT&T Nexus 6 on Verizon

    According to http://www.androidpolice.com/2014/11/22/psa-cdma-carriers-probably-wont-activate-your-nexus-6-unless-it-was-purchased-from-google-play-or-that-carrier-and-what-you-can-do-about-it/ AT&T Nexus 6 works on Verizon. Just curious if anyone is currently running that setup. Thanks
  21. jkc120

    Help Anyone's vibrator sound like this one?

    Trying to find out if this vibration noise is normal or not on the N6: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/28717002/n6_vibrate.mp3 I know it's a strong/buzzy vibrator but particularly the clicking is what seems like it's not right. An easy way I found to test this is to grab this app...
  22. blkbeltkid17

    RIP my first Nexus 6

    I am crushed less then 1 week of ownership and I have already being sent my 2nd N6 I went to bed last night and woke up to my phone burning up and in a bootloop that I could not remedy on my own so I game in called tmo and while on the phone with them what does my phone do ... it starts up only...
  23. shalemail

    Help GPS issues

    OK, first "issue" with the N6. As I have noted in other threads, I have the Moto 360 and the N6. Starting yesterday I was getting the card on my 360 that it was 17 min to work. I was at work. o_O So I go into maps and find that for some reason it has an address like 2 blocks from my home in...
  24. A

    Help T-MO Nexus 6 on VZW

    So I was in a T-Mobile store playing with one and the sales guy said they actually have stock. I bought it because Tmo's version is supposedly unlocked. Anyway, using it on VZW with no issues but two: 1.) I do not get VM notifications. People can leave messages fot me, but the phone does not...
  25. bcltoys

    Motorola may be building a better version of the Nexus 6

    Anybody see this. https://bgr.com/2014/12/03/nexus-6-like-motorola-droid-phablet/