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samsung acclaim

  1. K

    Is there an app that makes an end call button?

    I like my Acclaim but I hate the answer and end call buttons!!! Does anyone know of an app that makes the home, search, or return key the end call button or any other more easily accessible button on the phone the end call button? The twerp at US Cellular told me there was one but then...
  2. R

    Help Bluetooth Help

    I can not figure out how to send files via bluetooth. I need help
  3. F

    Help Acclaim: Voice dial, contacts and playlists OH MY!!

    Had my phone about a month and a half and have slowly started playing with it. First question. How, besides the Nuance app, can I get my phone to respond to voice dial commands??? Having to initiate an app before I can go hands free doesn't make a whole heck of a lot of sense especially when...
  4. Frisco

    Please Notice the Acclaim Sub-Forums

    A bit of serious organization is taking place. ;) Now we've got "Tips and Tricks," "Support and Troubleshooting" and "Accessories" in addition to the "All Things Root" sub-forum. Tips and Tricks is not for questions or seeking advice, of course; it's for discovered helpful hints and methods...
  5. U

    Help help, sound stops

    My Acclaim sound simply stops working after a day or three. The sound volume is fine and nothing makes sounds any longer. My wife and friend and his wife all have the Acclaim and none of them have this problem. I suspect it is somehow related to the Calendar tool as it's the only thing I use...
  6. K

    Help Another odd problem

    Ok this might sound weird or maybe like it shouldn't be a big problem BUT it seems that when I have my phone on speaker and I type keys in on the keypad, that they are not recognized correctly. For example if I call my voicemail on speaker and I put in my password it always says it is...
  7. R

    Help Help

    I just got the Samsung Acclaim from US Cellular. I cant figure out how to set customized ringtones for text messages. like i want to hear a certain song when a certain person text me. HELP:)
  8. A

    Help samsung acclaim blacklist

    How do you UNblacklist a contact?
  9. N

    Help Sluggish

    Have only had phone for a few days, and have very few apps, and it just seems to run sluggish. Any suggestions?
  10. K

    Help Acclaim will not "sleep" when charging

    Right now I have my phone set to sleep after 2 minutes to save screen time, battery, yadda, yadda. However, when I plug it in to charge it, the screen never goes to sleep. It stays on, which is usually for the entire night when I am charging. I brought it to US Cellular and the guy just reset...
  11. S

    Help Facebook notification tone

    I have been enjoying the Samsung Acclaim for about 1 month now. I do have a proble with the phone playing a song as a notification tone whenever someone sends me a message on face book. It will play a song I have in the file even though the song is not picked as a notification tone. Am I...
  12. N

    Help changing lines

    can any one tell me how to change lines when i get a beep with out hanging up on the other person? this would be great if some one could help me thanks so much :D
  13. R

    Help delay in receiving emails

    Hello, I was a Blackberry user for years but switched to the Samsung Acclaim 4 months ago. My biggest complaint is the delay in receiving emails. With blackberry it was instant! I believe I have my settings to check for messages every 5 minutes, but that does not seem to be the case...
  14. J

    Help Trouble syncing with Windows Media

    So, for some reason I'm not able to sync my phone with my music I have in my Windows Media Player. Any help?
  15. A

    Help samsung acclaim software

    Is there any apps that can change the font, home screen and just overall software look of the samsung acclaim? please help, i'm bored of the original samsung software! :confused:
  16. M

    Root USCells crappy apps

    i recently rooted my Acclaim and started removing all the crap UScell pre-installed. I seem to have gotten rid of everything except MyContacts Backup and would very much like to do so. There is an apk file named August_USCellular_prod_a2.0_v1.10.apk which i believe to be the one containing...
  17. T

    Help Bookmarks?

    Hello everyone! I have the Samsung Acclaim through US Cellular. I have used Bookmard option but have no idea where to find what I bookmared. :) Can anyone help? Thanks!
  18. B

    Help problem when i sent a message.

    i linked my mobile number with my facebook page so that when i recieve messages on facebook, facebook sends me a message with the notifaction. then you can reply to the text and it forwards the message to the sender via facebook. that being said ill explain my problem. i received a message...
  19. bmckenzie90

    Root Rooting on a MAC - Help?

    Hey everyone, I own a Mac computer. How do I go about rooting my Samsung Acclaim from my Mac? Do I need to use Windows? It seems all "tutorials" I've found require Windows and a Samsung .exe file. Secondly, will I lose everything on my phone (contacts, apps, etc)?
  20. W

    Help I can't get any new apps to load

    Just got this
  21. S

    Help Please Help! Messages from the future!

    My Samsung Acclaim is switching back and forth from receiving texts in real time to receiving texts timestamped 10 minutes (more or less) in the future. This is causing my texts to be completely out of order. Totally confusing and extremely difficult to have a conversation. I restarted my...
  22. C

    Root Samsung Acclaim Rooted

    Acclaim Rooted Kernel
  23. D

    Help problem typing contacts

    When I goto create a new text message, I can type some of my contacts names and they show up so I can select them, but some of them dont show up when I type their name and I have to go into my contacts in order to text them. Also, another annoying little problem I have been having is that...
  24. J

    Help Message and Missed call notification

    Okay, I am new to a smart phone and have a US Cellular Samsung Acclaim R880. I am trying to set it to notify me with a tone for a missed call and a separate tone for a new message. Am I just not finding how do do it or won't the phone do this? Thanks
  25. 2

    App Inventor and Acclaim

    anyone been able to get the app inventor to talk to their acclaim phone yet?
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