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samsung galaxy portal

  1. H

    Help Wallpaper Selection

    My son has accidentally tick an option when choosing wallpaper. He now only has the option of picking from the gallery. Before there were options to go to images etc. I cannot find the reset for this selection option. (My first thread, so sorry if I breached any conventions)
  2. B

    Help Galaxy portal email problems

    Can anyone shed some light on this problem? My partner has just got a galaxy portal. I set up everything for her & it was all ok. Now the email will not actually download the emails! If you refresh the little symbol goes round and just continues to do this forever! I deleted the account...
  3. S

    Help Texting and data transfer problems

    Hi there For some reason, my texts only appear on the status bar along the top. I pull the notification bar down, click on the text, and it opens the conversation but no new texts or sent texts appear anymore. They've just stopped appearing in the conversation. Any ideas? Also, I have...
  4. J

    Root Anyone on Three ?

    Having rooted and flashed by phone I've lost the convenient link to the mobile version of the My3 website. Can someone on Three please post the link to this version of it? Thanks John
  5. D

    Help unlock pattern

    hi, can anyone help an idiot, set unlock pattern on portal when drunk and forgot it, tried resetting through google, not having it, please help.
  6. E

    Help Help! No signal after 2.1 update!!

    Hi, Today i got my phone completely wiped and the 2.1 firmware put on it at carphone warhouse, this was because the phone managed to lock its self with the pattern unlock in my pocket and the device wouldnt accept my gmail... anyway, after getting the new update i lost signal the areas that i...
  7. P

    Root I5700 flashing problem

    Morning guys. Anyway i have a Galaxy I5700 from Three.co.uk. i recently unlocked the phone too. last week i rooted the phone with leshaks tutorial at Root Samsung Galaxy Spica i5700 With LeshaK’s Kernel after a few days i decided to put the phone back to normal as the 2.2 update is...
  8. W

    Help Official froyo coming to portal, or shoddy customer service?

    Three emails, three replies:
  9. N

    Help Contacts Saving and Editing

    My phone is having problems saving and editing contacts. As far as I know, I don't have a lot of contacts, only 20, so I don't understand why it won't save new ones. And also, if I try to change the name of someone or change the number, that won't save either. This is becoming a problem as I...
  10. W

    Help Updating to 2.1

    Hi there, I know this has been covered, but I can't even get my PC to find my phone! I have tried using Kies and NPS and neither knows my phone is connected via the USB lead. I assume the lead works as the battery starts charging when I connect it. However, I have electric sockets for...
  11. D

    Help WLM and wallpaper

    Hi, I'm now a proud owner of the portal on the '3' network. I've only had it for 24 hours now and still have a lot to learn but there's 2 things im getting stressed/mystified over and hope you can help. Firstly, Windows live messenger through '3' seems to keep receiving/sending messages...
  12. G

    Root debranding

    hi iv had some answers but i want it to look like this http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/67/Samsung_i5700.jpg please help
  13. M

    Help Screen problem - seen this before?

    Hi First post - and one of desperation. I already have a Galaxy Portal but my daughter asked if she could have one, so I bought one off ebay. It arrived and looked clean, tidy and everything in the box, but once it is on, it's another story. The screen on the wallpaper has a...
  14. J

    Help kies/nps - updating firmware

    Hi, Question re: Kies/NPS and firmware from a noob. My Galaxy Portal on 3 Mobile is as follows: 2.1-update1 i570EXXJC1 2.6.29 root@SES611 #2 ECLAIR.XXJCD At some stage when I have more time, I will root the phone (as per Beerkan's guide). (How long does it take btw?) Before this however...
  15. S

    Help blue and white strip down the screen. but haven't dropped the phone. .help

    Hey guys I let my battery life completeely down then when I rechargeed it and turned it on there is a big blue line running vertical down my screen with a thin white line on each side. I haven't dropped the phone and this thing doeant look like its appearing because of damage it looks slightly...
  16. S

    Help Battery life problem

    I got a used phone but it's in good condition. Only problem was the battery life was awful, which I expected as it's obviously an old battery. So I bought a new one from a reputable dealer on ebay. Paid
  17. L0neWolf

    Help memory card in but phone isnt reading it. help?

    ok so here is my problem. the micro sd card in my phone isnt being recognised by my phone, there is a little icon that has popped up in the notifications bar, its a picture of a memory card with an exclamation mark on it. i have tried other micro sd cards but i am still presented with the same...
  18. M

    Help google agenda impossible to read due to colors

    Hi, I have the Galaxy S since a few days now, but I cannot change the color of my google agenda items in the android agenda. The txt is black on a dark blue background and impossible to read. I have already changed the colorscheme of my Google agenda, and sync., but it does not seem to make...
  19. G

    Root Debranding

    Hi does anyone know where i can get the software to debrand it for free:) please someone help would really be helping:D
  20. S

    Help Is this a fault?

    I go in to messaging and the "To" field is highlighted. Typing someones name doesn't bring anything up. So I go in to the options and select "Add Recipients" and it says "No contacts with phone numbers". However, if I just type the persons phone number in the "To" field it shows their name when...
  21. T

    Help Any news of Froyo 2.2 for Galaxy Portal?

    Hi to all, is there any news as to when we will be getting Froyo 2.2 for the Galaxy Portal. Has it been released...release date? Where and how can I download it onto my phone Cheers T1 :)
  22. I

    Help Great little phone, couple of questions...

    Hi guys I've gone from the Hero to the Portal (Had to sell the Hero unfortunately as T-mobile screwed it up for me) and so far i'm really impressed with the phone. Battery life is very good, it's a nippy little phone and I can't fault Android. Maybe someone can help me with these two...
  23. S

    Help Help with settings on my new phone please..

    Thought I should post this in here as I'm sure the problem isn't specific to my phone. Maybe it's a network issue. I just got a Samsung Galaxy Portal (i5700) which was unlocked from the 3 network and I'm using it on Virgin. I've entered all the Virgin settings but it still wont establish a...
  24. S

    Help Help with internet settings needed ASAP please..

    I just bought one of these that has been unlocked from 3 and I'm using it with a Virgin Mobile sim card. I've put the following virgin settings in.. it wont work though. As soon as I open the browser it says http://www.mobile.three.co.uk/hb/hutchkey cannot be displayed, even though I've changed...
  25. Z

    Help Live Wallpaper

    Hey, having some trouble trying to find the files to install live wallpapers. Also, how do i install them once they're on the card etc. etc. Followed beerkans tutorial for 2.1 and rooting but i have no idea of hw to do stuff lol thanks
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