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samsung rugby smart

  1. J

    JLH Need speaker mic for my Rugby.

    I have a Samsung Rugby, and need a speaker mic that will work in noisy environments. I am required to wear earplugs & a hardhat so an earbud or headset is not an option. Somin makes a wireless unit similar to the remotes found on two-way radios. We're all experiencing the same probems, we simply...
  2. J

    APN page crashes

    Every time I enter the APN page the application settings program stops and my only option is to force close it. I have hard reset to stock settings and it did not help. Need to make a new APN for Straight-talk web access and can't. Rugby smart, stock condition. Can anyone help me please. I have...
  3. M

    Root AOKP Pure on xda-developers

    I've posted my build of AOKP Pure Jellybean on XDA: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2075160 This is maintained by me, so progress on adding the bug fixes may be slow.
  4. K

    Root Looking for an Original Flash

    Looking for a Flash File to allow me to unroot my Rugby to Original Factory Settings. Installed SuperUser and need to revert back to Original. Any assistance would be appreciated. Lets just say EPIC FAIL!
  5. B

    Root Samsung Rugby Smart Root & Lag Help

    Hi all. I have a Samsung Rugby Smart SGH-I847 with root and my reason for rooting my device was because 1) AT&T has alot of bloatware/stock apps installed by default that I will never use. 2) After downloading apps & games most of them were lagging so I thought if I could uninstall the stock...
  6. M

    Root Announcements from the Development community.

    We haven't dropped this project yet... :D. Big developments are on the way, including: - A more efficient ICS kernel (not 2.6) - Alternate recovery images - More ROMs and updates to existing ones Stay tuned Ladies and Gents!
  7. K

    Root CyanogenMod 10 For Rugby Smart

    A port of CyanogenMod 10 is now available for the Rugby Smart! A main thread over on XDA has been created: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=34625020 Enjoy
  8. M

    Root Rugby Smart Basebands (Radio interface components)

    Disclaimer: I take no responsibility for damages caused by flashing this file. This may or may not work on Canadian and European systems. Flash at your own risk! For those that recieved the OTA update a few months ago, you may have noticed a slightly slower but more consistent and stronger...
  9. D

    Root HELP Getting phone running

    pretty sure i crashed my phone and need to reinstall operating system. I tried to fix it by reinstalling market place directly from usbstorage. Phone is a day old. The original problem i had to was that google play was not showing up after i rooted phone and again I am still learning the ropes...
  10. K

    Root Unrooting Rugby Smart

    If you are trying to unroot the Rugby smart you should only need to delete the following files /system/app/Superuser.apk /system/sbin/su You can delete these files with a normal terminal emulator on-device or via adb shell. The necessary commands from the command line: Uninstall...
  11. K

    Root CyanogenMod 9 For Rugby Smart

    A port of CyanogenMod 9 is now available for the Rugby Smart! A main thread over on XDA has been created: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1940632 Enjoy
  12. S

    Help echo o o o o o

    Just got a Rugby for my father, whenever I call him I can hear my own voice echoing when I talk to him. He can't hear the echo on his end. It doesn't matter which phone I use to call the Rugby phone, the callers voice echos. Any help would be appreciated Thanks.
  13. C

    Rugby Smart Exchange issues

    Hey folks, got a odd issue here with a Samsung Rugby phone. We have deployed 3 rugby smart phones to our techs in the field since they seem to be pretty bullet proof devices. My issue is that when connecting the phone to our exchange server all work fine. The issue is that after a few days the...
  14. G

    Removal of the provided e-mail icon

    I would like to remove the provided e-mail icon at the bottom of the screen and replace it with a Gmail app. I don't like how the stock app handles my Gmail acct and just leaving it there takes up precious screen space. Any suggestions? Thanks!
  15. M

    Root [TEASER] AOKP for the Rugby Smart

    These are all I'm posting to show this off. As any experienced android user will tell, there's no cell connection. If anyone's interested in testing my AOKP port or Kemonine96's CM9 source build, please contact us via PM. Credit: kkrraazzyy, for porting AOKP the the Galaxy W. The Kang...
  16. K

    Root Enable Tethering (No Need For ATT Plan)

    Tethering Thanks to nicedream06 for figuring out how to get tethering on the stock ROM without the need for an ATT tethering plan. I have taken his work and turned it into a simple update.zip and Tasker profile. You need root in order to do enable tethering. Enable Tethering Download...
  17. K

    Root CWR (Clockwork) Recoveries (Multiple 5.x and 6.x)

    I am not responsible for anything bad that comes to your device when using the information posted in this thread. Everything here is dangerous, may cause a brick, will void a warranty and has the potential to just plain wreak havoc. Do not complain you followed my instructions and met with a...
  18. D-U-R-X

    Root ATR Sticky Update

    :We Need Your Help!: We've noticed that the root sticky for your phone has been a little neglected and needs some updating. Please contact us to let us know which are the current, up-to-date root related threads & guides for the Rugby Smart? You can contact us through...
  19. S

    Rugby Smart Newby with Question

    Hello all. I finally got out of contract with the Blackberry. Got a Rugby for the ruggedness. First day with it. I'd like to know how to remove the "Sent from my Samsung Rudgy" tagline on my emails. I can' seem to find it in the settings. And please forgive me if it's posted somewhere else. I...
  20. G

    Help camera resolution

    Hello, I am new to the smart phone world and am really green. I have a Rugby Smart1847 . I'm having trouble getting pics taken at a smaller resolution it seems to be "stuck" in max resolution. When I select the settings while in camera mode and go to "edit shortcuts" all the different selections...
  21. V

    Root samsung galaxy rugby pro is coming!

    i wouldn't mind having that phone now. AT&T announces three new Samsung devices and the Son of phablet
  22. V

    samsung rugby smart ota update

    hey there i have had my rugby smart since june 25th.i use it for my work phone. love the phone and its durability. i just checked today to see if it had an update ota and it did. I done the update and everything but is there anyone out there that knows what it fixed? I'm just curious. i noticed...
  23. M

    Root [UPDATED] MH-Kernel1.2 (For Samsung Rugby Smart ONLY!)

    DO NOT FLASH TO A GALAXY W! This is based on open source files specifically for the Rugby Smart MH-Kernel 1.2 Here's the first of a, hopefully, long list of mods for The Rugby Smart. Here, I added the following governors: Smartass SmartassV2 Interactive I also tried adding init.d via...
  24. M

    Root [Root] Non-destructive Root Method (Brought to us by XDA Forums)

    I am not liable for damages cause by a failure to follow instructions. Proceed at your own risk To do this you must be in Download mode. To get there, power down then do the following: hold vol down, then insert USB plug while attached to a PC (needs Windows) In order for this root method...
  25. C


    Is there a way to create new folders in the gallery and save pics to that folder? Every pic I take winds up in the camera folder