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zte avid 4g

  1. LoopyD

    Hello Avid!!!

    Good evening all. I have just purchased the ZTE Avid 4G for $119 plus since I am a regular customer at that location I was offered a screen protector and a nice case for free. What customer service! :) Anyway long story short I set my old Huawei Premia on the seat next to me, by a stroke of...
  2. dadcup

    Root (Theme)easy way to theme stock rom

    Hi guys I found a easy way to add theme choose for stock I hope you guys like it easy first Download the xposed apk from here: http://www.4shared.com/android/ljJRqZb6/XposedInstaller_214.html Then install the xtheme app here : http://www.4shared.com/android/0g3cBK3m/XThemeEngine_beta5.html...
  3. S

    Root Lost all data...

    Basically I lost all data connection... just grey bars. Still able to send texts and calls. Last steps taken (oldest to most recent) : flashed cm10 tester 11 and used for about a week, restored stock backup, went about a week and then "poof" no data, tried using lte on/off methods (currently set...
  4. spanky0323

    Root post your home sreen

    slimm+ purple theme :(
  5. Z

    ZTE AVID 4g Metro working on QPST

    Anyone one has this phone working on QPST? I see it on the port when open QPST, but when select the port and click on programming, it's not there.
  6. KutuluKid

    Root GPS help

    I am using the deodex CM10 and am having trouble with my GPS. I copied the gps.default.so and gps.goldfish.so to /hw folder and changed permissions and the libgps.utils.so and libloc_adapter.so to /lib and the gps.conf to /etc but get no gps. I noticed the owner and group were still set to the...
  7. C

    Need custom gesture app?!!

    On my phone i can view my recent apps by long pressing my house icon onmy phone. problem is that i dont like waiting 4 seconds for it to pop up. im looking for an app that allows me to assign gestures so that i can use 2 fingers to slide from the top of screen to bottom and recent apps pop up...
  8. D

    Root Help on wifi hospot with 3g network

    So the problem is that when my 4g lte switches to 3g my wifi Hotspot wont work i already tried foxfi but it didnt work is there other apps that can give me wifi hotspot at a 3g network
  9. spanky0323

    Root Easy button for recovery mode

    Just wanted to share this app for all you out their testing, this makes it easy to get in to recovery Reboot Recovery
  10. J

    Root zte avid please help with wifi tether have root cant get open garden to work

    i have zte avid rooted open garden wifi tether will not work for me i have lg esteem rooted it works fine unlimeted 4g tether please help me with the avid somebody please
  11. Jenny89128

    Root somebody... anybody.... :(

    SO I'm still very new to all things root but have gained some experience through a few of you. (Dadcup has been very gracious and patient with me) I am currently trying to flash the cm10 and probably should've waited but I was to anxious and began the process anyway. I flashed the cm10 tester...
  12. R

    Help backlight wont shut off after missed call

    I have my backlight settings to shut off after 30secs. It's works but not when I get a missed call. When I get a missed call the backlight comes on and won't go out till I either hit the power button or check the missed call. So if I get a missed call while away from my phone the battery drains...
  13. spanky0323

    Root (blue theme) stock+

    not really a theme but i did make just about everything ics blue along with a changed all app drawer icon, and themed mms INSTALL put zip on sdcard boot into recovery MAKE A BACKUP install zip from sdcard reboot TESTED, WORKING, ON STOCK+ ics blue
  14. jerryag

    Root CM10 Downloads and Links

    I found it difficult to browse back and forth in the original thread by totlth so I decided to post up the links to his CM10 and the fix links posted by dadcup, totlth, seldomlove and whoever else takes credit for finding the fixes. Anything missing or needs adding, let me know I'll edit...
  15. spanky0323

    Root purple theme

    purple theme for stock+ UPDATE : updated zip with more themed contacts,phone and purple tapatalk DOWNLOAD INSTALL put zip on sdcard boot into recovery MAKE A BACKUP install zip from sdcard reboot TESTED, WORKING, ON STOCK+ wallpaper wallpaper
  16. AndroidFan420

    What are these?

    I recently found an Avid with a smashed screen, when I removed it I found 2 small things to the left of the speaker. (could be sensors of some sort) I was just wondering what they are any ideas? I dont think they can be seen with the screen on.
  17. jerryag

    Root Carrier Unlock?

    Does anyone know how to carrier unlock this phone for another provider, I recently moved from FL to NC and I have absolutely no data or reception I'd prefer just take my phone to another provider rather than buy a new one all together.
  18. dadcup

    Root Tether for cm10 ROM

    Well I found a good app to do tether for cm10 3g and 4g both tether work here try and let me know https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.lite.up.wifitether.free.update
  19. F

    Root Recovery via fast boot

    Im looking for any help or instructions on how to flash Recovery with fastboot. I do not have access to a pc. I think i was told to use tol touch recovery please help
  20. T

    Help Call recording on Avid

    Has anyone managed to get a rooted Avid to record voice calls using one of the Android apps on the market? I have tried with "call recorder" but am only getting my voice (not the other person) unless using the speakerphone mode which is unusable. My G2 did this fine I use it for business calls...
  21. spanky0323

    Root (red Theme) in progress......

    I'm working on a red Theme, this is my first time trying this and I'm learning as I go along.. So if anyone has any suggestions or ideas, advice, please share, nothing is final yet im still learning what xmls to edit, etc.. INSTALL put zip on sdcard boot into recovery MAKE A BACKUP...
  22. A

    Help why a mobile website instead of a desktop version

    I have a zte anthem 4g and i am using a tether to use the signal on my phone for the internet on my computer but every time i open my web browser i.e. goolge chrome or internet explorer it is acting on my computer that it is a mobile device is there any way i can make it so when i look at a...
  23. dubtee

    Root anyway to mod the notification pulldown menu to add day and date

    I'm on (slim+)I've looked around on Google can't seem to find any leads Any advice:
  24. B

    Usb otg cable

    So I recently got a otg cable so I could connect a flash drive and a ps3 controller to my phone but it seems not to be working any idea on how I can get it to work?
  25. A

    Root Rom toolbox pro Update 5.9.0

    Wondering if anyone has the latest one so i can get it.
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