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Help 1.13.604 Update adds "Dead Pixels" in Camera?

I can confirm now that this was a confirmed software issue, and it is resolved in the next update. WHEW!

What is your source? Believe me, I want it to be true as much as the next guy. But, I will not be canceling my 3rd order until I can get confirmation from Motorola.
the app i use is vignette and it DOES use the 8mp resolution and i see no pixels. ONLY in the stock camera app
What is your source? Believe me, I want it to be true as much as the next guy. But, I will not be canceling my 3rd order until I can get confirmation from Motorola.

I was not given clearance to provide the source name, only the actual information, but this was from Motorola app developement.

We have 2 DXs here both with camera dead pixels, and I'm now just going to await the update instead of spending my time trying to get replacements.

I'll see if I can get permission to post the source's name, but I'm not sure that will be permitted.

Here is the exact quote from the corrispondence:

Is something being done to correct the DroidX camera bug?

08-01-2010 06:53 AM

Its been reported in a number of community forums that people are seeing dead pixels when using the camera or camcorder. This did not show up until the first phone update, which indicates a software issue. In some cases, the dead pixels do show up in photos or video recordings. In others they do not.

To further confirm this issue is software sided, the dead pixels do NOT show up when using the scanner app in the marketplace.

Customers are told to exchange their Droid X phones at their local Verizon store, but of course, stock isn't available.

I would think getting a lot of returned phones that do not actually have a hardware issues would be a bad thing. Maybe a fix can be pushed when froyo is rolled out?

"Hello Garee,

Many thanks for approaching us on this issue. In order to investigate further on this and to make confirm that this is a software issue, can you send me those links of those forums where customers have raised their issues? Or do you have any sample app or any which could replicate the above bug? I am following up this issue with product team however in the mean time if you can provide any kind of instances creating this dead pixel issue would be highly helpful."

I then provided links to the threads here where people were reporting the issue. I got this response back a few days later:

"Droid-X product team says that they have resolved this issue in their next release. So I hope you may not see this problem once Droid-X is upgraded to Froyo."

I asked if I could share this information publically (And I also asked if I could get a froyo rollout date, but no luck there), and got this response back:

08-05-2010 04:02 AM
I cannot comment on upgrade news besides whats in this link

Regarding the bug fix, yes may be you can pass on the info that it is fixed in next release.

That link is just the same release chart link we've seen in a dozen different places, btw.
I hope this is true, I wish we could know for sure because I am on my 5th phone. My 4th phone with the pixel problem, I also have vertical lines, a red and a green.

Here is a video of what I have, you have to watch it in HD full screen to see a purple pixel, white pixel and you can see the red line on the left, there is a green line on the right but it is hard to see here because it is lighter on that side. All of my other phones have had red and green dots and all have the colored lines in the same place on every phone. Youtube doe snto make it as severe looking at it looks when I play it from my pc.

YouTube - ‪2010-08-04_18-48-52_309.3gp‬‎

*If this fix is true I wish I had kept my second phone, it was the only one that had no other problems lol.
I think the only real issue for us now, is WHEN the hell do we get froyo? The rumors said today, and now it looks like they are talking about the 22nd. That means users with dead pixel camera users have to deal with it for almost 2 months without a fix.

IMHO, basic camera functionality is a major feature, and really needs to be addressed asap.
Yep, some people don't see them at all in other camera apps. Try vinette, or 360 camer to see if they show up or not.
Yep, some people don't see them at all in other camera apps. Try vinette, or 360 camer to see if they show up or not.

Just remember to pick 3264x2448 resolution if you don't see "8 MP". This will ensure you are seeing the entire camera sensor. I can confirm that I have no hot pixels in Camera 360. :D
For those of you seeing dead/hot pixels in video playback, even on a tv screen or computer, try,
Qik Video Camera from the market (free)
Not a 720P camcorder, but can help tide you over til the Froyo Train arrives and fixes the stock camcorder bug. None of my 3 hot pixels show up during video recording or in video playback. :D

Using Camera360 for taking pictures.
Eliminated any and all hot pixels from photos.
For those of you seeing dead/hot pixels in video playback, even on a tv screen or computer, try,
Qik Video Camera from the market (free)
Not a 720P camcorder, but can help tide you over til the Froyo Train arrives and fixes the stock camcorder bug. None of my 3 hot pixels show up during video recording or in video playback. :D

Using Camera360 for taking pictures.
Eliminated any and all hot pixels from photos.

does it work for the X now?
im just recieved my FOURTH replacement DX and this one has horrible red and blue pixels problems in the camera/camcorder app. Can anyone with leaked froyo confirm that it fixes this problem?
Yes. I've confirmed it for the last three weeks, since the froyo rrollout. You could have just read back through older replies, instead of going insave swapping out phones every two days.

Stop exchanging your damned phones, and wait for the froyo OTA which is supposed to be this weekend.
Yes. I've confirmed it for the last three weeks, since the froyo rrollout. You could have just read back through older replies, instead of going insave swapping out phones every two days.

Stop exchanging your damned phones, and wait for the froyo OTA which is supposed to be this weekend.

As soon as THIS weekend huh?? You heard it here first!!!
Gareee had the scoop!! Do you have a link to your source btw? :D
As soon as THIS weekend huh?? You heard it here first!!!
Gareee had the scoop!! Do you have a link to your source btw? :D

I second that. Link please...

Since fall does not start until the 22nd, they have as much as 17 days to release without violating their original schedule.
Yes. I've confirmed it for the last three weeks, since the froyo rrollout. You could have just read back through older replies, instead of going insave swapping out phones every two days.

Stop exchanging your damned phones, and wait for the froyo OTA which is supposed to be this weekend.

Hey, Gareee, so where is froyo? The weekend is over. :p
Beats me where the hell it was.. I was off at Dragoncon in a Ghostbuster outfit, and got to enjoy a wonderful stay at the emergency ward, with a kidney stone! Talk about the wonders of PAIN!

Funny thng though..many people at thge con were having issues with dropped signal, inability to upload pics or tweets, and some real foulk mouthed bitching about AT&T anbd Iphone service....

And we had hardly any issues at all with our DroidX phones. We were uploading and posting pics from the con, and posting on facebook, and in most cases, without any problems at all.

I think we probably sold about 50 people on Droid Xs during dragoncon in the last 4 days... LOL!
The biggest issue I have with the delayed froyo rollout is that most of us all all past our 30 day return policy now.

I tried the beta froyo, but I saw more issues with it than with 2.1, so I rolled back till the final.
Frick...I've got em too on video. Those that don't think they have em, wait till dark or go into a dark room...that's how I ended up catching that they were there.

A vid...couple dead one's...1 just up from the middle, and 2 at the left 1/8th. also have a "dead line" from top to bottom at the left 1/4. Dammit.:mad: Can see on screen and in playback...what are we doing about this???

Watch in HD and full screen.
YouTube - Pixels

one more after powering down and restarting the phone...same locations different view.
YouTube - Pixels2

and one more for giggles, dark against bricks, to day light, then back to dark...the dead pixels never change.
YouTube - Pixels3

Well, the Froyo update fixed the stuck pixels, but not the red "dead line" in Video mode. I suppose I'll go have a talk with Verizon about replacing my X.
Think I'll get grief cause I'm over my 30 days?:(
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