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Help 1.13.604 Update adds "Dead Pixels" in Camera?

Frick...I've got em too on video. Those that don't think they have em, wait till dark or go into a dark room...that's how I ended up catching that they were there.

A vid...couple dead one's...1 just up from the middle, and 2 at the left 1/8th. also have a "dead line" from top to bottom at the left 1/4. Dammit.:mad: Can see on screen and in playback...what are we doing about this???

Watch in HD and full screen.
YouTube - Pixels

one more after powering down and restarting the phone...same locations different view.

and one more for giggles, dark against bricks, to day light, then back to dark...the dead pixels never change.
Frick...I've got em too on video. Those that don't think they have em, wait till dark or go into a dark room...that's how I ended up catching that they were there.

A vid...couple dead one's...1 just up from the middle, and 2 at the left 1/8th. also have a "dead line" from top to bottom at the left 1/4. Dammit.:mad: Can see on screen and in playback...what are we doing about this???

You can return it. It has nothing to do with the software and is a hardware glitch involving hot pixels on the camera sensor (CCD). Every digital camera has hot pixels, but most are barely noticeable. My X happens to have a big fat red one which is very noticeable on video which absolutely warrants a return. I will have my new one tomorrow. :D A couple of cyan or green ones is a different story and doesnt really warrant a return. They are barely noticeable. But, the red ones will always be noticeable especially in darker scenes. Anyway, I hope this helps. If anyone thinks this is a software glitch that will eventually be fixed, they will be waiting a LOOOOOONG time. Anyway, here is a good explanation on CCD hot pixels:

Hot Pixels
Im still waiting for my replacement to come in so I decided to email a few pics to myself. At first I thought that the pixel problem was only within the cam app and the pics would be ok. If you see a bigger version of the pic on your computer screen or lcd instead of the DX screen, it is very apparent that the pixel problem translates to the final picture produced.
I've got it too. Its not a dead pixel because it moves in and out when I zoom in and out. Has to be software problem.

Read my link above on hot pixels. It's not a software problem. You are seeing the result of what comes through the camera sensor. If there are hot or stuck pixels on the CCD, you will see them on the LCD screen. You will not see this fixed with a software update...ever. It is a hardware problem that can only be fixed with a new phone. Sorry for the bad news. Good luck!
Everyone here is crazy except for a few. These are simply digital artifacts caused by lighting conditions. Need to stop reading these threads. The DroidX is hands down the best phone I have ever owned. The amount of whining about superficial BS is really starting to bug me. :eek:

You obviously know nothing about the hardware in these phones and have no problem owning defective products. Stuck or hot pixels on a CCD will show up in pictures and video. I guess you would have no problem running Photoshop on many of your pictures either. Correct? Well, many of us are busy in life and want a product that works the way it's supposed to without senseless workarounds. This is a forum for addressing concerns with these android phones and no one is "whining". But, there certainly seems to be some trolling going on. For sure... :p
Wouldn't a hot pixel stay stationary and not move around the screen? Plus wouldn't it be black and not colored?

I'm not sure what you mean by "move around the screen". Please explain.

Hot/stuck pixels would be red, blue, green or sometimes yellow in some digital cameras. Red are very obvious which is what I have on mine. It shows up on all pictures and videos that are dimly lit.
Because if you see a dis colored pixel. Try zooming in and out, out will move left and right. Pixels are stationary and cannot move.
Because if you see a dis colored pixel. Try zooming in and out, out will move left and right. Pixels are stationary and cannot move.

I think I understand what you are trying to say. My red pixel is near the edge and when I zoom in the pixel does go off screen (not move within the display like yours because yours is probably near the center of the CCD). You have to realize you are seeing the pixels on your camera sensor. They will move as you zoom in and out as with any digital zoom.

Nonetheless, you have a defective CCD and need a new phone unless you can live with the pixels. You can always clean them up in Photoshop.;)
So should I just go back and pick up a incredible before my 30 days are up? Lol

I'm giving it one more chance. My brother and a friend at work both got their phones about a week or so after me and have no issues. I'm hoping, as an early adopter, I got a phone from a bad batch of phones with the crappy CCD and this new one will be from a good batch. They probably discovered the CCD issue after a couple of production runs and addressed the quality issue. A company like Motorola would never make this public though unless it was a major issue like the iPhony4. This is a minor issue that affects a small percentage of phones.

If I get yet another bad one, it will be the Incredible for me. That was my first choice to begin with.
Just looked at mine, and looks like I have two dead pixels, one at the center of the screen, and one about 1/3rd from the right dead center.

I REALLY hate to get a replacement, since I have everything running just as I want it now. I might wait for the 2.2 update, and see if it still exists.
Same here, I have 2 sometimes 3 never in the same spot. Who am I kidding I can't go to the dinc. But I may get a replacement.
I wonder when stores will actually have them there FOR us to replace them? I'm guessing at least a week or two.
Just re tested discovered two red, and one blue pixel. Pictures seem fuzzier too. Stupid update...

This will sound really stupid, but it works.

Clean the glass shutter cover. Mine looked clean, but had some finger smudge on it, and i was getting glowy "soft" looking images.. I cleaned it with my t shirt, and that cleared it right up!
Man I thought it was just me I noticed it before the update though.plus I think the video and picture quality sucks took bunch of pictures today and they all seem blurry. Crap Is my DX bad. How do I upload a pic from my DX to here?

Can't really see any detail in ether. For 8mp its not that great.and the video is worse. I would post them but I guess I'd ned to put on a host sites first and I'm tired so not tonight.
Anyone else discover after the .604 update that they have dead or "hot" pixel bug in their camcorder screen as well during video playback??

yeah, I have 2 blue pixels. You think its possible that VZW could fix this problem with a future update? If an update can cause the problem, I would assume an update could fix it as well. Or do you think this is this permanent? lol.
Read my link above on hot pixels. It's not a software problem. You are seeing the result of what comes through the camera sensor. If there are hot or stuck pixels on the CCD, you will see them on the LCD screen. You will not see this fixed with a software update...ever. It is a hardware problem that can only be fixed with a new phone. Sorry for the bad news. Good luck!

Then can you tell me why I ONLY have the dead pixels in the default Camera and camcorder? they are not there in the camera apps ive downloaded to test.
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