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It thought I was in Kansas for some reason, so I could not test on a server within 1000 miles of my location. Depending on which server I tried, I got anywhere between 250kbps and 1100kbps download speeds. Not very useful unfortunately, but the interface is nice. Hopefully they'll update it so we have access to more test servers, or at least give the option to override the location if it's incorrect.
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I'm not confident that the test is very accurate. It really doesn't seem accurate over WiFI. I get slow speeds according to the test but for sure I'm faster than on 3G. We seem to have a fast network up here compared to the speeds I see so far down south but it can go all over the place. Stand next to a ritzy condo around here and the speeds vary between 5M and unusable especially at night.

One thing is to hit the select server option if it doesn't pick one nearby.
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Download the Speedtest.net app from the market and post your results here in the format below!

Android 2.0.1
Location: Bellevue, WA
Download: 1,121
Upload: 753

Download Link (Scan the QR code on page)

*Shopsavvy didn't work on the QR Code so I had to use Barcode Scanner. Might be a 2.0.1 thing...*

QR Code reading is not implemented in Shop Savvy. The creators wanted it to just be Shopping and product related so no QR code support.
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