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Root 6-14 [ROM] Froyo Kangerade V1.0 *Blazing fast, 7 Theme options, many extras*

thanks for the tip. I'll give it a try since I do have a barcode scanner app installed.

FYI, I reverted back to a 2.1 rom (BB V.1.1) and the camera works fine so its not a hardware issue.

EDIT: Just tried Kangorade again, uninstalled barcode scanner, and still have the same problem with the camera.

I am not having this problem with any of the 2.2 ROMs I've tried, although I'm experiencing a case of deja vu regarding the symptoms. I recall having a camera problem under 2.0.1 stock which turned out to be due to a bad install of one of the barcode scanner apps. I was getting a black screen even in normal camera mode. No promises, but if you have any 3rd party apps that use the camera, perhaps you should try uninstalling them to see if it makes a difference?
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I have ran every fricking Froyo rom that has been released and observe them on my phone tryin to find that smooth fast rom... and this is it. This thing is a beast! i am running it with P3's 250-1250 and i have hit 1706 quadrant scores with 21.00 Linpacks as well. This thing has not rebooted on me after the initial few hours after install.. and even then it only rebooted on me once or twice...( Thats after my Load of Apps get reloaded via Gmail.) so id like to blame that... but once again this thing is a beast and i love it !
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Using this rom for a few days now and have to say. I LOVE IT. I even like the updated clock program when i pop it into multimedia dock. Excellent work Jrummy. So far with the chevy 1.1 my temp has gotten up to 98 degrees F. But overall running great, not having camera issues either. Like the new options. Wireless tether seems to work fine too.
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I have to agree that this is a very stable ROM. Runs great and I have had very few issues. No FC or reboots for me. Very happy. Good work! I still don't get musicmod though. What is that supposed to do and how do you use it? My music player looks stock. Nothing like the screen shot.

i believe you need to use the script to add it. add3dmusic
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I have to agree that this is a very stable ROM. Runs great and I have had very few issues. No FC or reboots for me. Very happy. Good work! I still don't get musicmod though. What is that supposed to do and how do you use it? My music player looks stock. Nothing like the screen shot.

Are you talking about the 3d music mod thing? All you have to do is go into terminal and type this:

Here are a couple of quick screenshots I grabbed of it:


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There are certain (relatively) minor things about NexTheme that I'm not crazy about, aesthetically speaking(download arrows, USB connected icon, yes I know I'm nitpicking). And I've been having a few little hiccups with Petes BB.

This Kangerade looks a lot more polished (based on screenshots) and more aligned to my aesthetic preferences. Plus, the comments in this thread are very positive so I will definitely be giving this ROM a shot. Thanks Jrummy. I will make a donation if it runs well on my phone.
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I'm running the blue version w/ chevy's ulv 1000 kernel & my contacts are not syncing.

I have 7 contacts listed, and I have closer to 100. I've checked the boxes for all groups.

any ideas?

It just started grabbing more contacts, but google services something FC'd. And I think it's retrying now. A minor oddness.

edit 2:

Now I have NO contacts. geez . . .
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With this ROM I'm having an issue where my phone is almost constantly downloading from the web. I don't know what it is trying to download, but the upload/download icon next to the 3G is almost constantly lit up. This led my battery dropping to 40% in about 3 hours and then it's been on the charger for another 3 hours and has only climbed back to 60%. It also stays pretty warm all the time. I've tried uninstalling almost every application to see if it was an application doing this, but didn't see any difference. Is anyone else having this issue? Is there some way to tell what it is trying to access or what program might be trying to access the internet? I really want to get that figured out because I love this rom otherwise. It is just awesome looking and runs really fast. I'm running P3Droid's 1100 lv Froyo kernel if that makes any difference but it was doing the same thing on the kernel that came with the rom.
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With this ROM I'm having an issue where my phone is almost constantly downloading from the web. I don't know what it is trying to download, but the upload/download icon next to the 3G is almost constantly lit up. This led my battery dropping to 40% in about 3 hours and then it's been on the charger for another 3 hours and has only climbed back to 60%. It also stays pretty warm all the time. I've tried uninstalling almost every application to see if it was an application doing this, but didn't see any difference. Is anyone else having this issue? Is there some way to tell what it is trying to access or what program might be trying to access the internet? I really want to get that figured out because I love this rom otherwise. It is just awesome looking and runs really fast. I'm running P3Droid's 1100 lv Froyo kernel if that makes any difference but it was doing the same thing on the kernel that came with the rom.

Hmmm I haven't seen this issue... I have had a bugger of a time with the synching though, but that has been a problem with every 2.2 ROM I have tried... Mine tries to constantly synch my Google contacts, to the point that I had to just go into the Accounts and Synch menu and shut of the synch option...

I have not had the constant data trying to download though, maybe they are releated?
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I'm running the blue version w/ chevy's ulv 1000 kernel & my contacts are not syncing.

I have 7 contacts listed, and I have closer to 100. I've checked the boxes for all groups.

any ideas?

It just started grabbing more contacts, but google services something FC'd. And I think it's retrying now. A minor oddness.

edit 2:

Now I have NO contacts. geez . . .

A quick follow up. I switched from the Ultra LV kernel to the Low Voltage & the rom is MUCH more stable, and all my contacts are there.:)
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Anyone else having a problem with the CPU Temp on SetCPU on this rom. 90% of the time I reboot, the cpu temp says -40.0C (-40F). The other 10% it seems to work.

The battery temp has been working fine.


Been having that same problem. Thought it was just because I dropped my phone one day and the battery popped out lol. Didn't notice if it happened before that.
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