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70 app limit on Hero (Sprint)?

I'm on the Eris, and its not an "app limit", its a RAM issue. Once your memory used gets to around 80%+ and you reboot, you have load issues. I was doing various tests and decided to throw in a larger app which took a lot of space.

there must be a fight for memory on boot, when the processes dont get the space they need, they crap out and die, killing service there after.

our Eris discovery is here:


The issue is obvious that its not a hard limit, since I've got roughly 94 third party apps installed. but if you keep an eye on the MEmory used you'll notice sometime after 80% it dies out on the reboot.
Wow, this bug is HUGE! Maybe there really are many users who don't DL that many apps? 70 is a very LOW limit and really must be fixed!

I am on the Moment and now have 240+ apps! I enjoy loading them and comparing similar programs, but this is just games, silly APPs for the smartphone platform, and comm ones too...

Over at HTC Wiki, someone posted that the CDMA radio craps out. I know that HTC had to modify the 1.5 framework to get CDMA to work on the Hero as CDMA was not supported until 1.6. My guess is they screwed something up when they did it. If that's the case, then maybe the 2.1 update will fix this irritating bug.

I agree with the CDMA comment as this is true for my Moment as well (naturally) and Samsung may have created different bugs for me when they implemented CDMA/SPRINT support in Android 1.5 for this phone (an airplane mode WiFi conflict) that is a MAJOR bug as well....


Still service, no force closes.

How do you have this app magr program? I searched for it and it says only cupcake 1.5v? Is there any other app mgr programs that show total apps and space like yours is showing??


Is there any other app mgr programs that show total apps and space like yours is showing??

I like App Dragon to get a full list of my installed apps - it counts them, shows their current version, actual filename, and will email the list so you can keep it off-phone for a reference.

AppManager will show the total Memory in use and SD usage with each loaded APP and will launch, install or back it up to SD also.

Advanced Task Killer will list the number of processes running...
Same problem here. About 70 apps and I get all sorts of force closes upon reboot. Uninstalling one or a few apps solves the problem. Any update on a fix for this? I keep checking this thread for some type of update, but no one has replied in 6 days. Is there a more official thread where this specific problem is being addressed?

The Sprint HTC Hero is dope, except for the only 2 fatal flaws I have found with it. This one, with the 70 app limit. And the fact that I cannot Bluetooth tether using PDAnet...but at least the Bluetooth tether issue will be fixed with the Android 2.1 update. BTW, does anyone have an update on when we'll be getting the 2.1 android update?

Hopefully HTC or Sprint will throw us a bone and fix both fatal flaws with the single 2.1 android update <fingers crossed>.
I have 105 apps with no problems. I've had this problem before but it always seems to be one program responsible.
Well I do not feel so bad... I actually went through 3 Heros before Sprint finally gave me a NEW Hero I was having the same issue, and nobody, Tech Suuport Level 2, HTC Tech Support had a clue why the Android System kept shutting down unexpectingly. guess I'll stay under 70 APPS. Sure am glad I signed up fore this forum... MyFG8tors
Same problem here. If I try to re-enable the CDMA radio, I receive force close errors - but wifi still works. Based on reports here in this thread and my own experience, it is evident that HTC's CDMA implementation of the telephony stack in the Hero & Eris is flawed. All the ugly force close messages seen at startup (eg., com.android.phone) occur because the core dependency (telephony stack) fails to load.
After reading the post I agree with Fireheadman that the apps are fighting for memory space at startup and that is why the phone is crashing because it does not have enough memory to give out. A removable memory card has nothing to do with this because the internal memory is used mostly to store codes used by the processor to run the apps. So it is basically a traffic jam at start up. I don't think a OS update is going to fix this because it is not going to change the phisical memory limit, unless the OS lets you use a Memory cards as Swap Memory. I do believe though that an app that will let you chose which apps can start with boot will probably fix this issue. When you first boot your phone take a look with Advanced task killer to see how many apps were open during boot.
i will NEVER need 70 apps.

But the day i do...and i find them on the market and none of them are soundboards....
70 apps is a low limit huh? LOL! Some of you people expect way too much out of your phones.

1.) The hero is a low grade android phone. You should have gotten the moment

2.) If you REALLY NEED that many apps, just carry a laptop. How many of those apps do you use on a daily basis? Really? How many of them are useless soundboards.

If it IS indeed a RAM problem, you would run into that problem with ANY computer system in existence. You can't upgrade your RAM, so you'll just have to work with it.

If it is a SYSTEM GLITCH, maybe a glitch with the MARKET program, try this:

Download an App called Astro.

Use its app backup feature.

Backup your desired apps that don't require constant updates.

Uninstall VIA market.

Restore apps through Astro, not the market.

This should test the MARKET GLITCH theory.

Someone let me know how it goes.

70 apps is a low limit huh? LOL! Some of you people expect way too much out of your phones.

1.) The hero is a low grade android phone. You should have gotten the moment

2.) If you REALLY NEED that many apps, just carry a laptop. How many of those apps do you use on a daily basis? Really? How many of them are useless soundboards.

If it IS indeed a RAM problem, you would run into that problem with ANY computer system in existence. You can't upgrade your RAM, so you'll just have to work with it.

If it is a SYSTEM GLITCH, maybe a glitch with the MARKET program, try this:

Download an App called Astro.

Use its app backup feature.

Backup your desired apps that don't require constant updates.

Uninstall VIA market.

Restore apps through Astro, not the market.

This should test the MARKET GLITCH theory.

Someone let me know how it goes.


It's not a market glitch, i use "My Backup Pro" which backups the installation files for all of the apps i download. The last time i had to hard reset my Hero, I installed my apps from the backup program, 80+ apps, and only the 2 i purchased from the market showed up in "My Downloads". It crashed again, and this tells me that its a limitation fo the number of 3rd party apps i can install, not the market.
70 apps is a low limit huh? LOL! Some of you people expect way too much out of your phones.

1.) The hero is a low grade android phone. You should have gotten the moment

2.) If you REALLY NEED that many apps, just carry a laptop. How many of those apps do you use on a daily basis? Really? How many of them are useless soundboards.

If it IS indeed a RAM problem, you would run into that problem with ANY computer system in existence. You can't upgrade your RAM, so you'll just have to work with it.

If it is a SYSTEM GLITCH, maybe a glitch with the MARKET program, try this:

Download an App called Astro.

Use its app backup feature.

Backup your desired apps that don't require constant updates.

Uninstall VIA market.

Restore apps through Astro, not the market.

This should test the MARKET GLITCH theory.

Someone let me know how it goes.


What a waste of a post- thanks for preaching to us the merits of the mighty Samsung Moment. LOL! By the way, if folks cared to do some reading, the problem is not related to the market or strictly tied to a raw memory limit issue.
this is horrible, i hope this gets some fix or work around.I've had my hero for three days and have been on a mission dl'ing apps...
What a waste of a post- thanks for preaching to us the merits of the mighty Samsung Moment. LOL! By the way, if folks cared to do some reading, the problem is not related to the market or strictly tied to a raw memory limit issue.

Amazing how the guy with 3 whole posts is such the credible critic. I posted a possible solution, and it didnt work. What have you done to contribute, hoss? And I briefly mentioned the moment, didn't dedicate my post to it. So unless your going to contribute to helping the problem, then sit down, Jr.

To everyone else, it does indeed sound like a software glitch, and I'll check around for any work arounds. Sorry I couldn't be of more help. My advice would be is to flood HTC with complaints so they push an update right away. Don't be condescending, be polite, and you will get better results.

(on a side note, its kind of sad I need to say that, but with some of the people on here RECENTLY, well... I leave it up to your imaginations!)

Another theory, it may have something to do with HTC Sense, just a thought. I'd say back up Sense, and completely uninstall it. See if your having those problems. Let me know how that works. I'll check with XDA to see if they know anything.
Flooding HTC's inbox is not the answer to getting a speedy update, polite messages or not. Google has told HTC and other manufactures of Android devices to not release a 2.1 update until the end of Q2 2010 because the N1 is the only device available that runs 2.1; its a good selling point for the N1 and Google can do what they want with their OS.

On another note, I personally don't care for Samsung's mobile devices. You're in a Hero thread, if you need to feel superior and say that our devices are crap, don't bother to post here anymore; you're advice hasn't helped any of us yet. HTC sense has nothing to do with our problem, it's utilized on other devices that don't share our issue.

I'm not starting a flame war, just trying to prevent you from throwing the "i have more posts than you, so my opinion matters more" card.

I spent several hours on the phone with both HTC and Sprint today and HTC is aware of the issue, whereas Sprint was not and now is. Sprint will most likely not publicize this issue as HTC will be fixing this issue with the 2.1 update that will be available later this year, hopefully sooner then later, but that's up to Google.

My $.02
So I hope this is the beginning of the end of this thread. Although happy at the following HTC support response, I'm a little sad that a maintenance release will hit us before 2.1 does.

"Thank you for your inquiry about the Sprint Hero and an error that you encountered after installing over 70 applications from the Android Market. applications from the Android Market. I have received confirmation from our headquarters that this issue was confirmed and has been resolved in the forthcoming Maintenance Release software update for the Sprint Hero. This update will be available as an over-the-air download to your phone. Currently, I do not have an exact date for the release, but I do not that by default your phone is programmed to check the update servers every 14 days for any updates. I hope that we have addressed your question in detail. Ryan HTC Technical Support www.htc.com/us"
So I hope this is the beginning of the end of this thread. Although happy at the following HTC support response, I'm a little sad that a maintenance release will hit us before 2.1 does.

"Thank you for your inquiry about the Sprint Hero and an error that you encountered after installing over 70 applications from the Android Market. applications from the Android Market. I have received confirmation from our headquarters that this issue was confirmed and has been resolved in the forthcoming Maintenance Release software update for the Sprint Hero. This update will be available as an over-the-air download to your phone. Currently, I do not have an exact date for the release, but I do not that by default your phone is programmed to check the update servers every 14 days for any updates. I hope that we have addressed your question in detail. Ryan HTC Technical Support www.htc.com/us"

Typos aside, this is good news, as far as I am concerned. If accurate, it shows that HTC continues to be commited to supporting our Heros with updates.
Wow, Glad I found this thread. Phone's been pissing me off. LOVE the HTC Hero but, I'm on my third phone now and I think you guys might have solved the problem. I just checked and I have 71 downloaded apps right now. What's been happening is phone works perfect UNTIL it loses power (battery dies, removed battery, etc...) without shutting down by the power button. Then when restarted, phone has NO service, followed by a BUNCH of forced close notices (probably related to the lack of service). Anything that requires service is inaccessible (phone, mail, messages, etc...). Phone still connects to my wireless internet though. I made sure phone had latest firmware download and use advanced task killer to make sure phone had plenty of available memory. Sprint store service Tech could not figure it out, replaced phone 3 times. Sprint cust service checked and said that they could "see" my phone and it was active and should be working??? Each time the tech did a Master reboot (which wipes out the phone and resets to factory specs) and it starting working again but they replaced thinking phone was defective.
Now this has happened 4 more times on my current phone and I do a Master reboot again and "presto" it's fixed. That followed by 45 minutes of red-ownloading apps, re-entering passwords and re-setting up my scenes (pain in the ...). So anyway, It sounds like you have nailed my mystery problem. The next time it happens, I'll remove apps 1 by 1 and see what happens and I'll update then. Hopefully this info helps someone else a little and all it takes is a reboot to get phone working when it happens. Feel free to contact me regarding this problem.

Jeff Vladika
p.s. 70 apps Really isn't that many once you start downloading...
Amazing how the guy with 3 whole posts is such the credible critic. I posted a possible solution, and it didnt work. What have you done to contribute, hoss? And I briefly mentioned the moment, didn't dedicate my post to it. So unless your going to contribute to helping the problem, then sit down, Jr.

To everyone else, it does indeed sound like a software glitch, and I'll check around for any work arounds. Sorry I couldn't be of more help. My advice would be is to flood HTC with complaints so they push an update right away. Don't be condescending, be polite, and you will get better results.

(on a side note, its kind of sad I need to say that, but with some of the people on here RECENTLY, well... I leave it up to your imaginations!)

Another theory, it may have something to do with HTC Sense, just a thought. I'd say back up Sense, and completely uninstall it. See if your having those problems. Let me know how that works. I'll check with XDA to see if they know anything.

Dude, get over your superiority complex. Who cares even if you have even a thousand posts. The point was if you had bothered to read the posts in the thread you would have known that your theories had already been ruled out and that the deeper issue lies within HTC's implementation of the phone stack. Don't come here on this thread talking about how the "Hero is a low grade device" compared to the Moment and how people should "carry around laptops" if they needed more apps - and not expect some flogging - and don't come here spewing random theories without knowing the facts. Nothing you posted so far came close to being a "contribution", so if anyone should be sitting down, it should be you.
This thread was started 5 months ago. There's still no fix and the update keeps getting pushed back. *sigh*

except, there is a fix. It's this wonderful thing called rooting, and using apps2sd. While not perfect, it IS a fix for this problem.

There's also another fix....stay below 70 apps (wtf do you need 70 apps for anyway?!)
I take back what I said about you guys not needing 70 apps.
I now have 82 apps on my rooted g1

they're not going to release a patch for this anytime soon though.
when the hero gets android 2.1, thats when the problem will (hopefully) be solved
I thought I had way too many apps, and I have 43...

I couldn't even begin to think of 27 other things I want to do with a phone.

About 4 or 5 of my apps will be taken off once I make a decision... In these cases I have downloaded 2 apps to see which one I prefer.
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