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A N D R O I D - F O R U M S : Mods Appreciation Week! (Feb 8-14)

Haha these pictures are hilarious!

We have our FIRST WINNER for


Post #45 just won the following prize of undisclosed value!

Compliments of "HIS OWN FORUM! XD

For an added bonus, name AF's Capital City!

Click HERE to Redeem Your Boarding Ticket!

On that MC Hammer thing: Yeah. No.

Roze, I think this is the video that you were looking for -

In Living Color - MC Hammer "Can't Touch This" [HD] - YouTube

I have always had a blast here on our forums! :)

Thanks for the thanks and kind words to all and I just want to add, that it's an honor to have the chance to take a turn at serving our community.

I've gotten so much here - info, new knowledge, laughs, new friends - that I can't say thanks enough.

Our forums - over a thousand of them here and rising - always feel like Cheers, everyone's all together, and when it's not solving problems, it's party time. :)

And it's no secret that I tend to play two roles here.

Thanks everybuddy! :)
I'd like to thank the mods, too. When I was a guide, several of them went out of their way to help me out and to be there for me. Now that I've been a moderator for almost 8 months and am settling into new role, they are still there to help me out. In fact, we help each other out.

These are quality individuals whose doors are always open to me. I am grateful for them and glad to call them my friends. :)
Yeahha could easily start a NEW AF Color rank! P I N K for a Guide in- transition to a MOD (but he thought "in-transition" meant he could wear tube tops and bakini undies)

"GIT them Pants Off Da Floor"
I'd like to say thanks to Rico and all those who've shown their appreciation for what we do. Our job is helped by having such quality members.

I've only been at it a month or so and the transition from Guide -> Mod was relatively easy (for the most part) thanks to the support of the guys who've had the badge a lot longer than I have, they've been awesome! :D
Really great to see this thread!
Been on the site since I first got my OG Droid and have loved it ever since. To all the Mods, a huge THANKS! I used to be addicted to Beer Advocate but the site just got out of control with trolling and no moderating. Such a refreshing change here. (XDA is the exact same thing, too much bad mouthing and no cleanup). So glad to have donated to be a Premium member.

Edit: And to all the Mods who helped out in the Nexus pre-release thread, you made it so much more enjoyable. Special thanks to you guys and gals.
As a proud member of this phabulous phorum, my thanks go out to the mods! Steven58, EarlyMon and OfTheDamned were instrumental in keeping The Epic Thread (do I really need to name the device related to said thread?) the most tantalizing mixture of prose and personality in the history of the interwebs. Scary Alien is as scary as you make him!!!:)

To all the other mods, I only leave you out by name because I am on Tapatalk and extremely tired.

If anyone wants to come over to my apt. to watch my son so I can nap, PM ME!:p

No, seriously, though daddy is tired.

Thanks mods and thank you Android Forums!
I have loved being on this forum since I first started looking at the Droid. When I was offered a position as a Mod I jumped at the chance to give back and help continue to make this a great site. As others have said though, it is the members here that make this place great. The mix of personalities, opinions and ideas not to mention all the knowledge and willingness to help others has always made me want to continue coming here.

I thank everyone for the thanks, but I also thank everyone for making this such a wonderful place to be.
Time for another Mod Appreciation Week Prize Give - Away...​

Sponsored by: PASTAFARIAN

Hmmm... looks like no mods that havent yet posted here in this week's celebration is interested in this weeks Grand Prize!?! ... well i guess i will put the keys back in my pocket..

Only one day left to win!
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