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A N D R O I D - F O R U M S : Owner And Administrators Appreciation (Feb 21-28)


Android Expert
Wrapping up the month of February 2012 by showing our LUV to the Owner and Administratiors of ANDROID FORUMS for giving us a "home"!

I want to personally thank Phases and ROB and all administrators behind the scene for giving me a place to hang out. I've migrated from a forum that was so cut-throat you would "dare" post a question or ask for assistance! That's not so here on ANDROID FORUMS.

You guys got a good thing going here! I can imagine your member base doubling by this time next year! Again thanks for a nice place to hang out (and a place where i can pick on Yeahha and Karandpr as much as i want)


I will echo you guys.

Thanks Rob for allowing such a great site to exist.

Thanks Phases for dealing with all the upper management headaches that come with a site that generates this much traffic.

Thanks TVictory for being the site dev and dealing with all the database error reports and keeping this site running smoothly :D

I am sure all 3 of you do much more than I am giving you credit for and I am sure that AF would not be near the same without you ;)
I have had no contact with rob (probably a good thing:D) but I am very grateful for the greatest forum on the interweb.:) I have talked with phases a few times and he keeps the place up and running. I know I probably know next to nothing about how much each of these guys do, but I do know I appreciate it. And if there are other admins out there that I am not aware of, thanks to you too.
I am definitely happy for the awesome site here that these folks have made possible. All the hard work that they do is appreciated! :D

Rob, thanks for providing us with such a great place to talk about so many things (mostly android, but not always)!

Phases, thanks for all the hard work you do keeping this place in the great shape it is, and for pushing for us users/members here and what we want.

TVictory, thanks for working with all that code and crap to keep this place running smooth.

My hat's off to the big guys at the top. How many lives have you touched with your dream.. and efforts? It's mind boggling.. Thank you.

That says my thoughts about it, too. ^

Only to add that just in the two years I've been here the place has veritably exploded in member population and device sub-forum growth. The new devices being added far outrun the archived areas.

And it's still just you two guys holding it all together and keeping the "friendly home" vision for us all to enjoy.

Rob and Phases:

That says my thoughts about it, too. ^

Only to add that just in the two years I've been here the place has veritably exploded in member population and device sub-forum growth. The new devices being added far outrun the archived areas.

And it's still just you two guys holding it all together and keeping the "friendly home" vision for us all to enjoy.

Rob and Phases:


I can't help it, Rats off to ya!


Thanks to the awesome admins. (Especially Phases for putting up with all of the daily crap on AF) Also, thanks for not banning me. ;)
Phases is owed a huge debt of gratitude by all of us for his tireless (and often thankless) work behind the scenes, without which AF would simply be unable to function. It's great to see that being acknowledged.

Thanks also to TVictory (and other unsung heros!) for the endless work coping with the ever-increasing load on the servers as AF grows in popularity.

And last but not least Rob, for providing this site in the first place and putting up with our nagging. ;)
Every site needs a Phases and I'm very glad we have ours! Most here have no idea how much he does behind the scenes to keep this place on an even keel. Thank you Rob for allowing us to play in your sandbox with all your neat toys!!!
I have to second all the good things said and then some. Its great to have such a wonderful place to come to get info or help or a laugh. Its better than one stop shopping because so many people have become friends.
All my thanks for all you guys do!
He's been with AF since the very beginning and has made the site what it is today!!! Being the only Administrator, he has to deal with the likes of us barraging him with this request and telling him that this is broken or that needs fixing or a new forum needs creating. The man is simply amazing. He has a full time job with a new born last year and yet he still has time for AndroidForums. I have seen him online at 2 or 3am in the morning improving the site or just replying to members PMs. This simply shows how much commitment and dedication Phases has to AndroidForums.

And last but not least Rob, for providing this site in the first place and putting up with our nagging. ;)

members/staffers nag to Phases and Phases nag to Rob.

A little small thanks to Rob for creating such a wonderful place. But that's all he gets, a small thanks caused he's 99% over at Phandroid. I thank Rob for giving Phases use of TVictory to implement AndroidForums improvements :)

Thanks TVictory for being a cool cat :) and our other Site developer Steven (forgot his username)

Every site needs a Phases and I'm very glad we have ours!
I will say phases is the most fair and will listen to you and not automatically take a mods side because the name is in red. I think because if him is one of the reasons why this site runs so smoothly. A true unsung hero if the site.

Come on phase and take a bow ...
I will say phases is the most fair and will listen to you and not automatically take a mods side because the name is in red. I think because if him is one of the reasons why this site runs so smoothly. A true unsung hero if the site.

Come on phase and take a bow ...

I bet he would have already popped in if this post was in the site suggestions and feedback area. :p
I will say phases is the most fair and will listen to you and not automatically take a mods side.

That pretty much highlights one of the most important things about our Admin. He's approachable by members at large, and does give an ear to the issues as to a sanctioned member's side of things. If that side sounds good to him, we've seen him lift bans, reverse infractions and use his ping pong paddle with the holes drilled though it on the fannies of many a Moderator (and that Guide Leader doood)... ow! :D
The best way every member can show their appreciation is to behave themselves, be nice and helpful to other members and not create any extra work for Phases and Rob.

Putting away your toys when you are done with them and eating all your vegetables wouldn't be bad, either. :D
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