Well-Known Member
I don't want it to look like Launcher Pro or anything. What's wrong with wanting two more icons? Make it optional then, just like the number of screens is optional. How is it in any way "selfish" to want more options?
Sorry, you didn't post anything about optional. I was just trying to point out that there are a couple people, here and on the dev's site, who are requesting the ability to dock 4 apps. This was first seen in Helix, then when launcher pro came out EVERYONE wanted the 4 apps on that too. Now ADW came out, it's a great laucher the way it is and people are requesting it to be changed to look like helix/laucher pro. All I was saying is we have some devs coming out with some great/different launchers, why do we want them all to migrate to looking the same as each other? If you want speed and ability to dock 4 apps, go with laucher pro. If you want a speed and a cleaner/polished look, go with ADW, which you can actaully dock 8 apps on the bottom.
Exactly. Who said anything about LP? I just see a little screen real estate that in my view is being used sub-optimally. (Yes, you can enable the screen dots, but I am only using three screens, I think I can figure out which one I am on.) What's selfish about inquiring about a feature to occupy that space?
The selfishnes was in repsonse to your post of it taking to much precision to open the dock, so because YOU have a problem opening it then it should be changed? Seriously?
Bottom line: 2 Great lauchers are out there, Launcher Pro and ADW.Launcher. I wouldn't ask the LP dev to change his launcher and remove 2 apps and replace it with dots, nor would I ask the ADW dev to remove the dots and let me dock 2 more apps. I would go with whichever launcher suited my needs. If your requesting minor changes and bug fixes that's one thing, but to ask a dev to totally change the look of his work, I would hope it would be asked to be made an option.