"we are moving to vega ,no option ,we lack resources in any case .Lets get some knockout gas and gas masks .if we encounter those guards with stun batons we may knock them out easily ...."
The most attractive angel anyone has ever seen floats down to the ship and floats over to T'res...she smacks him and says "You weren't that good and I KNOW why they call you Stubby" she then floats back up to the clouds...
To the crew
"two ships ahead people .If they are iships we blow them sky high ,if they are Nexia ships ,we pirate them ,if neither we leave them peacefully . "
Astral Scout on both of them
"We could catch up to the ships, and see if they have anything good to trade. We've literally two tons of alcohol on this ship. And nothing is stopping us from cutting some of the bottles with some ocean water," I say in a scheming voice.
"or we could just kill every one and take over the ships for ourselves . That way we have one or two backup ships with which we can infiltrate Nexia. This current ship ha zero infiltration value ."
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