Just wondering how the same people who ridiculed John Kerry as a "flip-flopper" can rationalize supporting Mitt Romney, who has never held a core conviction that couldn't be changed in the search for votes.
And right wingers, please give up the crutch of whining about the "liberal media" as the root of all your problems. The liberal media is a myth. It might have existed 30 years ago, but now the media is so gun shy about being called biased they bend over backwards to the point they have gone the other direction.
Let's see, the "liberal media" has:
Let Al Gore, who was basically the most honest man in Washington, be branded as a liar.
Let John Kerry, a war hero, be swift boated without a peep.
Let Bush get away with just refusing to answer questions about past drug use and left it at that. Not to mention we still don't know where he was when he was AWOL (well, we pretty much know he was with daddy, but the media just let that go)
There's plenty more examples, but the so-called "liberal media" is dead. You won. Get over it.