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Android 2.3 & 4.0 WiFi Internet HD 1080P HDMI Google TV Box ARM Cortex A9 Firmware

hello. i do have a problem: since i have updated youtube from the playstore, youtube did not open any more. any ideas how to resolve it? thanks in advance!
I've been experienced a little issue with Youtube on c03ref firmware.

The video loads and can be played fine, but the replay button does not works. The only way i found to reload the video is hitting the play button on the center of screen, sliding the position cursor to the begining and then hit the play button again, wich is a little tricky.

Has anyone experienced this issue?
dear stane, thank you for this wonderful firmware. it brings new life to my device.

you told me for the moment there is not chance to do update of the rom, everytime it needs to be all reinstalled.

but there is a system to do backup of current rom? there is some implementation of CWM recovery ? since actually the recovery has not any backup/restore function.

i saw your link to a cwm - cyanogenmod thread but there are no useful info on this, it was also for tablets not for tv.
Hi to all,

From tomorrow Adobe officially stops distribution of his Flash player for all Android based devices. It will be no longer available on Google Play also.

JellyBean itself also doesn't support Flash (officially), and since Amlogic is porting JB sources to their platform, I'm afraid that we're stuck with current flash player 10.2 released by Amlogic (which is not perfect...) as long as we stay on ICS.

I don't have any timeline, but JB sources will be available soon for M3 platform (f16ref). Will see how all this will work on M1 platform (c03ref).

Hi there.

I have a HD18 (c03ref board) android tv box, also known as URAKU T1, ZAP-A9 and GV-13..

Well. The thing is that i have the IR remote controller issue (does not works on stane's firmwares) and i have read a post where a user (CoyoteX) ask to Stane for removing the remote control configuration from kernel in next firmware release, so I am wondering if the IR remote controller misfunction is actually a kernel related issue?

Been reading many threads were people says that replacing the remote.conf file in /system/etc folder will solves this issue, but i am still not getting lucky with that.

I tried the uraku t1 2.3 (gingerbread) and 4.0 (ICS) firmwares with the same result.

Does anyone knows another tip/trick to get back my remote controller?
Hi there.

I have a HD18 (c03ref board) android tv box, also known as URAKU T1, ZAP-A9 and GV-13..

Well. The thing is that i have the IR remote controller issue (does not works on stane's firmwares) and i have read a post where a user (CoyoteX) ask to Stane for removing the remote control configuration from kernel in next firmware release, so I am wondering if the IR remote controller misfunction is actually a kernel related issue?

Been reading many threads were people says that replacing the remote.conf file in /system/etc folder will solves this issue, but i am still not getting lucky with that.

I tried the uraku t1 2.3 (gingerbread) and 4.0 (ICS) firmwares with the same result.

Does anyone knows another tip/trick to get back my remote controller?

Hi janolarson

Latest version of Stane
Sorry. my english is not good. what i tried to say in my previous post was that i have replaced the remote.conf files several times and my controller still does not works.

the last time it worked was before installing this firmware. then i tried other firmwares but i am not able to get it back. :(
Sorry. my english is not good. what i tried to say in my previous post was that i have replaced the remote.conf files several times and my controller still does not works.

the last time it worked was before installing this firmware. then i tried other firmwares but i am not able to get it back. :(

I assume it's c03ref device. Latest firmware is 20120810 Beta1. With this fw remote works, with previous versions is not working.

You can find it on V-Play download section

I installed your 20120810 Beta1 firmware for c03ref device and it runs like a charm, but my remote does not work. I replaced the remote.conf file with a copy from original firmware and the same thing happens: no remote controller!

I too installed your 20120810 Beta1 firmware for c03ref device and it runs like a charm, but my remote does not work.

I know I have to copy the remote.conf to /system/etc but how do I do this. What program do I use?


I too installed your 20120810 Beta1 firmware for c03ref device and it runs like a charm, but my remote does not work.

I know I have to copy the remote.conf to /system/etc but how do I do this. What program do I use?


You can use es file explorer or any other root file explorer. If using es file exporer, start superuser app first, close it, go to es file explorer's settings, thick up to root, root explorer and mount system as r/w. That way you will be able to access all files and folders.
dear stane, thank you for this wonderful firmware. it brings new life to my device.

you told me for the moment there is not chance to do update of the rom, everytime it needs to be all reinstalled.

but there is a system to do backup of current rom? there is some implementation of CWM recovery ? since actually the recovery has not any backup/restore function.

i saw your link to a cwm - cyanogenmod thread but there are no useful info on this, it was also for tablets not for tv.

have you news about this???
Hello, like many others, I also have a box that identified itself as MBX DVBT c03ref. It has no onboard wifi nor Bluetooth. On a previous post, Stane told another user with the same device as mine to replace the bootloader (aml-uboot-ucl.bin) with one from my original firmware. There was no such file on the firmwares I found for it, so I installed Stane's firmware anyway, using the reset button (20120810_Android_ICS-ATV-108-c03ref-beta1).

Here's my feedback: even though I didn't spend much time with the original firmware (i'm a bit impatient when there's an update available), Stane's firmware runs very fast and stable. The only app I encountered a problem was Chrome, that stopped responding when I tried to enter its settings page. Youtube played videos fine, and the stock video player handled my largest 1080p movies with ease, it's amazing!

One generic chinese bluetooth dongle didn't work, but another one from D-link worked, as long as it's plugged when I turn the box on (like Stane said it should be). But my wifi adaptor was a no-go, it wouldn't work even if plugged before boot (brand "Edimax", model EW-7318USg http://www.edimax.com/en/produce_detail.php?pl1_id=1&pl2_id=44&pl3_id=88&pd_id=8). USB Keyboard/mouse and remote control also worked fine (after replacing remote.conf).

I just have 2 gripes: boot time is a bit long. After plugging power, the box stays 10 secons showing "A9" logo. Then 70 seconds showing the green android, then 30 more seconds with the shining "android" word. So it's a total of 1:50 before I can see the launcher. Could it be because I didn't replace the bootloader, or is it normal? My box was announced as having an 800Mhz processor.

Second is XBMC. Some other people said it runs their videos fine, but that's not the case for me. While the stock player is wonderful, XBMC is very different. I tested the precompiled APKs from this xda thread "XBMC For Android Nightlies ". Tested both the Neon and the non-neon versions, and the performance was the same.

Edit: one last question: is there any way to properly shut down the box before powering off? It doesn't feel right that the remote control simply kills everything.

Wow, huge post, sorry for that. I'll try to be more brief next time. But I wanted to thank Stane for the wonderful firmware, and the enormous patience to help us newbies out. Peace!
Stane, I've got the c03ref version and I just installed your latest firmware from V-Play. All looks good but the wifi just hangs up on "enabling wifi". I worked fine on the previous stock firmware. Any suggestions?
If you have no output on your tv at all (no picture at all), then you will have to create recovery sdcard. To do that, you will need linux machine.

Here is tutorial:

Arm/Boot Loader/How to burn a uboot to board - Amlogic

Do everything it says here except use bootloader file you got with your firmware (your file: u-boot-aml-ucl.bin instead of u-boot-aml.bin)

If you have picture on your tv (scrambled), see my post here:


Your link about how to make a boot sd is dead. Can you link again? thanks
Your link about how to make a boot sd is dead. Can you link again? thanks

Hi, Thanx, good point, didn't check openlinux wiki these days... There is no much info on how to do it... :)

Anyway, you can use SDTool from V-Play download section (works under Windows XP only), short guide can be found here, question: I upgraded my device and now I don't have any picture on TV. Is my device bricked?

I'm preparing myself to do upgrade to this faq, but never had time to do it... will do in near future :)

Also, there is pdf from Amlogic how to do recovery sdcard from Linux, but I cannot share it (lot of stuff in that document is confidential). I will extract sdcard recovery and will post here...
Hey there Stane! so far c03ref is workin pretty good. bluetooth works with a couple of dongles i have, but once paired, devices can't do anything. mouse can't move pointer, joysticks don't work, keyboard doesn't work. also, netflix wont even load now. no menus or anything. otherwise, things seems to be workin great! mini remote control works, although the mouse button is mapped wrong. audio in and microphone work great again! wifi seems to work better. less dropouts...i still gotta test skype with video with my logitech c270. so my only wishes for this thing are netflix and uinput so i can use google-tv remote and droidmote with it. otherwise, this is pretty damn good!
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