!!! Please read !!!
I'm developing firmwares for Visson products, ATV-108 c03ref and ATV-108 f16ref. c03ref and f16ref stands for platform used in device (c03ref - Amlogic MBX platform based on AML8726M chipset; f16ref - Amlogic MBX platform based on AML8726M3 chipset).
Every manufacturer of Android TV boxes can use different implementation of bootloader, different hardware, different partitioning... and my firmware is primary for Visson products mentioned above. It might work with other devices too, but I'm not supporting other devices and I'm sorry, but I cannot make and will not make firmwares for devices which I don't have.
Visson devices uses wifi module based on Realtek 8192CU wifi chipset. Driver for that chipset is installed by firmware. It's loadable kernel module driver (/system/lib/8192cu.ko and for f16ref also cfg80211.ko file). Amlogic ICS source tree is made that way it's not so simple when replacing wifi module driver because it's built by kernel and loaded by android system with much more config included than just insmod drivername.
I can assist you how to do some things, I can give you some pointers what to do in certain situations and I will try to help you to unbrick your device if bricked.
But you guys as users should be also be careful, if firmware is for c03ref then you cannot install it on f16ref. Also, I mentioned it cpl of times in this thread, if you are installing my firmware to any other device than Visson, use your original u-boot-aml-ucl.bin file instead of one packed with my fw... that way there are small chances you will brick your bootloader which is pretty hard to fix (at least on Visson f16ref device).