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Android Enthusiast!


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2009
Hello to everyone. Ive been hanging around a couple weeks and like the mood around here. Thanks to Bottledhate I finally made it to the introductions section. Been down with Android since I preordered the G1. Also owned My Touch 3g, Behold 2, and now Im a Droid user and loving it. Outside of Android devices, I've used mostly Blackberries. I always like to help out when I can and also want to learn with you guys!

Hello to everyone. Ive been hanging around a couple weeks and like the mood around here. Thanks to Bottledhate I finally made it to the introductions section. Been down with Android since I preordered the G1. Also owned My Touch 3g, Behold 2, and now Im a Droid user and loving it. Outside of Android devices, I've used mostly Blackberries. I always like to help out when I can and also want to learn with you guys!


Welcome to the AF forums and enjoy you visits !! :cool:
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Welcome to AF!
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