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Angry birds?

Yes I have an e-mail from them:

Angry Birds Lite Beta is now available at the Android Market. Please note that this is the beta version of the application, which is still undergoing final testing before official release. Angry Birds Lite Beta is an unfinished version of the application and may not reflect the final gameplay.

Help us create the best game ever on Android! Please take a moment to give us feedback on how the game is performing on your personal device. Should you have any problems running Angry Birds Lite Beta, you can simply click the report a bug button in the main menu of the game.

If you have trouble starting the application, particularily on the HTC EVO 4G try starting the application again a few times and reboot your Phone.

Alternatively, you can access the feedback survey directly from this link: Angry Birds Lite Beta feedback survey

More Angry Birds goodies:

-Become a facebook fan: facebook.angrybirds.com
-Follow us on Twitter: twitter.angrybirds.com
-Official page: www.angrybirds.com
-Youtube: youtube.angrybirds.com

Have fun!

Best regards,

The Angry Birds Team

Got this email too.
I got it quickly, as did a colleague - but now one more colleague found it took ages to start downloading.

I wonder if EVERY Android user is now downloading this!

It's actually quite an iconic day - given that the top selling iPhone game is now on Android. Mind you, Apple fans will laugh at the fact that we've waited so long AND had to get a beta version because of varying performance on different devices.

I can say it works just fine on my Milestone (overclocked, mind). Seems fine on the two HTC Desire's in the office too.
Wonderful. Desire 2.2 ota, works a treat, seems to be available everywhere ive looked for it.

Apple fans will laugh at the fact that we've waited so long
.....i find it the other way, i laugh at every iphone user , and feel sorry for them !
I cannot get it to work on my Droid 1. Every time I try to open it, it closes back to my home screen without even making it to a loading screen (just a black screen for a half a second). I've tried uninstalling/reinstalling several times, rebooting, and a battery pull... all to no avail.

Running CM + P3 LV 1.1GHz kernel + DarkEdge
Looks like the guys at Rovio are aware of issues running the Beta on EVO and Incredible handsets. They are currently looking into the issue.
Yeah its working fine on my ota 2.2 Desire. Cant wait for the full version! Loving it!
Can't get it working on my EVO (with 2.2). Force closes after the loading screen.

When it installs it defaults to the SD card, but it shows a size of 1.61MB. When you move the app back to the phone it shows 13.02MB.
On my Legend, every time a new instruction screen shows up between levels (where they show you how to use new birds), the game basically freezes and I have to hit home and get back into it to continue.

Also, the icons aren't fitting right on the screen at all.... some overlap, some are not aligned, etc.
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