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Angry birds?

Ok evo owners, I've heard that for most of us angry birds force closes on the loading screen. Does it work for anyone out there?
if you still see this after doing a battery pull,

load up the game and when you see the loading screen, tap all over the screen... just tap it with your fingers... see if it lets you get thru..

just humor me.. i did the battery pull and it still closed.. so i took a trick i remembered from jail-breaking the first gen ipod touch.. it eventually let me in...

I was able to download it through AppBrain on my EVO but it doesn't work. Gets to the opening screen then shuts down.
couldn't find it on the market - cm6 on incredible. Installed the apk someone posted though, and it works great.
I'm on the incredible and everytime it launches it closes right away. There was a review on the market that said if you keep tapping on the screen as soon as it launches, it works. Give it a try!
Ok, so I've just managed to get it to download, even though it won't show up on the Market. Here's what you need to do. Skip the first few steps if you've already got an AppBrain account (definitely worth getting one if you've not).

  1. Set up an account on AppBrain - the best Android apps and games on the Android market (it's all free!)
  2. Install the AppBrain app on your phone. Here's the QR code:
  3. Install the Fast Web Installer app on your phone. Here's the QR code:
  4. Click the Install button on the Angry Birds page here
  5. Job done! Make sure the AppBrain app is running on your phone, and Angry Bids should automatically download.

Hope this helps someone!
Can someone post the APK somewhere else? It doesn't seem to be working at that link any more.

Also, I have tried Appbrain many times already today in many different ways (including turning on airplane mode, then WiFi back on) nothing works.
if you still see this after doing a battery pull,

load up the game and when you see the loading screen, tap all over the screen... just tap it with your fingers... see if it lets you get thru..

just humor me.. i did the battery pull and it still closed.. so i took a trick i remembered from jail-breaking the first gen ipod touch.. it eventually let me in...

lol I couldnt get it to work, with reboot and battery pull then tried this tapping trick and it worked for me after a couple tries!

After downloading the apk from the link above I got it on my rooted HTC CDMA Hero. It took 2 reboots to get the app working. Once it loads it looks and plays great. Easily the best app I've seen for Android. Its finally time we get some Android games that are iPod Dev quality.
Can someone post the APK somewhere else? It doesn't seem to be working at that link any more.

Also, I have tried Appbrain many times already today in many different ways (including turning on airplane mode, then WiFi back on) nothing works.

monkeyhat's way to download works (fast web installer)
Can't get it working on my EVO (with 2.2). Force closes after the loading screen.

When it installs it defaults to the SD card, but it shows a size of 1.61MB. When you move the app back to the phone it shows 13.02MB.

Keep tapping the screen while it loads, I was having the same problem on my evo but it works. On a side note I beat it, its super short but awesome.
Man how long till the real game now. I wonder if they want to release it across all of Android at once. If so we got a long wait.
if you still see this after doing a battery pull,

load up the game and when you see the loading screen, tap all over the screen... just tap it with your fingers... see if it lets you get thru..

just humor me.. i did the battery pull and it still closed.. so i took a trick i remembered from jail-breaking the first gen ipod touch.. it eventually let me in...

Was able to do this to get it to work on the EVO also.
What the crap. So I try to download the APK, and it downloads fine. Well, my phone says it doesn't have enough free memory (which is bull, I have 32 MB free), so it refuses to install. Rebooted and tried again, and no dice.

I try monkeyhat's method, but that doesn't work either because AppBrain can't find it on the Market. So am I out of luck?
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