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Angry birds?

On my Dinc, I've tried running Angry Birds at least 30 times, with 3 reboots in between, and it just crashes during load. Not once did it run successfully.

Tried uninstall/reinstall, still no joy.
even though i still cant get it (htc legend) and am starting to lose faith in my phone, on the feedback survey im sure they wouldnt add the hero/legend if they dont intend to release it for them?

feedback survey:
Angry Birds Open Beta
Newbie here - can't see it in the Market on my Wildfire. Followed a direct Market search link as well, says it's not found.
Guys... Does everyone really need to start a thread about the game??? :D
There are like 5 different threads allready in the game section...
Got that email too, I did sign up also. The game ROCKS. It's so clear and crisp on my Droid X! :)

Going back to play right now! Can't wait until full version.

So, I downloaded it on my evo using the newest fresh rom but it wouldn't run. I backed it up using titanium, restored CM6, installed it, and now it runs perfectly.
It appears as if it won't work on any evos. Mine force closes after the loading screen. Has Anyone with an evo got it to work yet?
HTC Legend on Vodafone UK, its not in the market and using AppBrain says it can't find it when trying to install. Sigh....
Used the .apx file to dl and install it on my Captivate(At&t, rooted) and it works fine. Did not show up in the Market though.
Can't seem to get it on my EVO.
It doesn't show up in Market, and when I go through AppBrain, it says it can't be found.
I was able to download it through AppBrain on my EVO but it doesn't work. Gets to the opening screen then shuts down.
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