"How pretty is it" shouldn't be a very high priority, but usually winds up near the top of my list.
And I shouldn't keep bashing Glock, I'm coming to realize that, I don't care for the looks of
any of the current offerings (The few I am aware of.)
I look in the cases, and I go "Boy that's an ugly S+W, that's an ugly Sig, that's an ugly Ruger......."
I think I only started to notice "the trend away from pretty", around the time Glocks were really becoming popular, so I blame them for everything that is wrong with the world.
Why can't I buy a good looking car anymore? Haven't seen one I wanted to take home with me in 20+ years.
And every one of these toasters looks like it was beat with an ugly stick......If I could find one made in Austria, I'd be all over it, probably for the same reasons people like their Glocks; Because it would be a quality product, feed the new slice in 100% reliably, and send each slice downrange at just the right temperature, year after year.
We had a joke in the last shop I worked in: Friggin' Germans; Those guys couldn't build a toaster, without including a half a dozen roller bearings!

(Love em' for it!)
And as a (lowercase "m", pre CNC) machinist, I feel that neither the individual parts, or the finished assembly can ever hope to be pretty, if they weren't carved out of a block of metal. Guns should be metal, with a few wood bits thrown on, IMHO.