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Any new phone rumors for Sprint?

But there is no S Pen. otherwise it would be great.

For me personally, I wouldn't be comfortable with a bigger physical size than the current Note 2. That said, the newest rumor on the Note 3 has me eagerly anticipating the announcement in a couple weeks:

Samsung to ship Galaxy Note III from September, Galaxy Gear smartwatch from October | SamMobile

One of my main complaints on the Note 2 was not being able to purchase a 32gb or 64gb version. Same thing, when it comes to the Note 8. If the Note 3 will be released with 32gb minimum, I'll be extremely tempted to upgrade at full price.

Now, if Sprint ends up getting a 64gb version, I'll definitely buy at full price. No hesitation.
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I'm approaching upgrade time in a couple months.

I'm in the "too big" camp as far as the Note goes, so I won't be going that direction.

Having said that, are there other rumored Sprint phones due out I might consider upgrading GS3 for?

Still liking my GS3, but I'm itching for something new.

In the same size range, the lg g2 is releasing soon. If you are happy with the s3, just wait for the s5, if you aren't itching to upgrade right away.
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I'm itching alright :) . Don't think I can wait for the GS5

If you are itching to upgrade, then I'd just do a comparison between the S4, HTC One and G2, then go with whichever suits your needs the best. I don't think you can really go wrong with any of those choices.

If you're an accessory fiend, like I am, then the S4 will be the best choice (IMO), just do to their being more 3rd party accessory manufacturers willing to make products for it. The HTC One doesn't lack support, but definitely won't be as abundant as the S4. The G2 will be up in the air, but should still have a decent amount of support, but nowhere near as much as the S4 or One.
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Not sure if this phone will actually be offered on Sprint, but I've been longing to get a chance to check out a Sony device through Sprint for a long time:

Sony officially teases Xperia Z1 (aka Honami, Xperia i1)

I really wish Sony cared more about expanding their mobile offerings across multiple providers. I think their devices are very underrated. Not sure how their mobile support is, but I've had great experience with their TV support in the past.
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You know I would be all over the G2, I'm just concerned about

#1 No sd card

#2 Support?

I really like what I see with it, I just have serious reservations with those two issues.

As far as GS4 goes, if they release an Active version, I'm all over it.

Well, the Optimus G was really popular and the Nexus 4 got rave reviews (Which was based on the Optimus G). My take is it all depends on how popular the G2 becomes. If LG markets it properly, it could do for LG, what the S2 did for Samsung. The S2 is when Samsung really took off, as far as being able to increase their US support. Makes sense because more revenue opens up avenues they might not have been able to open up, like before. Now, they have that partnership with Best Buy to have the Samsung Experience boutiques in all the Best Buy locations. Those people aren't Best Buy employees, but the fact that Samsung is able to afford those types of ways to support US customers all stems from when their smartphones really started taking off.

Before the S2, Samsung support was absolutely awful in the US.
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Not sure if this phone will actually be offered on Sprint, but I've been longing to get a chance to check out a Sony device through Sprint for a long time:

I really wish Sony cared more about expanding their mobile offerings across multiple providers. I think their devices are very underrated. Not sure how their mobile support is, but I've had great experience with their TV support in the past.

I can agree with this. I'd love to see a nice high end Sony device on Sprint. More variety, with the legs (specs) to stand on, would be beneficial to the free marketplace.

One thing that slightly concerns me is that I haven't seen Sony's OS skin/"launcher"/UI in action for like 2 years, I recall that I wasn't a very big fan of it though.

The biggest problem is that Sony has been stuck on the nearly exclusive GSM train, in the U.S. for quite a while, despite openly saying that they are not GSM exclusive. :(
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Another GS5 rumor. If this proves to be true, it might be worth the wait to see what the Note 4 will be like.

Samsung Galaxy S5 to use metal chassis?

I'm pretty sure the rumors were that Samsung was trying to do it with the s4, but they didn't have enough time to make sure that it could produce enough for launch, so they tabled it for the S5.

For the Note 4, I'm really hoping that Samsung will be ready to release a flexible screen convertible phone/tablet. Otherwise, I'll just wait until they finally get that to production.
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I'm pretty sure the rumors were that Samsung was trying to do it with the s4, but they didn't have enough time to make sure that it could produce enough for launch, so they tabled it for the S5.

For the Note 4, I'm really hoping that Samsung will be ready to release a flexible screen convertible phone/tablet. Otherwise, I'll just wait until they finally get that to production.

I am also waiting for the flexible screen. I am hoping it will be on the Note 4.
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Yup Galaxy S5 rumors already starting. If those specs pan out then the Note 4 will be a sight to behold. But that's next year. This year I'm looking to get either the Note 3 or the next Nexus.

Do you think they will make a CDMA version of the Nexus 5? As far as the Note 3, I want one, but I can wait for the Note 4. I might be getting a Note 3 on my second line. But we will see.
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Do you think they will make a CDMA version of the Nexus 5? As far as the Note 3, I want one, but I can wait for the Note 4. I might be getting a Note 3 on my second line. But we will see.

I highly doubt that the next Nexus will be CDMA. It will be sold from the Playstore like the previous Nexus. Which is why I'll move to T-Mobile to get it if it meets my requirements. I'm hoping it will be based on the G2. 5.2inch screen with the buttons on the side.
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