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Any new phone rumors for Sprint?

It's fun reading this thread. I don't really have a stake in what comes out until February or March 2014. However, I just added my fiance to a family plan and he got the Galaxy S4. And I have to be honest, when playing with it I actually found myself liking it. And many around here know of my total aversion to anything Samsung due to past experience. I may have to pay attention to Samsung again because the GS4 and the Note II seem to be very solid phones.

Now my upgrade next year could be even more bewildering with so many more choices to consider.

I'm still very happy with my HTC Evo 4G LTE. So I feel like waiting until 2014 to upgrade is no big deal. It's great when you have a phone you really like.
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It's fun reading this thread. I don't really have a stake in what comes out until February or March 2014. However, I just added my fiance to a family plan and he got the Galaxy S4. And I have to be honest, when playing with it I actually found myself liking it. And many around here know of my total aversion to anything Samsung due to past experience. I may have to pay attention to Samsung again because the GS4 and the Note II seem to be very solid phones.

Now my upgrade next year could be even more bewildering with so many more choices to consider.

I'm still very happy with my HTC Evo 4G LTE. So I feel like waiting until 2014 to upgrade is no big deal. It's great when you have a phone you really like.

simcha, remember the many conversations we both had during the Photon days? I've turned my view around 180 degrees after all these months with the Note 2. So much so that I bought the Note 8.0 also. There's just something to be said behind devices that get major backing from multiple angles and 3rd parties. And I'm glad you've been good with LTEvo. I think HTC still has the best looking of all the devices.

There are still certain aspects that I liked better with HTC and others that I liked better with Motorola, but overall, Samsung is night and day from the EPIC days (hard to believe that was 3 years ago already).
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Note 3 is still in top of my list. I'm a little weary of HTC lately. Hopefully they do this phone right. One thing is for sure is that there's going to be some nice phones to choose from in the second half of the year.

Me too. The LTEvo left a bad taste in my mouth. However, all manufacturers have lemons. I remember a certain Samsung moment that was a huge PITA.

But I have two galaxy s 3s now and love them both.
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Im just the opposite. I def prefer the LTEvo to the s3.

I like that Samsung is fast with kernel source, that's about it tbh. Likely won't go with Sammy for my next device.

I'm probably going to jump to T-Mobile in the fall for the Nexus 5. Maybe for about a year until Sprint completes NV in the NY metro market (NYC/Long Island).

However, I do love my SGS3. Tons and tons of development for the device, which makes it even better.
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I'm probably going to jump to T-Mobile in the fall for the Nexus 5. Maybe for about a year until Sprint completes NV in the NY metro market (NYC/Long Island).

However, I do love my SGS3. Tons and tons of development for the device, which makes it even better.

Wow you're not the only person whose said that. I'm thinking of moving to T-Mobile as well this fall. The coverage in my area looks awesome. Definitely something I'm considering.
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Wow you're not the only person whose said that. I'm thinking of moving to T-Mobile as well this fall. The coverage in my area looks awesome. Definitely something I'm considering.

My contract with Sprint has already expired. I just don't like any of the current devices on their network. I'll wait for the Nexus 5 then make the switch.

The misses will have to stay behind until next Summer (August 2014, me thinks) since that's when her line's contract should be ending.
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Im just the opposite. I def prefer the LTEvo to the s3.

I like that Samsung is fast with kernel source, that's about it tbh. Likely won't go with Sammy for my next device.

The LTEvo had glaring Lte issues. I'd have my gs3 side by side with my evo and would never pick up lte. I'm talking about a strong 20 Meg signal in multiple locations in Chicago. The extra gb of ram in the gs3 is also by noticeable in the multitasking arena.

Don't get me wrong, then LTEvo was a good device, but some very important feature we just a bit half baked IMO.
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I'll agree that the multitasking was absolutely borked on the stock ROM, but I think that's less to do with 1gb and more to do with HTCs implementation. So for unrooted users that can be a big con

At any rate, I run AOSP 95% of the time on whatever device I'm using. AOSP>sense>tw in my book.

I've also had to send my gnex and my s3 back to samsung for warranty repairs, and haven't had build quality issues with my HTCs

We didn't have LTE yet when I had the LTEvo, so I can't comment on that.
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I'll agree that the multitasking was absolutely borked on the stock ROM, but I think that's less to do with 1gb and more to do with HTCs implementation. So for unrooted users that can be a big con

At any rate, I run AOSP 95% of the time on whatever device I'm using. AOSP>sense>tw in my book.

I've also had to send my gnex and my s3 back to samsung for warranty repairs, and haven't had build quality issues with my HTCs

We didn't have LTE yet when I had the LTEvo, so I can't comment on that.

ok.. rooting and ROMed phone is better than Stock.
but it is not fair to compare a rooted vs stock.

S3> LTevo
ROOT LTevo > S3

and I was a total HTC fan... but I think they have lost touch with the public's needs/wants. Example: thin is more desirable than battery life
I sure hope they can come back.
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I have gotten 8 hours of screen on time streaming video on my LTEvo, consistently, from day one. And that was without rooting. Normal use goes well over a day. Battery graph screen shots for proof upon request.

The One is doing exceptionally well by all accounts but not quite as good as that, more like an SGS3 or 4 for battery life.

All of which have that extra gig of ram constantly draining power, which I suspect to be the culprit.

As for coming back, hope so. They're about 2 to 1 behind the SGS4 in One sales last I checked.

But selling it faster than the SGS3 for the same performance period last year.

That was a record setter too, so they're not doing badly with that model.

Agree that rooted LTEvo > stock Sammy. Believe that the other comparisons will have as many conflicting votes as there are users. :)

The multitasking borks for the LTEvo do require root to fix.

I get a lot of stuff running beyond just fine on a stock rooted rom with ram to spare, no AOSP required.
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If they went with a dual-core, that tells me that Google is taking baby steps with regards to changing the attitude on Motorola. That's perfectly fine for me, as I still have another year until I'm upgrade eligible. Overall, it does seem like Google is showing good initiative to move Motorola in the right direction. My estimated timeframe for Google to really instill their influence in 2 years from the formal purchase (which wasn't finalized, until around this time last year). So, Google has made much faster progress with Motorola than I anticipated, but I'm looking at the Moto X as a new beginning. The true tell will be their superphone next year. That said, I am still very intrigued to see what this year's X phone will look and feel like.

Heck, if there's a way for Google to market this phone, So You Think You Can Dance is in its 10th season, which could be a great opportunity to market the X Phone. X= Roman Numeral 10
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If this is true, then I think that it's one of the dumbest campaigns ever -


If this is true, then I think that it's ugly -



Then again, no reason to believe that this is the production model.

Or anything a good case wouldn't hide.

Sounds like it will be a decent upper-mid level phone.

If the rumored specs are true, this is probably on par with the LTEvo or SGS3, two phones I don't consider down and out just yet. :)

An interesting differentiator will be if it's going to be a Nexus experience phone.

Motorola may yet come out with a better model this year, but I agree, we'd be unlikely to see it.

Meanwhile, if the radios are solid, battery life delivers, the camera is decent, and they price it reasonably, they're likely to sell quite a few I think.

Which processor will be interesting. Until the Snapdragon 800 hits, all of the quads are needing a separate modem chip, not exactly a step forward from the Snapdragon S4 in that regard.

PS - Apple's desktop os, OS X, is supposed to be pronounced OS TEN, but no one does. Just imagining the lawyers lmao.
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Which processor will be interesting. Until the Snapdragon 800 hits, all of the quads are needing a separate modem chip, not exactly a step forward from the Snapdragon S4 in that regard.

PS - Apple's desktop os, OS X, is supposed to be pronounced OS TEN, but no one does. Just imagining the lawyers lmao.

Did they confirm that the dual will be the Snapdragon S4 though? I think that's the only thing that's completely up in the air. Marketing is going to be the key, if Google wants to see any kind of success out of the X Phone, because the rumored specs won't be enough for the "die hards" to fall in line.

As for Apple OS X...you better believe their lawyers are probably on standby waiting to claim Copyright infringement on "X"...ROFLMAO.

I'm surprised they haven't claimed copyright infringement on any company that uses a lower case "i" at the beginning of their company name (e.g. iBolt, iHome, iWannaKickMyselfInTheHeadWithUsingi'sSoMuch).
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Wow, I thought the marketing prelude was bad enough.

Motorola is proud to be a Google company

In other news, executives congratulate each other on a job well done while managing to accomplish less than nothing.

Film at 11.

LOL...I saw that and thought, I wonder if Google is really just experimenting in this 1st year. They're already in bed with the deal, so 1st year will be trial and error? I'm sure they did projections, prior to finalizing the deal, so they had to expect P&L (Profit and Loss, for those not familiar with this) won't improve for the first couple years.
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I'm probably going to jump to T-Mobile in the fall for the Nexus 5. Maybe for about a year until Sprint completes NV in the NY metro market (NYC/Long Island).

However, I do love my SGS3. Tons and tons of development for the device, which makes it even better.

That's what I am currently doing. Haven't fully jumped ship yet. But T-mobile isn't going to be where I am going after my experience. Too much 2G, and not enough 3G or HSPA+. Big cities are decently equipped, but the moment you travel outside of one, BAM, EDGE!
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That's what I am currently doing. Haven't fully jumped ship yet. But T-mobile isn't going to be where I am going after my experience. Too much 2G, and not enough 3G or HSPA+. Big cities are decently equipped, but the moment you travel outside of one, BAM, EDGE!

Even in big cities (since I'm in LA), T-mobile is great in certain areas, but as soon as you go into an area in the hills, good luck even getting Edge! There are two (2) providers (ATT, T-Mobile) that get absolutely no signal at my house, where Verizon has minimal signal and Sprint is the strongest. Throughout the years, this has remained fairly consistent, which is why I've stuck around. The only provider I'd consider transferring over to is T-Mobile, but considering no signal at my house, that's an automatic deal breaker.
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Leaked pics of the LG G2
New LG G2 leak gives us a very clear look at the device

Very nice looking (although, I thought the Optimus G looked good too, so I'm not surprised). I don't see a microSD slot though, so they may have stuck with the original concept as they had on the Optimus G last year.

I love the fact that it has on screen buttons. The front looks beautiful. I don't like the back though. Anyway, I hear that the next Nexus will be based off this phone.
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