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Any Time is Grillin Time

It's a solid unit. One of the reasons I bought it was it came with heavy brass orifices. I thought they would last longer than cast iron that I had in the past. They lasted longer but they did not last forever. I replaced them a couple of years ago. Keep in mind that I use my grill more often than most. The electronic ignition system has failed me as well.
Other than that.. no complaints.

As for the grill size.. they make huge units lol... google up some pics some time.. wow!
I wanted a grill large enough to do two chickens on the rotisserie. The unit I have will do that easily. Plenty of grill area for family gatherings etc is never bad. The next unit up in cost from the one I bought had a searing station. I thought that would be great but it reduced the actual grilling area so I settled on this one.

It has two grates side by side within. One can be taken out and an optional griddle can be put in it's place. That has been fun to cook breakfast on a Sunday morning when the weather is ideal to be outside. (about twice a year lol) It works well for cooking items like fish or little hor'devours. I like to fix chicken livers wrapped in bacon... ideal on the griddle.

When I bought the grill it was still American made... it's been around a while :) I don't think they are any longer. I don't know if the newer models are of the same quality of the old ones. I would recommend the unit. It's been a reliable workhorse through the years. As for value.. I do not know how it compares to other units in it's class. It was the first quality grill for me. I purchased it after a very long line of cheap disappointments.
You know this country is going to the dogs when something as American as a BBQ grill is made outside the good ole U S of A.
I put my pork butt on at six thirty my time. I set the temp at 185f and went back to bed lol. After five hours of heavy smoke and low temp I placed it into an aluminum pan and cranked up the heat to 250. Should have five or six hours cooking ahead before I remove it and pull the pork. It's looking good. :)
My 12 pound butt has been rubbed and awaiting smoke. :)

No comment. :D

Ok so I've owned a Holland grill for over a decade now. Its been a killer good grill. If you're not familiar with Holland, they are no flare grills that have a full containment drip tray that catches and drains all drippings. The flame is underneath that and it heats a large chunk of steel which results in a constant temp of about 400* in most situations. Its a great concept and I've enjoyed using it because I can go off time alone as the determining factor for doneness level.

However, they take 15-20 mins to preheat and that's a negative. Its finally time to replace the old girl and I'm looking for suggestions. I definitely want a zero flare option and I've briefly been investigating the "infrared" grills which sound somewhat similar in their theory of operation.

So whether it be that grill type or another, I'm officially looking for recommendations. Help me choose my grill for the next decade.
Haha... I hope you are right! The roast is juicing big time. Temp at 170f and looking good.

No comment. :D

Ok so I've owned a Holland grill for over a decade now. Its been a killer good grill. If you're not familiar with Holland, they are no flare grills that have a full containment drip tray that catches and drains all drippings. The flame is underneath that and it heats a large chunk of steel which results in a constant temp of about 400* in most situations. Its a great concept and I've enjoyed using it because I can go off time alone as the determining factor for doneness level.

However, they take 15-20 mins to preheat and that's a negative. Its finally time to replace the old girl and I'm looking for suggestions. I definitely want a zero flare option and I've briefly been investigating the "infrared" grills which sound somewhat similar in their theory of operation.

So whether it be that grill type or another, I'm officially looking for recommendations. Help me choose my grill for the next decade.

That is a great grilling concept and new to me. My pellet grill is in that same vein. It has a heavy metal surround around the burn pot and a fan to disperse the heat evenly throughout the grill. Above that is a drip ramp that drains into a bucket. No drippings to flame and even heat across the entire grill. I have come to love this concept but have never seen it in a grill. I can't blame you a minute for wanting another similar design. It's superior to open flame! I'll keep my eyes open for you... and me too.

My pulled pork turned out yummy. I put up enough for my son's family of five and then some. Wife and I hardly put a dent in the remainder though we gave it a hearty try. I would never have bought that large a butt except it was way on sale. It was just over a buck a pound. :D I fixed some potato salad to go along with our sandwiches and we'll be eating it again tomorrow. :)
We got a foot of snow today. It's been miserably cold and now another snow.. <sigh>
I can't stand it any longer. High tomorrow is supposed to be 10f. Should be perfect grillin weather. If I can get to the store it will be a big KC strip. If I can't get out.. I'll grill some burgers. I must gill something. :) I've casseroled and souped myself to death.
Grill em if you got em. Nothing wrong with grilling burgers if you can't get out. You should be plowed out by now, though.
The main roads will either be beaten down or scraped off by now. The neighborhoods get zero attention. It's a matter of getting to the good roads. I'm optimistic. :) I know it will be worth the effort.
We live on a gravel road. Sometimes we don't get plowed out at all. we connect to a county rd which needs little excuse to get messed up. We have beer in the frig and venison in the freezer, so we are set in an emergency. :) The venison is from a friend of ours. I haven't been deer hunting in years.
I always laugh at the fools out buying consumables when a snow is predicted. Not that I have a heavy stock but I suspect I could easily make do with what's at hand for weeks lol.

I haven't had venison in years... and never hunted deer. My uncle was a big hunter and was my supplier. I wonder if a person could smoke venison... perhaps wrapped in bacon for some juice.. hmmm.

I went ahead and grilled burgers last night. I made it to the store.. no problem but I saw no steak cuts that looked that good. They had some ribs on sale that I thought long about. It was too late in the day to smoke them though... I don't like to freeze them.
You can do a lot with hamburger. You don't need to just slap it on the grill and flip it.

There certainly must be a good way to smoke venison and bacon can only help the process. :)
Looking on the net... smoking a deer shoulder is much like a beef chuck roast. It's suggested to submerge in a brine for 24 hours prior to smoking. It would be fun to try sometime.
I have.. yes. I've smoked rump roast before. I rubbed it down with oil and then a bit of salt and coarse ground pepper. I placed the roast in a roasting pan with a can of beef consomme and four or five bay leaves. I got a ripping good fire going.. 450F+ and seared the roast for 20 to 35 minutes.. getting a good sear on to seal the juices. I then smoked it for two to three hours at 225F looking for a target temp of 140F. 155F if you like it well done. I marinate with the consomme and juices a few times as it's smoking. Then I tented it and removed and let it rest for ten minutes before carving. Dribble the juices over the roast slices.... mmmm It's good!

You can add veggies the last hour of cooking but you will need to tent it with foil. As in all smoking, fat side up makes the meat more moist.
I am gaining weight just reading your posts! I am thinking about Googling for DIY smoker, don't don't know I would have the patience for it. If my wife liked ribs, that would be a good incentive.
I use a pellet smoker so I'm cheating :) I do love smoking stuff though. It's fun and it's way good. My wife is not as caught up in it as I am.. but she tolerates my cooking. lol
I think she figures it's less work for her and I'm pretty good about cleaning up my mess.
Besides... it's mostly outside and not in her kitchen. :)

Tell your wife all the merits of smoking meats. Taste wonderful. Less fats than baked and a lot less than anything fried. It's just the wife and myself so we will make a big meal out of most smoked meats and then another meal or two out of what's left. Either sliced into sandwich meats or shredded into burrito or taco fillings.. cubed up and added to salads... soups.. you name it. We waste very precious little and it's all tasty and healthy.
We thought about getting a pellet grill several years ago, but opted for the propane. We don't have room for both.
I want to pipe natural gas out to my patio and replace my propane jets out to natural gas.
Besides making it extremely handy it would be a lot cheaper. I like cooking with gas. I like the rotisserie.. mine has a infrared unit on the back for spit cooking.... I really like that.
I enjoy a griddle insert I have too. I can't see my patio without some sort of gas grill.
However, I do most of my grilling on the pellet cooker. I can take a dozen burger patties out there and toss them on the pellet grill...15 minutes later I can go out and take them up. No turning.. no flame up worry. Works great in cold weather :)
We don't have an option for natural gas. We are too far from the road. It would cost a fortune. We only have 1 other full time neighbor. Our deck isn't big enough for a grill and a pellet grill.
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