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Any Time is Grillin Time

It would be fun if you could make a living at slow cooking. It might not be as much fun however if your livelihood was on the line every day when you were smoking.

Speaking of smoking, guess I'm doing a turkey Saturday. They were way on sale after Easter so the wife picked up a huge bird. I'll smoke it and then freeze half of it... I'm no fool lol. Sounds good. I love smoked turkey.
I would sure think so. I think it would be a tricky business to be successful in as well. Smoked meats are so darn good.. when it's fresh. You can't have over stock and you can't tell customers you are sold out. I love smoking meats.. but that sort of worry would certainly take the fun out of it for me.
Well... I grilled burgers instead of smoking the turkey the wife bought mid week. It was way on sale so she snagged it... planning to smoke it today. It's one of those injected and frozen birds for Easter. I just assumed it would thaw in the fridge and be ready to smoke today. I pulled it out this morning and it was still frozen solid. So... was a burger night lol.
Nothing wrong with burgers, especially since it is almost impossible to get them cooked to your liking at a bar or restaurant. How hard can it be to get them medium rare?

We have wild turkeys running all over the place up here. You wouldn't even have to thaw them out. :)
Man that does look good. I'll definitely give them a try. How can you go wrong with bacon? :) I only worked a couple of hours this morning. I ran a couple of errands then I ran by the market and picked up a little brisket. It was eleven AM before I got it smoking so I did a rush job on it. All in all, it still turned out tender and moist. I'll not stress over lack of time to smoke a brisket again.

I washed and dried my brisket then rubbed it down with mustard. I then gave it a generous amount of my meat rub. With the smoker at 185 I smoked only three hours.
I then turned up the heat to 225 and cooked it another three hours. I sealed the meat in foil and finished cooking it for another hour... target internal temp of 190-195. I brought the meat in and let it rest a half of an hour. Carved it up and enjoyed.
I mopped the brisket every hour with a mixture of apple juice and worcestershire.
About an hour away from show time.

Looks nice and juicy. Grilled a couple steaks last night. Nothing exciting about that. Snowing this morning. Happy Cinco de Mayo!
Snowing??? Wow! It was 103f here yesterday and near that today. No spring.. straight from winter to summer.

The turkey turned out fantastic. I froze half of the meat and now have two meals on the other half. Man that was one big bird. Tomorrow I think I'll make some turkey burritos and then the dogs can have the rest. As good as it is... three meals straight is a lot of turkey.
I would rather have the snow than temps above 90. Or 80 for that matter.

Turkey hunting season up here. I have no idea how they taste compared to the ones in the store.
I've only eaten wild turkey a couple of times. There is more dark meat than white on a wild bird and it is a bit more gamey tasting. Very good eating as far as I'm concerned.
I've never hunted turkey. I guess the art is calling them.
They are big and slow so you would expect them to be easy to hunt. Not so, apparently. Have you had grouse? The very best eating bird there is.

Bright, sunny day today. Good day for grilling. Temps in the 40s. Bird bath was frozen over this morning.
No, I've never eaten grouse. Pheasant and quail were on our table regularly as I was growing up. My father loved to hunt both. We had duck a couple of times... I don't think duck hunting was his thing. I've eaten dove and turkey a couple of times each. That's it for wild birds. We ate rabbit a few times each year and venison. I was allowed to hunt rabbits.. my uncle was the deer hunter. We ate a lot of fish. My entire family loved to fish and with some luck... an outing made a dinner or two. None of the above was grilled. I'm sure I was cheated out of some fine outdoor cooking of wild game.

I'm glad your weather has turned for the better. It was over 100 again today in my area. I would have loved to grill out some burgers or something but I made myself eat turkey one last time lol. Smoked turkey makes great burritos. :)
Did you know that you can starve to death eating rabbit, if that was all you had to eat? Not enough nutrients.

Just pizza burgers and hamburgers tonight. I was going to grill some pork chops, but have had pork 3 out of the last 4 days.
I grilled out burgers tonight. Something fast and easy. I've been hungry for pork of some sort. For some reason... perhaps we ran out of pigs... pork prices are sky high here right now. A rack of ribs that I normally get for eleven bucks have gone to eighteen. A pound of decent looking bacon is ten bucks. I don't know what's up with that but I'm waiting for the prices to fall a bit.
There is a pig virus epidemic that has killed a ton of pigs over the last year. It ravaged Asia last year.
Did some grillin a few weeks ago. Country ribs slow cooked on cherry and Apple wood, with my favorite frosty beverage. Turned out to be a sweet evening with the misses. :)

Tomorrow I'm going to grill some chicken. I think I'll fix boneless skinless thighs wrapped in bacon. I think I'll grill out some asparagus spears to go with the chicken.
A little rain does not stop a griller


Especially when the sun comes out! These are genuine Sheboygan style bratwursts. Beats the heck out of anything Johnsonville has to offer. If you can get ahold of Usingers or Klements, those are good too.
I have an old fashion meat market local. Nothing cheap to be found there but everything is top quality. I buy my bratwursts there. I'm with you, Johnsonville just doesn't cut it.
They make great breakfast sausage too. :)
Now you are talking. Meat market is the way to go. Our closest one is 35 miles away. When we lived in Milwaukee, there was a place we could get German sausages and brats. Good stuff. In 2001, we went with a tour to Germany and one of our stops was Colberg. THE BEST bratwursts we have ever had. Maybe it helped to have the German beer to go with it. :)
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