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Any Time is Grillin Time

I was afraid our market would not survive the competitive markets of today. They had a shop for years in a small town South of here... farther out from the big city. They moved to my town about a decade ago... moving into an old pizza hut building. They seem to be doing fine. :) I guess I'm not the only one that is willing to pay extra for that special quality and care. I don't always shop there. They are expensive. But when it has to be good they have my business.
The little independent meat markets are all but gone from my area. It's a real shame. The walmarts and krogers have put a serious hurt on them. Shoot, when I was a kid we didn't have a freezer. We rented locker space at one of the markets in town. It sure was a different world back then.
There is no farmers market around here, but I live in a farmers village. They have tiny shops, along the dike. The first sells flowers and garden plants straight from the green house, the second vegs and fruits, and the third meat, cheese, milk, butter and more, including everything you'll need to bake your bread.
I'll be getting my meat from Stop and Shop a supermarket chain that's big in my area. I plan on grilling up some chicken and hot dogs. I haven't read this whole thread so excuse me if this has been asked before but does anyone else boil their chicken before grilling and if so, how long do you boil it?
I'll be getting my meat from Stop and Shop a supermarket chain that's big in my area. I plan on grilling up some chicken and hot dogs. I haven't read this whole thread so excuse me if this has been asked before but does anyone else boil their chicken before grilling and if so, how long do you boil it?

I have never boiled my chicken first so I'm not a source for info. I think it would be a good option to quicken grill time and to perhaps season. I found this that might be of some help. How to Boil Chicken Before Grilling | eHow

You can't go wrong grilling chicken... no matter how you go about it. :) Just watch your temp. 165 degrees F. (74 degrees C.) will insure it being ready to eat. Have fun and enjoy.
I've only done it when doing thighs, legs, breasts in picnic quantities. I will usually boil them until they are fully cooked. Then you can just sear them with BBQ sauce on the grill, enough to warm them up. It's just simpler to keep the line moving.

If I'm doing something with a boneless breast of a whole chicken, I don't preboil. For whole chicken I would recommend one of these:

Put a can of beer roughly 2/3 - 3/4 full in the rack, slide it up the chicken's um, ass. Coat with your favorite rub and cook on indirect heat until done. Fall off the bone juicy chicken every time.
I was fortunate enough to score those from my oldest daughter for xmas a few years back.
Prior to having them... I used a beer can and tried my best to keep my bird from falling over. Whatever it takes... sure makes for a great moist and tender chicken.
Beer is for drinking, unless it is Bud. :) Do you Remember Billy Beer? From Jimmy Carter's brother? Horrible stuff. Couldn't even soak my brats in it.
I never had one but I certainly remember the beer. Trust me, you will not consider your beer wasted if you use it when cooking a whole chicken on the grill. It's incredibly good.
Happy Memorial Day! A day when grillers grill. :)

Check this out. It was posted on FB by Author Ben Coes (If you like thrillers, he writes good ones.). It's towable. He says the guy will sell it to him for $1,000. I imagine it would depend on how much smoking and grilling he plans on it, but I have seen some grills at the hardware story for $700 or more that didn't look very good quality.

It's hard to say what he has there without seeing inside. From first glance it looks well made and heavy duty. Usually the stack is on one end making the smoke travel across the entire smoke surface to exit... but who knows what's inside. Interesting.
Comments on his post were that the wheels were too small to allow towing, which makes sense. It would be interesting to see the inside.

We went over to our friends' house for a BBQ yesterday where we had venison brats and venison hot dogs. Really good.
That does sound good... and interesting. I had a life long friend over and grilled out some burgers. Nothing fancy but was fun and good. I thought about doing a beer butt chicken.
The talk of it lately has made me hungry for one lol.

I want to come up with some sort of grill smoker thing-a-ma-bob to put on a river lease.
I just recently leased some river front and there is a fire pit but no cooker. I could drag an old grill down there but I figure someone would drag it off before I ever cooked on it.
I don't want to invest in an extensive construction for I will not likely lease there forever. I definitely need a grill surface.. smoking is just a desire and not a must. I might just build a grill out of some concrete blocks. I'm definitely open for suggestions.
Does your lease allow building? Like you said, anything portable will get ported. :) Maybe build a pit?
I think I could build something without too much grief from the owner. I asked him if I could build an outhouse and he had no problems with that. A person needs the essentials.. outhouse and grill lol. Some former tenant dug a pit and surrounded it with stones to make a nice fire pit. It's too big to cook on but would be fun for the little ones to do a marshmallow or hot dog on a coat hanger. I don't think the owner much gives a hoot. Just don't trash up the area was all he had to say. He lives about a quarter mile away and has to drive by the site to get to his house. It's not a large area.. just river frontage that he can't farm.
You don't want to mess around with marshmallows and hot dogs. I googled it and couldn't find anything that would fit the bill.
Most guys would enjoy a novelty grill Kaat. We sometimes rate our grilling talents with style points lol.

I grilled out some very thick cut pork loin steaks tonight. I rubbed them down with my rib rub and the mopped them with bbq sauce and honey. I threw together some potato salad to go with it. It was a beautiful evening that just cried out for some grill time.
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