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Any Time is Grillin Time

Tonight I'm cooking some boneless pork ribs. In my part of the country they call them county style spare ribs. I rubbed them down with my favorite pork rub concoction and smoked them for an hour. I've now turned up the heat and will basically grill them until done. They are cooking as I type. We are having some fresh corn on the cob with the ribs. I did not smoke them... I simply have them boiling on the stove. The corn is really good this year with all of the rain we've had. It should prove to be a great dinner.
Okay, I am reading that in the morning and am still drooling. Did you see the FB video on how to shuck corn on the cob? You just cut the large end off, pick it up by the tassels, and it falls right out (in the video, anyway).
I did see that video and was all prepared to try it out for myself. However, these ears of corn are so long that they won't rotate in my microwave. I cut both ends off and zapped a couple of ears but they still had to be shucked. It's the sealed up steam factor that allows them to be easily removed from the shuck and silks. Once they were cut... they lost that sealed steam effect. These are easily the longest ears of corn I've ever seen lol.
They were really good though.
With my oldest and youngest daughter visiting and my cousin and her daughter coming over, it seemed like a great night to do some brats and burgers. The brats from the local butcher shop are so big that they are perfect on a hoagie bun. :) I simmered the brats in beer before grilling them which just adds to the flavors. Some potato salad, baked beans, and some fresh slaw made for a great meal.
I will admit that I've never gone beyond simmering them in beer prior to grilling. It's an interesting idea you propose. A rub or a sauce might take the brats to another level. They are so dang good as is that I've never considered anything else. I'll have to expand my horizons lol.

My market had some interesting looking brats for sale but I did not want to experiment with company coming over. They called them Bavarian style spicy brats. I've tried their cheddar cheese brats as well as their jalapeno... they aren't bad. These are new and sounded enticing. I may give them a go soon. It's difficult to screw up a good bratwurst.
I did a contract job last night.....that is a friend asked me to make them pulled pork and ribs for a party they're having (and we are unable to attend). I told her to bring me a (as in one) butt and maybe 6 racks of babybacks or 4 spares, I'd take care of it. She brought 3 16lb butts and 9 racks of babybacks!!!! And asked "is this too much?". For a party of ~25 people? Not at all....as long as they're all 350lb competitive eaters. Even with cooking loss, we ended up with 30+ lbs of pork!!! I had to sauce it in batches and went through a over half gallon of vinegar. I have no idea what she's going to do with the 15-20 lbs of leftovers. I took about 8 oz of the pork (with permission) for some Vietnamese summer rolls and Bun (that's with those 2 dots over the u pronounced boon) that I'm making tomorrow. I'm getting meat fatigue, not enough to go vegetarian (again), but I'm looking for lighter/fresher right now.
I will admit that I've never gone beyond simmering them in beer prior to grilling. It's an interesting idea you propose. A rub or a sauce might take the brats to another level. They are so dang good as is that I've never considered anything else. I'll have to expand my horizons lol.

My market had some interesting looking brats for sale but I did not want to experiment with company coming over. They called them Bavarian style spicy brats. I've tried their cheddar cheese brats as well as their jalapeno... they aren't bad. These are new and sounded enticing. I may give them a go soon. It's difficult to screw up a good bratwurst.

I haven't simmered brats in beer since the 70s. Maybe using Billy Beer that one time spoiled it.:rolleyes:

That Bavarian style spicy brat sounds really good! I love brats. They are much better than Italians.
I did a contract job last night.....that is a friend asked me to make them pulled pork and ribs for a party they're having (and we are unable to attend). I told her to bring me a (as in one) butt and maybe 6 racks of babybacks or 4 spares, I'd take care of it. She brought 3 16lb butts and 9 racks of babybacks!!!! And asked "is this too much?". For a party of ~25 people? Not at all....as long as they're all 350lb competitive eaters. Even with cooking loss, we ended up with 30+ lbs of pork!!! I had to sauce it in batches and went through a over half gallon of vinegar. I have no idea what she's going to do with the 15-20 lbs of leftovers. I took about 8 oz of the pork (with permission) for some Vietnamese summer rolls and Bun (that's with those 2 dots over the u pronounced boon) that I'm making tomorrow. I'm getting meat fatigue, not enough to go vegetarian (again), but I'm looking for lighter/fresher right now.

That is a lot of pork!!! I don't even have the rack area for that much. I always get nervous when I'm smoking for someone. I'm glad it worked out for you.

I haven't simmered brats in beer since the 70s. Maybe using Billy Beer that one time spoiled it.:rolleyes:

That Bavarian style spicy brat sounds really good! I love brats. They are much better than Italians.

I simmer mine in my beer of choice which is Shiner Bock. It adds a bit of flavor and speeds up the grill time. It's not a process that's a must do for me.
I often simply toss them on the grill.

My son grilled out ribeyes for 10 last night on his propane grill. The steaks were definitely flame kissed lol. His grill caught on fire and he had a hell of a time getting the meat off while the fats burned off. He was able to save them though he no longer has any hair on his arms :eek: The steaks turned out great but the grilling show was main attraction. :rolleyes:
I simmer mine in my beer of choice which is Shiner Bock. It adds a bit of flavor and speeds up the grill time. It's not a process that's a must do for me.
I often simply toss them on the grill.

Maybe that is the key. The beers I used didn't really add any flavor to the process. Do you add onions, butter and other seasonings?

The thing about propane grills is, it really helps to know where your hot and cool spots are so you can move the steaks around when they flare up. They are unavoidable, but predictable. Lesson learned!:D
I understand that every square inch of grill space was taken by the steaks he was grilling. There was no space to scoot them around. He told me he tried to stack them up in an area that was flaming but it too was soon consumed. I missed the entire fiasco. I was busy out in the yard visiting and wasn't aware of the fire until the steaks were served.
I suspect less meat.. at least less fatty meat and perhaps a cleaner grill might have yielded less fire. One way or another, the steaks turned out great. His quick sear turned into a quick cook is all. lol
Less meat and cleaner grill might help, but having a $2 spray bottle of water to put out the flare up when it happened would solve the problem. I saw some really crappy BBQ show the other day where some nitwit destroyed a very expensive pig smoker by direct grilling in it and burning it up with a flair up. Burnt the paint off of it. They even showed the extremely pissed pit owner complaining to the "contestant " that she shouldn't have used it if she didn't know what she was doing . A couple of spritzes from a spray bottle and the whole incident never happens.
No doubt a little water would have gone a long ways. I don't recall every having a fire like that on my grill. However, I keep it cleaned. It sounded like once he had a fire it was total flame. He may have needed a CO2 extinguisher lol.
I'm a little worried about going on a three week road trip, in 6 weeks. No bbq/grilling time, unless we come across a nice restaurant place. But still, that's not the same :o
Tonight I'm cooking out some chicken thighs. They have a touch of garlic and bbq spice in them. They were then rolled up and wrapped in bacon. I have them on the grill now. I'm cooking them in a large pan with sides so that I don't run all of that bacon grease into the grill. I don't want flames. I've only made these once before. How can you go wrong with chicken and bacon?
Tonight I'm cooking out some chicken thighs. They have a touch of garlic and bbq spice in them. They were then rolled up and wrapped in bacon. I have them on the grill now. I'm cooking them in a large pan with sides so that I don't run all of that bacon grease into the grill. I don't want flames. I've only made these once before. How can you go wrong with chicken and bacon?

How to improve this recipe? Lose the chicken! :)
I haven't grilled or smoked all week long... I'm going into withdrawal. Tonight I'm grilling out some sirloin cuts. Will likely bake some potatoes or do a fresh garden salad and some fresh corn on the cob too.
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