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Any Time is Grillin Time

So I'm reading about cold smoking, and it seems now is when I should be doing it, as the ambient temps below 60 are ideal. Well, maybe at least above freezing, but yeah, colder the better. I have a block of cheddar, I'm going got get some gruyere at least so I can age it for a future mac'n'cheese as I hear that's a home run. I have a 36" double racked grill, so I can load it up with some cheese, vacuum seal it and have some great cheese for dishes or cheese platters all spring and summer.

The question is going to be how to deal with people thinking I can do this stuff on demand? Two week minimum aging, two months recommended. :p
You will be amazed at the amount of smoke the cheese will absorb. The longer it ages the deeper the smoke penetrates... or at least it seems that way. I cut my blocks of cheeses in half and big blocks thirds so I didn't have to unseal such a large amount at a time and also adding more surface to the cheese for smoke. I also liked experimenting with seasonings on the cheeses. Smaller chucks was a safer bet I didn't ruin some cheese. :) If your cheese looks wet or oily after smoking, wrap it in parchment over night or so. Don't over dry.. the cheese gets chewy. I've read that just blotting off the moisture with a paper towel before vac sealing works just fine. I've never tried it. And, be prepared for your fridge to smell like smoke while the cheese air dries a bit. :) Wear food graded gloves naturally.

You are in for a real treat! It's not a hot weather project so you picked a great time.
Okay, you pushed me over the top. I'm waiting for my cheeses to warm up a bit before I put them on the smoker. I have some muenster, pepper jack, extra sharp white cheddar, and some montery jack cheese to smoke. I had intended to buy some mild cheddar but somehow managed to come home without.

A pic of the current smoke.
Cheeses 2.jpg
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I put a little bit more than four hours of smoke on my cheeses. I brought them in and let them rest for a half hour. I tried the blotting with a paper towel method vs an overnight in parchment paper. I only had a couple of chunks that look a bit wet so I think I'm good. I vac sealed them, labeled them, and tucked them away in the fridge for some ageing time. I'm not a patient man so I'll likely be carving into a smoked brick in a week or two. Hopefully I can give the majority of packages a longer time to age.
Here is a pic when I flipped the chunks over. The top sides get the majority of the smoke because the smoke source is at the grate level and traveling across the cheeses to the smoke stack.
Cheeses 3.jpg
I'm going to stock up and smoke mine this weekend. Can't wait, though, I have to wait to try them, LOL.
I'm anxious to hear how your cold smoker works. I know you will love your cheese. If your family likes nuts, I highly recommend doing some nuts along with your cheese. I especially love cashews with a bit of garlic and cayenne or whatever might float your boat. You have the surface area and the smoke... I would have smoked some today but my local market had what I consider bits and pieces. I'll fix that the next time I go to Costco.
Here is my stack. I'm not sure if I'll do it tomorrow or Sunday. I have to move some furniture at my parents one of the days, I'd like to go ice fishing, but we'll get it done this weekend. :)
Here is my stack. I'm not sure if I'll do it tomorrow or Sunday. I have to move some furniture at my parents one of the days, I'd like to go ice fishing, but we'll get it done this weekend. :)
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I'm excited for you! Ice fishing sounds fun too. Furniture would be in small print on my list. :)

I have the last of my bargain pork butts thawing. It is supposed to be in the sixties tomorrow so we have a deck party at the cabin planned. Sunday will be my day to smoke up some pulled pork.
I'm excited for you! Ice fishing sounds fun too. Furniture would be in small print on my list. :)

I have the last of my bargain pork butts thawing. It is supposed to be in the sixties tomorrow so we have a deck party at the cabin planned. Sunday will be my day to smoke up some pulled pork.
Can't say I envy the colder areas. Don't get much heat either. I'm satisfied with a temperate climate all year. I like being spoiled that way. Might be nice to go do some more spear fishing this year. Maybe take the crossbow out for something bigger. Who knows, I'll finish my work projects then think about it
I'm excited for you! Ice fishing sounds fun too. Furniture would be in small print on my list. :)

I have the last of my bargain pork butts thawing. It is supposed to be in the sixties tomorrow so we have a deck party at the cabin planned. Sunday will be my day to smoke up some pulled pork.
Rain and drizzle today, so ice fishing it out. Flooring isn't quite finished, so furniture has been pushed out to this afternoon, Well...
...cheese map so I know what's what when it is done...
...and on the smoker...
I love smoke so I give my cheese a tube worth which is over three hours. I have been told that my cheeses are too smoky... and could well be. 2.5 to 3 should give you plenty of flavor without being offensive. I don't think you will be sorry and can adjust to suit on your next smoke.
I have a feeling this will be the sentiment of some of the people I will serve this too

That's what I'm figuring too. I plan on aging for 2 months, though I may have to bust something out after the two weeks. :p
Less is plenty to some people. I've shared my cheeses with a crowd at the cabin. To be nice, everyone extended a compliment, naturally. I could tell how some people wanted more but some were satisfied with just a sample. Less smoke will suit the majority.

I will have to sample my cheese after a couple of weeks or so. I have no discipline. :)
I have my last bargain pork butt on the smoker. I seasoned it with my favorite rub after I carved off most of the fat cap and the fat that is between the two muscles. I put it in the smoker at 8:30 and will wrap it when it reaches 160° or so. I like to remove it from the smoker when I see 205° internal temp and let it rest a bit before I pull the meat. I plan to bake some beans to go with it.
Bargain Butt.jpg
Cheese turned out OK I guess. I'll have to wait a bit to find out. I was going to post after pics, but my vacuum sealer went on the fritz so I was hustling to get them put away and get out the door. Grilling burgers tonight, some of my brisket I ground up a few weeks ago.
Cheese turned out OK I guess. I'll have to wait a bit to find out. I was going to post after pics, but my vacuum sealer went on the fritz so I was hustling to get them put away and get out the door. Grilling burgers tonight, some of my brisket I ground up a few weeks ago.
Without a smoker and my father detesting roast beef, he had the roasts ground into hamburger. It was like eating steak burgers my entire youth. I bet your brisket burgers are much the same. Big envy going on here.....
Without a smoker and my father detesting roast beef, he had the roasts ground into hamburger. It was like eating steak burgers my entire youth. I bet your brisket burgers are much the same. Big envy going on here.....
My FIL is a retired butcher, he still does 60-120 deer a year, so really still a butcher. Before factory ground beef it was common for local markets to grind up briskets by the hundreds to stock a meat counter. So when I find brisket packers for less than or the same price / lb as ground beef I grab them. It's really more locally ground beef, whatever the cut vs. factory ground beef packaged and shipped in nitrogen to keep it pink. I've heard reports that a restaurant burger can consist of meat from 70+ cows. :eek:
My FIL is a retired butcher, he still does 60-120 deer a year, so really still a butcher. Before factory ground beef it was common for local markets to grind up briskets by the hundreds to stock a meat counter. So when I find brisket packers for less than or the same price / lb as ground beef I grab them. It's really more locally ground beef, whatever the cut vs. factory ground beef packaged and shipped in nitrogen to keep it pink. I've heard reports that a restaurant burger can consist of meat from 70+ cows. :eek:
How handy is it to have a butcher in the family?? Sweet! There isn't much telling what exactly beef you are eating when you are eating out. Just a wee bit scary. I'm one of the unfortunate few that tastes the nitrogen when packaged with meat. I have a local Walmart that often has cheaper meat than my Kroger subsidiary market where I shop. They do keep their meats nice and red with nitrogen but it tastes foul to me.

I was out riding my bike and had my BT probe in my pork butt. I planned to be back in ample time to bring the meat in. I forgot to change the alarm temp and my wife heard it going off and brought in the meat. The last setting on the alarm was 195° so when I got home I put it back on the smoker. It had fallen to 192° and took an additional 45 min or so to reach 205°. I don't know if it was the delayed stall or if the butt was just an exceptional cut but it was likely the best I've ever smoked. Sometimes the magic works :)
That looks like a well designed/well built grill. It sounds like it will do everything including separate your dollars from your wallet. :) I've never cooked on or been near a cook on that sort of cooker. They definitely have a following so they must work well. The perks of the linked cooker would make it easier to use. I have the patio space so I have three cookers. A three foot Blackstone griddle, a Weber grill, and a Green Mountain smoker. They aren't the top of their class cookers. I have less than 1.5 K invested in the three. Each does their designed cooks well. I've yet to find an all in one cooker. Just my opinion, but I've not found the high dollar cookers to last any longer than the cheaper cookers. I'm too cheap and too heavy of a user of my cookers to rock the cooker above. It is dang impressive though.
Speaking of new cookers, my son gave up on his sooting GM smoker and bought a Silverbac Wood Pellet Grill Alpha Connect. I see that Lowes sells them. He ordered his online and it was delivered yesterday. He said it took over an hour to assemble. Though he was an outstanding athlete, he was never overly mechanically minded so your mileage may differ. He hasn't cooked on it yet but it looks legit. He found a guy at his workplace willing to invest in his GM smoker at a price where he can likely get it's sooting problem solved. At least it gets hauled off. My son is planning on smoking some beef ribs for his Superbowl patio party. A nice way to break it in. :)
I don't have a new smoker but I have a clean smoker. I've been extremely tardy at cleaning my smoker. I do believe it has never been so in need of a cleaning as today. I'm guessing there was a half inch, if not more, ash in the bottom of the smoker. The grease ramp was completely crusted and there was a solid mass formed of ash in the bottom of the burn pot. I took a picture of my chimney after I scraped the walls of the vertical pipe to show my son the amount of build up I get in the flue. His old GM smoker was always clean. I think that is the tell tale sign of poor air flow. Anyway... all clean and ready to get dirty again with some fun cooks and good eats.
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