I just started trying to use tasker today to make my groove ip setup more integrated but some of this stuff I would prefer was in groove ip itself. Locale Google Voice Set Plug allows you to change on the fly what google voice forwards to on conditions. Better Locale Airplane mode lets you turn of radios on conditions, not just all of them but like say just the cell radio while on wifi. Last Idea I had was if you had some sort of 3-way calling trick built into it so that you could say click move to cellular and it would call your cell number answer it and hang up google voice so you could leave your wifi network and still have your call up. Maybe have like a little noise when your wifi signal is getting too weak and maybe emphasis the move to cellular when your wifi signal was weak while not harassing you with it. I don't want to come off too needy but i thought these would be some pretty cool features if possible.