Extreme Android User
True, some good points. However, if I owned a Prime, I would sure be pissed. Each model they put out is bigger and more spec'd out then the last. At least Apple only does that once a year. It would piss me off to no end if I bought a brand new tablet for $600 and two months later the same company releases one with better specs and I couldn't return or exchange it. Thats a big middle finger to their customers IMO. However, these companies don't care about their customers. They are only concerned with trying to one up Apple. So who cares if some sucker just spent $600 on a tablet with inferior specs that won't be updated to the new OS, they got their money and a little more of a marketshare right?
Why would that piss you off? I don't understand that. I bought the OG Galaxy Tab 7" 2-3 months after it came out. It was woefully outdated a few months after that. Honestly, I don't care. I use it all the time. It is still the same size it always was. It's still ultra portable. It still runs the apps I need to run without any issues. It's running GB and it's never going to be updated ever. I don't care. It still does what I want to do with it without any major issues. Why should I complain? My only beef with it is that more and more apps don't run on it. The market says my device isn't supported. I'm not sure if this is because of the age or the size of the device though. I've found many of those apps do actually run if I side load them.
I also own a Transformer Prime. I'm still in the honeymoon phase with it and may end up selling it because the colors on the screen don't seem to pop the way the colors on the Tab do. The fact that the hardware will be outdated in 3 months doesn't matter to me. If the device stopped working altogether and was unsupported in three months, that's a big deal, but that's not the case.