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Apple iPad 3 launch => Android win? Apple win?

Best Tablet of 2012?

  • The iPad

    Votes: 9 42.9%
  • The Asus Transformer Infinity

    Votes: 6 28.6%
  • The Samsung Galaxy Tab 11.6

    Votes: 2 9.5%
  • The Samsung Note 10.1

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 4 19.0%

  • Total voters
That must've been amazing, even if you offer a near "perfect" device you typically have someone complaining about something. I really don't want to see these forums turn out like they were in the Behold 2 days. Now that was scary. :eek:

A few lemon returns, teeth gnashing over no immediate root, and some who wanted to trade for the Epic's bigger feature set, accompanied by a whole lot of omgz! pwnies! threads, that I contributed to.

Year later, our Shift is still going strong, not a single glitch or reboot or force close of anything. Most significant thing that happened was WifelyMon walking in one day asking me if 2.3 was Gingerbread. I asked her why, and she said she got the ota and her phone was faster. Never been rooted, gets well over a day of fair use on a single charge.

A more common Android experience than many might suspect because forums are where people come to sometimes get problems solved.
A few lemon returns, teeth gnashing over no immediate root, and some who wanted to trade for the Epic's bigger feature set, accompanied by a whole lot of omgz! pwnies! threads, that I contributed to.

Year later, our Shift is still going strong, not a single glitch or reboot or force close of anything. Most significant thing that happened was WifelyMon walking in one day asking me if 2.3 was Gingerbread. I asked her why, and she said she got the ota and her phone was faster. Never been rooted, gets well over a day of fair use on a single charge.

A more common Android experience than many might suspect because forums are where people come to sometimes get problems solved.

I think being involved in niche communities like this one makes people think that everyone with phone ABC is waiting for an update when in reality most users don't have any idea that an update is pending.

Kinda like rooting, I've only met 1 other android user IRL who had heard about rooting was but never thought about attempting it until I convinced him to, everyone else I know with Android phones IRL thinks rooting has something to do with plants...while logged on here it seems most users (not all) have rooted the phone making us and other forums dedicated to Android a small yet vocal community.
PR for the Nexus prerelease was a comedy of errors. First came the Nexus / ICS launch announcement, followed by string of Nexus appearances on daily talk/news shows where all of the talking heads got all worked up and excited.

That was followed by a weeks-long lull with no one having more than rumors and ever-changing insider leaks for when people could get their hands on it, until it finally released.

This is what Google and its partners do consistently wrong - they build excitement then let it decay into consumer frustration rather than capitalize on the impact.

It's precisely what Apple does right - when they launch, they launch and it's not confusing to tech news services. They use the news for promotion properly.

Living proof is the growing concern of people that _need_ Jellybean. No one has a clue what it will be, and aside from the kute recent candy handout, we have no solid proof it will be called that - and it's not reasonable to expect it anytime soon - but people are starting to _need_ it.
Like 2.1 to 2.2 and 2.3, Jellybean won't necessarily be a major update anyway. We're up to 4.0.3 I think now, but 4.1 will warrant the new name - but won't be as radical as (some) people make out.

No more so than iOS 5.0 to 5.1, as against the bug fixes for 5.0.1 or whatever. Apple has had its fair share of OS updates hasn't it? Not perhaps as many, but even Apple eventually has a cut off. My iPhone 3G isn't getting any updates and the 3GS will be next, followed by the iPhone 4.

My old first-gen Intel Mac Minis can't run OSX 10.7 and 10.8 will no doubt have further restrictions (perhaps only for the 'i' processors). It's the way things go.

I agree that the Galaxy Nexus was a bit of a mess up. Great device (lousy camera though, but mostly down to software) but I was convinced it would be the Google Nexus. By calling it the Galaxy Nexus, it was effectively a Samsung device and not a flagship Google one. Sure, it has no TouchWiz customisation and will get OS updates beyond most other devices (even the Nexus S got ICS very quickly) but it made me wonder if Google will ever make its own branded devices.

Having bought Motorola Mobility, perhaps they will eventually launch a phone and tablet properly, showcasing Google Play and the many other apps, but the problem is Google doesn't want to alienate the other manufacturers. If it did, in theory it might end up with everyone else moving to another OS. Luckily, there isn't really a viable alternative OS yet.
ICS has been out worldwide less than 5 months, and less than 4 in the USA.

It's the first major revision change in two years.

Just put ICS on my xformer.. big difference. I wonder if CM9 will eventually support my poor old shift =P
So Google allows the carriers to have their way with their OS and do as they please with it?

You still seem to be under the misapprehension that Android belongs to Google, it does not. Android is available under free and open source software licenses. Google can't force any carrier, manufacturer or whatever to do updates.

Google doesn't have any control over Android where I am, that's for sure. They certainly can't force something like Shenzhen Acme Cheapo Android China Phone Co. Ltd, to release updates.

One thinks Psychotron should be whining and bleating about AT&T, Verizon, Sprint, T-mobile, O2, Vodafone, China Mobile, China Unicom, Samsung, LG, HTC, Huawei, ZTE, Sony or whatever, about not providing updates for your phone and NOT Google.
No, the carrier wants to hold back ICS because its all about money. I own a Galaxy S2 (ET4G) on Sprint. Do you really think they are going to update us to ICS with their shiny new phones ready to come out in a few months? Of course not. If they did, there would be little reason for anyone to even think about a new phone and they want their new phones to have ICS first. My phone is barely 6 months old too, not like I have some 2 year old phone. This while thing is horseshit to be honest. Google lied, they are not enforcing timely OS updates on any carrier or manufacturer. If they were, we wouldn't be sitting here 4 months later wondering where ICS is.

So what can't your phone do that it needs ICS for?
Once the windows 8 tablets come, the question won't be whether to get iOS, android, or windows. The question will be which windows 8 manufacturer to choose. It makes iOS and android look like also-rans
I am hesitant to buy into the hype that windows 8 is going to change the tablet market drastically depending on licensing fees and adoption rates it very well could flop. I don't see people shelling out more for a windows 8 tablet than an iPad yet I can easily see them costing more.
I am hesitant to buy into the hype that windows 8 is going to change the tablet market drastically depending on licensing fees and adoption rates it very well could flop. I don't see people shelling out more for a windows 8 tablet than an iPad yet I can easily see them costing more.

I think Windows 8 tablet's success will be largely tied to how much eco-system MSFT brings to the party, and how well fleshed out the final product is.

The Windows 8 tablet experience thus far looks much better than anything android is doing, and has the potential to at least stand in the ring with iOS/iPad without getting knocked out in the first round.
They could bring a near laptop experience to the table but if it cost more than the iPad they aren't going to sell IMO. Right now the iPad is the gold standard no matter how much better the product you provide is it will be difficult at best to make a dent if you are charging the same or more for it ;)
I am hesitant to buy into the hype that windows 8 is going to change the tablet market drastically depending on licensing fees and adoption rates it very well could flop. I don't see people shelling out more for a windows 8 tablet than an iPad yet I can easily see them costing more.

Suppose it depends if it's an ARM Win8 tablet or an x86 Win8 tablet. If x86 PC compatible tablet, that could probably cost more than an iPad. Because it would have full PC capabilities.
Once the windows 8 tablets come, the question won't be whether to get iOS, android, or windows. The question will be which windows 8 manufacturer to choose. It makes iOS and android look like also-rans

this is easy to say on vaporware that still has no price. and the lack of adoption of wp7 phones will yield little halo effect. of course, i remember something similar being said about the Xoom w/Honeycomb vs the iPad.
Suppose it depends if it's an ARM Win8 tablet or an x86 Win8 tablet. If x86 PC compatible tablet, that could probably cost more than an iPad. Because it would have full PC capabilities.

True but the form factor is what I am thinking about. The biggest plague I see on current Android tablets is the high end ones cost the same as the iPad. I don't see people willing to pay more for a tablet than it cost for the iPad even for more functionality. I could be wrong no doubt but I don't think tablets have been proven well enough as a laptop replacement enough at this point to get the mass public to shell out more than it cost to buy a comparable laptop unless it has the brand (apple) behind it
They could bring a near laptop experience to the table but if it cost more than the iPad they aren't going to sell IMO. Right now the iPad is the gold standard no matter how much better the product you provide is it will be difficult at best to make a dent if you are charging the same or more for it ;)

I think Samsung and HTC learned their lesson with their numerous android efforts. Yes, some manufacturer with engage in lunacy where every single hardware feature is thrown in and you'll get a $1000 tablet, but this will not be the norm.

Mostly though, I expect Window's 8 tabs to show up in iPad pricing territory.

The funny thing is Android was a great training ground for device manufacturers. They've learned a lot about combating the iPad, as has MSFT, which is why I think Windows 8 will succeed where Android failed.
I think Samsung and HTC learned their lesson with their numerous android efforts. Yes, some manufacturer with engage in lunacy where every single hardware feature is thrown in and you'll get a $1000 tablet, but this will not be the norm.

Mostly though, I expect Window's 8 tabs to show up in iPad pricing territory.

The funny thing is Android was a great training ground for device manufacturers. They've learned a lot about combating the iPad, as has MSFT, which is why I think Windows 8 will succeed where Android failed.

Do you have any references of these prices or ideas or are you just pulling them out of your...head...thinking the OEM will not try to compensate for licensing fees they didn't have to pay to use Android?
Do you have any references of these prices or ideas or are you just pulling them out of your...head...thinking the OEM will not try to compensate for licensing fees they didn't have to pay to use Android?

All this is speculation, so lets not pretend your speculation is a divine premonition.

And every OEM knows all too well that coming in north of the iPad is suicidal. The Xoom is the perfect example. Though, it doesn't help that expensive android tablets are blah products.
All this is speculation, so lets not pretend your speculation is a divine premonition.

And every OEM knows all too well that coming in north of the iPad is suicidal. The Xoom is the perfect example. Though, it doesn't help that expensive android tablets are blah products.

No my speculation isn't any better than yours...I can't argue otherwise :D I thought you knew of some article I didn't ;)

Here is my logic

I know it cost to license windows while it doesn't to use Android and OEM are release tabs that cost the same or close to the same as the iPad running Android so I can only assume that is manufacturing cost so and windows tab will cost that much more for the licensing fee...if the release a product that doesn't have specs near comparable to the iPad they know they won't get anywhere...I don't believe they will learn from past mistakes and think if they can bring a superior product to the market they can charge more for it and think it will sell. IMO they will worry too much about profit than about beating the competition as they can't pull an Amazon and make it up after the initial sell and will charge $500+ for an entry level tab.

I could be wrong and you could very well be right. But I think greed will win over sense :)
I think if you get up into the $400-500 price range people are going to buy an iPad. Why wouldn't you? It's popular. It's got an established ecosystem. Then you've got all the Android tablets. All of them offer a different experience, different build quality across different OEMs and different ecosystems in a lot of cases. Android is going to be better if it can under cut Apple.

I don't see Windows 8 tablets being a huge competitor in the market at all. The fact that it's "prettier" or maybe even functions better is completely irrelevant.
I don't see Windows 8 tablets being a huge competitor in the market at all. The fact that it's "prettier" or maybe even functions better is completely irrelevant.

There is a lot to be said for prettier, but I think the user experience is more important, and let's be honest, the user experience on android tablets is merely okay.

The ecosystem is where Windows 8 tablet has the greatest advantage. Once Windows 8 PC becomes the norm, people will be familiar with Metro and will gravitate to the familiar. I think this will extend to PC and phones.

Apple was able to get a halo effect from the bottom up with the iPod. Windows 8 will get its halo effect from the top down from PC's.
Google should have success with that 7 inch Nexus tablet Asus is making for $150. They aren't putting high end hardware in it but at that price point, I would buy one for sure.
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