The updates tend to hit Europe or Asia first.
No SGS2 phones with ICS, as if it's never coming?
Three UK customers: SGS2 Android ICS 4.0 update Phone Reviews
So it begins.
I could point out that everything that you've heard about the next revision being a rumor, but I think I will point out instead that everyone is already working on their next OS release and that typically starts before the current one releases.
I don't understand you getting worked up to the point of harsh language.
For one example only, Sprint made a point to upgrade the Evo 4G last year to Gingerbread before releasing the Evo 3D with it.
Therefore your charge that it's a universal truth that all carriers are out to screw existing customers is false.
And the last point is obvious to many - Google is only responsible for updating the developer version of the Nexus first. Every other model of Android in existence has custom hardware changes from the developer model and it takes time to code things and test them.
If you want variety in hardware, that's Android, updates take time.
If you want a single hardware model without variety and fewer built-in features and slower update cycles on hardware, you want an iDevice, where things are more perfect. Unless you were an iP3gs owner who took the iOS update after the iP4 came out and your Apple device became all but useless until they rushed out a fix.
You're at the point of simply repeating false claims with vitriol as if people don't get your point.
We do. Many of us simply disagree and no amount of hyperbole or harsh language is going to force agreement here.
And if anyone wants to know how the whole licensing model works, who's involved, and how -
Open Handset Alliance
Deciding on the right device for you is a personal choice, there's no wrong answer.
Anyone who can't respect the choices of others might find better threads to hang out in, where your blood pressure stays lower, good heart-healthy advice right there.