But windows style tablets have been around failing for years what suddenly makes consumers want a product like a windows on a tablet they have consistently shown they don't want time and time again?
Perhaps because of several reasons.
While their tablets never set the world on fire, there was a time when a Windows phone was already doing things that the new iPhone couldn't and that the iPhone and Android would take a few years to catch up on.
Fast forward to today - what do many here seem to prefer: a common all-Android or all-iOS device experience for phones and tablets. (Yes, some use both, but I'm not sure what that mix is.)
While many us concentrate on Android vs Apple, there's a third segment out there -
the group who has tried both and is happy with neither.
Now, along comes Microsoft, promising or implying to somehow integrate your Windows experience with a generally common OS for desktops, phones and tablets (the mobile OS won't really be the desktop OS and it will have many limitations compared to Apple and Android devices, but still - think integration).
Personally, I don't think that the Windows tablet will go anywhere on this round. But then again, several years ago I didn't expect that the HTC G1 would lead the wave to supplant iPhones, either.
Microsoft has a huge war chest, access to Nokia hardware, and a need to win in the mobile device market. If their management gets it together on what really works for people and what we all want, this market could change so fast our heads will spin. Just like when we laughed when the XBox first came out.
In my opinion.