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Apple suing HTC

The problem is, that it's EXACTLY about patenting ideas.

I hate to be behind Apple, but they missed this boat when they let Windows go 20+ years ago, without suing.

They've invented virtually the ENTIRETY of the ideas relating to how we interface with computers and our Android phones.

Apple 'invented' little. They borrowed pretty much all of it from Xerox. GUI, mouse, windows, e-mail, a lot. Check out "Dealers of Lightning". Microsoft did it too, with a bit less chest thumping.
Actually Apple stole all those great ideas from Xerox back in 1970 so they couldn't have sued Microsoft if they had wanted to. Xerox PARC came up with all Apples supposed inventions like the GUI and mouse. Apple was just the first to use them in a pc but they did not invent anything. Steve Jobs had actually visited Xerox PARC at the time he and Woz were developing their first computer and then took the ideas they saw there and made them their own. Same thing with touch screens, someone else came up with it before Apple ever thought of it.

I should have read to the end before replying.

BTW, I believe that there's actually a patent battle going on between Apple and Microsoft over who invented the ipod interface.
ill never give apple another single dollar EVER AGAIN. Didn't apple copy someone's idea to make a cell phone? You don't hear the inventor of cell phones crying apple made a cell phone.
Mb someone already said this, I didn't see it posted. Correct me if I'm wrong but htc is a hardware company. Apple's complaints seem more with the software. Microsoft and Google owned AndRoid. But apple wants to take on lIl htc. HUM wonder why. Microsoft is worth 250 billion. Google 175 billion. GOOD DECISION APPLE.
Microsoft.......and (google owned) of coarse they dont. Htc most ly uses two platforms one owned by google one owned by ms. right?
Speculation is that Apple is going after the HTC Eris first because HTC doesn't have very deep pockets. If Apple wins that lawsuit they will have set precedence and then can go after Motorola for the Droid.

My hope is that Google and or Verizon will file as a friend of the court and help HTC out of this. If they don't then it will potentially have a severe impact on the Android market.
Microsoft.......and (google owned) of coarse they dont. Htc most ly uses two platforms one owned by google one owned by ms. right?
Oh sorry, I thought you meant MS owned part of Android not referring to what HTC sells. My fault. :)
Im sick of apples cocky attitude lately. I love hTC and recently got into the android and love that 2. I think what we should do as the consumer is do a massive research to find out exactly what patient infringements apple is doing and contact the holder of the patients and tell them to sue the hell out of apple. Second get everyone to NOT buy a single apple product and get 20 friends to follow suite. Then when that is done, everyone get together and get those damn patient office to make people more specific on there inventions and not hand out vague thoughts. Seems to me that apple steals other peoples inventions and put them as there own and then patients them and sues anyone who dares to use it. Apple is like the mark of the beast. They are dictators with a stick up there A**.

Im all for protecting rights, but im also for innovation. i should patient any form of communication between two people using a device. WOW im apple now so vague and then sue them.
I don't think there has been a change in Apple lately. They are as arrogant as they have always been.

If HTC did infringe on their intellectual property then I would fully support Apple in protecting their rights, I don't however believe for a second that any of it is true.
Does anybody have an idea of how this lawsuit will affect the release of HTC phones in the near-term? Will AT&T still be able to release the HTC Desire or Sprint be able to release the HTC Supersonic?

My fear is that the lawsuit will delay the release of these phones, but maybe not.

I have to admit that I don't know anything about it, but will Apple have to prove to a court that HTC is actually in violation before some kind of injunction will stop them in their tracks? Will HTC be able to move forward until an injunction of some kind is brought against them?

After reading through all the posts, I'm not sure anyone else has asked or answered these questions, but I apologize if they have already been dealt with.
the hell with apple in my opinion they shouldnt even be making phones the iphone hasnt changed really much at all since it was originally released. And htc phones are amazing .
Until the case goes to court any carrier can continue to sell the phones. Furthermore if it was found that HTC did violate Apple's intellectual property, they could always settle out of court or pay to license the technologies in question.
Apple was so busy with their new I(maxi)pad they didn't realize their ONE phone was getting its ass kicked by htc s gang of phones coming out w snapdragon processors. People want a selection, apple you got ONE phone, an I don't like that one so what else you got?
Welcome cv56live. This is an awesome forum. Ima semi-noob here but already addicted. A lot of people here know a lot of stuff.

Even though Ford did not hold the original patent, I see the similarity of him to Jobs. Both brilliant guys, but they wanted to stop further innovation and competition, and fortunately, they did not prevail. Can you imagine how consumers would have been hurt if the automobile patent had held up in court? I can't help the feeling that Jobs is saying to me, "I'm brilliant. I invented all of these things. I will decide what you need and how much you will pay for it."
Until the case goes to court any carrier can continue to sell the phones. Furthermore if it was found that HTC did violate Apple's intellectual property, they could always settle out of court or pay to license the technologies in question.

Apple has stated that they will NOT license the technology. They are trying to force competitors to stop selling the phones.
everyone get together and get those damn patient office to make people more specific on there inventions and not hand out vague thoughts..

How can anyone patent doing anything by a gesture using a touchscreen?

I mean seriously... if you are using a touchscreen, there is no other way to do anything, other than a gesture.

It's like patenting opening a program by clicking when using a mouse...

how else ARE you going to open the program when using the mouse?
I Believe this will end with changes being made at the patent office. One can only hope justice will prevail. The judge will prob be rockin a droid. Ha
Let's face it Apple and HTC, what do we have against them like Apple have's the iPhone and HTC have's the HTC Hero etc, What can we say about that?
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